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def test_sun(plot=False):
b = phoebe.default_star(starA='sun')
b.set_value('teff', 1.0*u.solTeff)
b.set_value('rpole', 1.0*u.solRad)
b.set_value('mass', 1.0*u.solMass)
b.set_value('period', 24.47*u.d)
b.set_value('incl', 23.5*u.deg)
b.set_value('distance', 1.0*u.AU)
assert(b.get_value('teff', u.K)==5772)
assert(b.get_value('rpole', u.solRad)==1.0)
assert(b.get_value('mass', u.solMass)==1.0)
assert(b.get_value('period', u.d)==24.47)
assert(b.get_value('incl', u.deg)==23.5)
assert(b.get_value('distance', u.m)==1.0*
b.add_dataset('lc', pblum=1*u.solLum)
set to True.
kwargs.setdefault('check_visible', False)
kwargs.setdefault('check_default', False)
computeps = b.get_compute(compute, force_ps=True, **_skip_filter_checks)
ltte = computeps.get_value('ltte', **kwargs)
# make sure times is an array and not a list
times = np.array(times)
vgamma = b.get_value('vgamma', context='system', unit=u.solRad/u.d, **_skip_filter_checks)
t0 = b.get_value('t0', context='system', unit=u.d, **_skip_filter_checks)
hier = b.hierarchy
starrefs = hier.get_stars()
orbitrefs = hier.get_orbits()
s = b.filter(context='component', **_skip_filter_checks)
periods, eccs, smas, t0_perpasses, per0s, long_ans, incls, dpdts, \
deccdts, dperdts, components = [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]
for component in starrefs:
# we need to build a list of all orbitlabels underwhich this component
# belongs. For a simple binary this is just the parent, but for hierarchical
# systems we need to get the labels of the outer-orbits as well
def _true_anom_to_phase(true_anom, period, ecc, per0):
TODO: add documentation
phshift = 0
mean_anom = true_anom - (ecc*sin(true_anom))*u.deg
Phi = (mean_anom + per0) / (360*u.deg) - 1./4
# phase = Phi - (phshift - 0.25 + per0/(360*u.deg)) * period
phase = (Phi*u.d - (phshift - 0.25 + per0/(360*u.deg)) * period)*(u.cycle/u.d)
return phase
hier = b.hierarchy
for i,comp in enumerate(components):
c_times = np.array([])
c_rvs = np.array([])
c_sigmas = np.array([])
for dataset in datasets:
rvc_ps = b.get_dataset(dataset=dataset, component=comp, **_skip_filter_checks)
rvc_rvs = rvc_ps.get_value(qualifier='rvs',, **_skip_filter_checks)
if not len(rvc_rvs):
# then no observations here
rvc_times = rvc_ps.get_value(qualifier='times', unit=u.d, **_skip_filter_checks)
if len(rvc_rvs) != len(rvc_times):
raise ValueError("rv@{}@{} does not match length of times@{}@{}".format(comp, dataset, comp, dataset))
rvc_sigmas = rvc_ps.get_value(qualifier='sigmas',, **_skip_filter_checks)
if not len(rvc_sigmas):
rvc_sigmas = np.full_like(rvc_rvs, fill_value=np.nan)
mask_enabled = b.get_value(qualifier='mask_enabled', dataset=dataset, default=False, **_skip_filter_checks)
if mask and mask_enabled:
mask_phases = b.get_value(qualifier='mask_phases', dataset=dataset, **_skip_filter_checks)
if len(mask_phases):
logger.warning("applying mask_phases - set mask_enabled=False to disable")
mask_t0 = b.get_value(qualifier='phases_t0', dataset=dataset, **_skip_filter_checks)
phases_for_mask = b.to_phase(rvc_times, component=None, t0=mask_t0)
inds = phase_mask_inds(phases_for_mask, mask_phases)
# now pull general compute options
if compute is not None:
if isinstance(compute, str):
compute_ps = b.get_compute(compute, check_visible=False)
# then hopefully compute is the parameterset
compute_ps = compute
eclipse_method = compute_ps.get_value(qualifier='eclipse_method', **kwargs)
horizon_method = compute_ps.get_value(qualifier='horizon_method', check_visible=False, **kwargs)
dynamics_method = compute_ps.get_value(qualifier='dynamics_method', **kwargs)
irrad_method = compute_ps.get_value(qualifier='irrad_method', **kwargs)
boosting_method = compute_ps.get_value(qualifier='boosting_method', **kwargs)
if conf.devel:
mesh_init_phi = compute_ps.get_value(qualifier='mesh_init_phi', unit=u.rad, **kwargs)
mesh_init_phi = 0.0
eclipse_method = 'native'
horizon_method = 'boolean'
dynamics_method = 'keplerian'
irrad_method = 'none'
boosting_method = 'none'
mesh_init_phi = 0.0
# NOTE: here we use globals()[Classname] because getattr doesn't work in
# the current module - now this doesn't really make sense since we only
# support stars, but eventually the classname could be Disk, Spot, etc
if 'dynamics_method' in kwargs.keys():
# already set as default above
_dump = kwargs.pop('dynamics_method')
primary component.
* `mean_anom` (float/quantity, optional): mean anomaly.
* `incl` (float/quantity, optional): orbital inclination.
* `q` (float, optional): mass ratio.
* `sma` (float/quantity, optional): semi-major axis of the orbit.
* `long_an` (float/quantity, optional): longitude of the ascending node.
* (, list): ParameterSet of all newly created
objects and a list of all necessary
params = []
params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='period', timederiv='dpdt', value=kwargs.get('period', 1.0), default_unit=u.d, limits=(1e-6,None), description='Orbital period')]
params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='freq', value=kwargs.get('freq', 2*np.pi/3.0), default_unit=u.rad/u.d, advanced=True, description='Orbital frequency')]
params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='dpdt', value=kwargs.get('dpdt', 0.0), default_unit=u.s/u.yr, advanced=True, description='Time derivative of orbital period')]
params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='per0', timederiv='dperdt', value=kwargs.get('per0', 0.0), default_unit=u.deg, description='Argument of periastron')]
params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='dperdt', value=kwargs.get('dperdt', 0.0), default_unit=u.deg/u.yr, advanced=True, description='Periastron change')]
params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='ecc', timederiv='deccdt', value=kwargs.get('ecc', 0.0), default_unit=u.dimensionless_unscaled, limits=(0.0,0.999999), description='Eccentricity')]
# if conf.devel:
# NOTE: if adding this back in, will need to update the t0_* constraints in and re-enable in parameters.HierarchyParameter.is_time_dependent
# params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='deccdt', value=kwargs.get('deccdt', 0.0), default_unit=u.dimensionless_unscaled/u.d, advanced=True, description='Eccentricity change')]
params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='t0_perpass', value=kwargs.get('t0_perpass', 0.0), default_unit=u.d, description='Zeropoint date at periastron passage of the primary component')] # TODO: d vs JD
params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='t0_supconj', value=kwargs.get('t0_supconj', 0.0), default_unit=u.d, description='Zeropoint date at superior conjunction of the primary component')] # TODO: d vs JD
params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='t0_ref', value=kwargs.get('t0_ref', 0.0), default_unit=u.d, description='Zeropoint date at reference point for the primary component')]
params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='mean_anom', value=kwargs.get('mean_anom', 0.0), default_unit=u.deg, advanced=True, description='Mean anomaly at t0@system')]
#params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='ph_perpass', value=kwargs.get('ph_perpass', 0.0), default_unit=u.cycle, description='Phase at periastron passage')]
#params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='ph_supconj', value=kwargs.get('ph_supconj', 0.0), default_unit=u.cycle, description='Phase at superior conjunction')]
#params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='ph_infconj', value=kwargs.get('ph_infconj', 0.0), default_unit=u.cycle, description='Phase at inferior conjunction')]
#params += [FloatParameter(qualifier='t0_ph0', value=kwargs.get('t0_ph0', 0.0), default_unit=u.d, description='Zeropoint to anchor at phase=0.0')] # TODO: d vs JD
compute = kwargs.get('compute')
starrefs = kwargs.get('starrefs')
orbitrefs = kwargs.get('orbitrefs')
step_size = kwargs.get('step_size')
orbit_error = kwargs.get('orbit_error')
time0 = kwargs.get('time0')
# write the input file
# TODO: need to use TemporaryFiles to be MPI safe
fi = open('_tmp_pd_inp', 'w')
fi.write('{} {}\n'.format(len(starrefs), time0))
fi.write('{} {}\n'.format(step_size, orbit_error))
fi.write(' '.join([str(b.get_value(qualifier='mass', component=star,
context='component', unit=u.solMass) *'AU3 / (Msun d2)').value)
for star in starrefs])+'\n') # GM
fi.write(' '.join([str(b.get_value(qualifier='requiv', component=star,
context='component', unit=u.AU))
for star in starrefs])+'\n')
if info['kind'] == 'lc':
# TODO: this will make two meshing calls, let's create and extract from the dictionary instead, or use set_value=True
pblums = [b.get_value(qualifier='pblum', dataset=info['dataset'], component=starref, unit=u.W, check_visible=False) for starref in starrefs]
u1s, u2s = [], []
for star in starrefs:
if b.get_value(qualifier='ld_func', component=star, dataset=info['dataset'], context='dataset') == 'quadratic':
ld_coeffs = b.get_value(qualifier='ld_coeffs', component=star, dataset=info['dataset'], context='dataset', check_visible=False)
# TODO: can we still interpolate for quadratic manually using b.compute_ld_coeffs?
(`times` is defined at the mid-exposure).
Only applicable if `syn` is False and `is_lc` is True.
* ( or list, list): ParameterSet (if `as_ps`)
or list of all newly created
objects and a list of all necessary
params, constraints = [], []
if is_lc:
params += [FloatArrayParameter(qualifier='times', value=kwargs.get('times', []), default_unit=u.d, description='Model (synthetic) times' if syn else 'Observed times')]
params += [FloatArrayParameter(qualifier='fluxes', value=_empty_array(kwargs, 'fluxes'), default_unit=u.W/u.m**2, description='Model (synthetic) flux' if syn else 'Observed flux')]
if not syn:
# TODO: should we move all limb-darkening to compute options since
# not all backends support interp (and lookup is atm-dependent)
params += [ChoiceParameter(qualifier='ld_mode', copy_for={'kind': ['star'], 'component': '*'}, component='_default',
value=kwargs.get('ld_mode', 'interp'), choices=['interp', 'lookup', 'manual'],
description='Mode to use for limb-darkening')]
params += [ChoiceParameter(visible_if='ld_mode:lookup|manual', qualifier='ld_func',
copy_for={'kind': ['star'], 'component': '*'}, component='_default',
value=kwargs.get('ld_func', 'logarithmic'), choices=_ld_func_choices,
description='Limb darkening model')]
params += [ChoiceParameter(visible_if='ld_mode:lookup', qualifier='ld_coeffs_source',
copy_for={'kind': ['star'], 'component': '*'}, component='_default',
value=kwargs.get('ld_coeffs_source', 'auto'), choices=_ld_coeffs_source_choices,
spots_1=None, spots_2=None,
# fill packets
packetlist = []
rvs = rvs1 if b.hierarchy.get_primary_or_secondary(info['component'])=='primary' else rvs2
raise TypeError("ellc only supports 'lc' and 'rv' datasets")
return packetlist
# if 'cosbetas' in info['mesh_columns']:
# this_syn.set_value(time=time, qualifier='cosbetas', value=mesh['csbt{}'.format(cind)])
# if 'areas' in info['mesh_columns']:
# TODO: compute and store areas from glump
if 'loggs' in info['mesh_columns']:
if 'teffs' in info['mesh_columns']:
# now we'll loop over the passband-datasets with requested columns
for mesh_kind, mesh_dataset in zip(info['mesh_kinds'], info['mesh_datasets']):
# print "*** legacy mesh pb", info['dataset'], mesh_dataset, mesh_kind
if mesh_kind == 'lc':
lcind = lcinds[mesh_dataset]
for time in info['times']:
flux, mesh =,), lcind, True)
if 'abs_normal_intensities@{}'.format(mesh_dataset) in info['mesh_columns']: