How to use the phoebe.ParameterSet function in phoebe

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import time
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import phoebe

logger = phoebe.get_basic_logger()

c0 = time.time()

# Parameter preparation
# ---------------------

# Create a :ref:`star ParameterSet ` with parameters
# matching the Sun, but make a fine-enough mesh. Also, the rotation period is
# set to almost 90% of the Sun's critical rotation period.
star = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='star')
star['atm'] = 'blackbody'
star['ld_func'] = 'linear'
star['ld_coeffs'] = [0.6]
star['rotperiod'] = 0.24,'d'
star['shape'] = 'sphere'
star['teff'] = 10000.
star['radius'] = 1.0,'Rsol'

mesh = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='mesh:marching')
mesh['delta'] = 0.05

# These are the parameters for the calculation of the :ref:`spectrum `. We assume the
# spectral line is in the visual region, and use a linear limb darkening law.
spdep1 = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='spdep')
spdep1['ld_func'] = 'linear'
spdep1['atm'] = 'blackbody'
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spdep1 = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='spdep')
    spdep1['ld_func'] = 'linear'
    spdep1['atm'] = 'blackbody'
    spdep1['ld_coeffs'] = [0.6]
    spdep1['passband'] = 'JOHNSON.V'
    spdep1['method'] = 'numerical'
    spdep1['ref'] = 'Numerical'

    spdep2 = spdep1.copy()
    spdep2['method'] = 'analytical'
    spdep2['ref'] = 'Via convolution'

    wavelengths = np.linspace(399.7, 400.3, 1000)
    spobs1 = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='spobs', ref=spdep1['ref'], wavelength=wavelengths)
    spobs2 = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='spobs', ref=spdep2['ref'], wavelength=wavelengths)

    mesh1 = phoebe.Star(star, mesh, pbdep=[spdep1, spdep2])



    result1 = mesh1.get_synthetic(category='sp',ref=0)
    result2 = mesh1.get_synthetic(category='sp',ref=1)

    flux1 = np.array(result1['flux'][0])/np.array(result1['continuum'][0])
    flux2 = np.array(result2['flux'][0])/np.array(result2['continuum'][0])

    if not from_main:
        assert (np.all(np.abs((flux1-flux2)/flux1)<=0.00061))
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#-- setup MPI stuff: check which host the script is running on. If it is
    #   clusty and we can readily find a hosts file, we fill in the MPI parameter
    #   set.
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    if hostname=='clusty':
        hostfile = os.path.expanduser('~/mpi/hosts')
        print("Running on Clusty, trying to load hostfile {}".format(hostfile)) 
        if not os.path.isfile(hostfile):
            print("Cannot load hostfile {} (file does not exist), falling back to defaults".format(hostfile))
            mpi = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='mpi',np=24,hostfile=hostfile,
    #-- If the hostname isn't clusty, we're probably running on a normal computer
    #   in that case, just take the number of available processes.
        mpi = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='mpi',np=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    return mpi
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The priors are set for each `real` parameter: we set the inclination and
potential values to have a normal distribution, and the eccentricity to have
a uniform distribution.

# You might wonder what the purpose is for setting priors for parameters if we
# want to use a regular nonlinear fitting routine. The reason is twofold: one
# is to tell the code we want to fit it, and the other is that the nonlinear
# fitting routines accept boundaries for the values. If you don't want to use
# these boundaries (they may influence the error determination considerably), you
# need to set ``bounded=False`` in the parameterSet controlling the properties
# of the fit:
fitparams = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='fitting:lmfit',method='leastsq',bounded=True, iters=1)


Printing this parameterSet reveals the following parameters::
        method leastsq                               --   phoebe Nonlinear fitting method
         iters 0                                     --   phoebe Number of iterations
         label c8b61573-a686-4886-aef9-d2d0a3846c93  --   phoebe Fit run name
    compute_ci False                                 --   phoebe Compute detailed confidence intervals
       bounded True                                  --   phoebe Include boundaries in fit
      feedback {:}                                   --   phoebe Results from fitting procedure

The type of nonlinear fitting algorithm is given by ``method``, and you can
give an additional label for easy reference. If you set ``iters=0``, the algorithm
will be run just once starting from the current values (i.e. the once we've
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from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import phoebe
from phoebe.backend import observatory
from phoebe.utils import plotlib

logger = phoebe.get_basic_logger(clevel='INFO')
c0 = time.time()

# Parameter preparation
# ---------------------
incl = 75.,'deg'
long = 30.,'deg'
# Create a ParameterSet representing a pulsating star
pstar = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe',context='star',add_constraints=True)
pstar['teff'] = 10000.
pstar['incl'] = incl
pstar['long'] = long
pstar['radius'] = 4.5,'Rsol'
pstar['mass'] = 3.0,'Msol'
pstar['rotperiod'] = 10.,'d'
pstar['shape'] = 'sphere'
pstar['atm'] = 'kurucz'
pstar['ld_coeffs'] = 'kurucz'
pstar['ld_func'] = 'claret'
pstar['label'] = 'Pulsating Star'
mesh1 = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='mesh:marching',alg='c')
mesh1['delta'] = 0.1

# Create a ParameterSet with Parameters for the pulsation mode
freq_pars1 = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe',context='puls',add_constraints=True)
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freq_pars1['ampl'] = 0.01
freq_pars1['k'] = 0.0
freq_pars1['l'] = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv)>1 else 4
freq_pars1['m'] = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv)>2 else 4
freq_pars1['ledoux_coeff'] = 0.1585
freq_pars1['amplteff'] = 0.01
freq_pars1['scheme'] = 'nonrotating'

# Create a ParameterSet with parameters for the light curve
lcdep1 = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='lcdep',ref='light curve')
lcdep1['ld_func'] = 'claret'
lcdep1['ld_coeffs'] = 'kurucz'
lcdep1['atm'] = 'kurucz'

# Create a parameterSet with parameters for the spectra
spdep1 = phoebe.ParameterSet(context='spdep',ref='line profile')
spdep1['ld_func'] = 'claret'
spdep1['ld_coeffs'] = 'kurucz'
spdep1['atm'] = 'kurucz'

name = ""

# Computation of observables
# --------------------------

# Compute the light curve and spectra

name = 'pulsating_star_{0}rot_l{1:d}m{2:d}_{3}'.format((np.isinf(lac['rotperiod']) and 'no' or 'w'),freq_pars1['l'],freq_pars1['m'],name)

def extra_func(system,time,i_time):
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# Create a ParameterSet with parameters matching Vega. The bolometric atmosphere
# and limb darkening coefficients are set the Kurucz and Claret models.
vega = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe', context='star', label='True Vega',
vega['teff'] = 8900, 'K'
vega['mass'] = 2.3, 'Msol'
vega['radius'] = 2.26, 'Rsol'
vega['rotperiod'] = 12.5, 'h'
vega['gravb'] = 1.
vega['incl'] = 4.7, 'deg'
vega['ld_func'] = 'claret'
vega['atm'] = 'kurucz'
vega['ld_coeffs'] = 'kurucz'

globs = phoebe.ParameterSet('position')
globs['distance'] = 7.756, 'pc'

# We want to compute interferometric visibilities in the K band:
ifdep1 = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe', context='ifdep', ref='Fast rotator')
ifdep1['ld_func'] = 'claret'
ifdep1['ld_coeffs'] = 'kurucz'
ifdep1['atm']= 'kurucz'
ifdep1['passband'] = '2MASS.KS'

mesh = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe', context='mesh:marching', alg='c')
mesh['delta'] = 0.1

# Next, wee'll make a Star similar to Vega but that is not a rapid rotator:
# We'll make uniform disk model and power-law limbdarkened disk on a
# non-rotating star. Note that we scale the radius of the stars according to the
# fitted angular diameter of Aufdenberg. That is, we add a constraint on the
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star['long'] = 20, 'deg'
star['mass'] = 14.,'Msol'
star['radius'] = 6.4,'Rsol'
star['vgamma'] = 7.632287,'km/s'

# Just for fun, also add the parallax, the surface gravity and vsini (and define
# a mesh).

mesh = phoebe.PS('mesh:marching',delta=0.05, alg='c')

# For the parameters of the pulsation mode, we're inspired by [Telting1997]_:
freq1 = phoebe.ParameterSet('puls',freq=  5.24965427519,phase=0.122545,ampl=0.10525/50.,l=3,m=2,amplteff=0.01)

# For the parameters of the magnetic dipole, we take guesses from our own
# research:
mag_field = phoebe.PS('magnetic_field')
mag_field['Bpolar'] = 276.01,'G'
mag_field['beta'] = 61.29,'deg'
mag_field['phi0'] = 80.522,'deg'

# Fake some observations, and specify the passband dependent parameters.
plobs = datasets.PLDataSet(time=np.linspace(0, 0.5*star['rotperiod'], 500),
                           wavelength=np.linspace(399.92,400.08,500), ref='mylsd',

pldep = phoebe.ParameterSet('pldep',ref='mylsd', weak_field=False,
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# Next, create the parameters of the uniform source. This includes a parameter
# that sets the density of the mesh, and also the radius of the secondary
# sphere, because we will need that in the computation of the analytical flux.
# The second sphere will have a radius half of the primary.    
sphere1 = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe',context='star',add_constraints=True)
sphere1['radius'] = 1.,'Rsol'
sphere1['teff'] = 5777.,'K'
sphere1['atm'] = 'kurucz'
sphere1['ld_func'] = 'claret'
sphere1['ld_coeffs'] = 'kurucz'
sphere1['rotperiod'] = 5.,'d'
sphere1['shape'] = 'equipot'
sphere1['incl'] = 0.

mesh1 = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe',context='mesh:marching',alg='c')
mesh1['delta'] = 0.05

# To compute light curves, the parameters for to compute the light curve have
# to be given. We compute the light curve analytically and numerically, so two
# sets are necessary.
lcdep1a = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe',context='lcdep')
lcdep1a['ld_func'] = 'claret'
lcdep1a['ld_coeffs'] = 'kurucz'
lcdep1a['atm'] = 'kurucz'
lcdep1a['ref'] = 'SDSS.GP'
lcdep1a['passband'] = 'SDSS.GP'

lcdep1b = lcdep1a.copy()
lcdep1b['ref'] = 'SDSS.RP'
lcdep1b['passband'] = 'SDSS.RP'
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# to be given. We compute the light curve analytically and numerically, so two
# sets are necessary.
lcdep1a = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe',context='lcdep')
lcdep1a['ld_func'] = 'claret'
lcdep1a['ld_coeffs'] = 'kurucz'
lcdep1a['atm'] = 'kurucz'
lcdep1a['ref'] = 'SDSS.GP'
lcdep1a['passband'] = 'SDSS.GP'

lcdep1b = lcdep1a.copy()
lcdep1b['ref'] = 'SDSS.RP'
lcdep1b['passband'] = 'SDSS.RP'

# The secondary sphere is a dark sphere. We set its temperature equal to zero
# Kelvin.
sphere2 = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe',context='star',add_constraints=True)
sphere2['radius'] = 1,'Rjup'
sphere2['teff'] = 0,'K'
sphere2['atm'] = 'blackbody'
sphere2['incl'] = 0.
sphere2['rotperiod'] = np.inf
sphere2['ld_func'] = 'uniform'
sphere2['ld_coeffs'] = [1]
sphere2.add_constraint('{radius2} = %.6g'%(sphere1.get_value('radius','m')))

mesh2 = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe',context='mesh:marching')
mesh2['delta'] = 0.1

ps = phoebe.ParameterSet(frame='phoebe',context='orbit',add_constraints=True,c1label=sphere1['label'],c2label=sphere2['label'])
ps['sma'] = 5.

# Body setup