How to use the pathos.helpers.cpu_count function in pathos

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github uqfoundation / pyina / pyina / View on Github external
of nodes from the associated scheduler, and failing will count the local cpus.
If workdir is not given, will default to scheduler's workdir or $WORKDIR.
If scheduler is not given, will default to only run on the current node.
If pickle is not given, will attempt to minimially use TemporaryFiles.

For more details, see the docstrings for the "map" method, or the man page
for the associated launcher (e.g mpirun, mpiexec).
        Mapper.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
        self.scatter = bool(kwds.get('scatter', False)) #XXX: hang w/ nodes=1 ?
       #self.nodes = kwds.get('nodes', None)
        if not len(args) and 'nodes' not in kwds:
            if self.scheduler:
                self.nodes = self.scheduler.nodes
                self.nodes = cpu_count()
    if AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__: __init__.__doc__ = AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__ + __init__.__doc__
github swansonk14 / p_tqdm / p_tqdm / View on Github external
to each element of the given arrays in
        parallel in order with a progress bar.

    # Convert tuple to list
    arrays = list(arrays)

    # Extract kwargs
    num_cpus = kwargs.get('num_cpus', None)
    num_iter = kwargs.get('num_iter', 1)

    # Determine num_cpus
    if num_cpus is None:
        num_cpus = cpu_count()
    elif type(num_cpus) == float:
        num_cpus = int(round(num_cpus * cpu_count()))

    # Determine num_iter when at least one list is present
    if any([type(array) == list for array in arrays]):
        num_iter = max([len(array) for array in arrays if type(array) == list])

    # Convert single variables to lists
    # and confirm lists are same length
    for i, array in enumerate(arrays):
        if type(array) != list:
            arrays[i] = [array for _ in range(num_iter)]
            assert len(array) == num_iter

    # Create parallel iterator
    map_type = 'imap' if ordered else 'uimap'
    iterator = tqdm(getattr(Pool(num_cpus), map_type)(function, *arrays),
github swansonk14 / p_tqdm / p_tqdm / View on Github external
function(Callable): The function to apply to each element of the given Iterables.
        iterables(Tuple[Iterable]): One or more Iterables containing the data to be mapped.

        A generator which will apply the function to each element of the given Iterables
        in parallel in order with a progress bar.

    # Extract num_cpus
    num_cpus = kwargs.pop('num_cpus', None)

    # Determine num_cpus
    if num_cpus is None:
        num_cpus = cpu_count()
    elif type(num_cpus) == float:
        num_cpus = int(round(num_cpus * cpu_count()))

    # Determine length of tqdm (equal to length of shortest iterable)
    length = min(len(iterable) for iterable in iterables if isinstance(iterable, Sized))

    # Create parallel generator
    map_type = 'imap' if ordered else 'uimap'
    pool = Pool(num_cpus)
    map_func = getattr(pool, map_type)

    for item in tqdm(map_func(function, *iterables), total=length, **kwargs):
        yield item

github uqfoundation / pathos / pathos / View on Github external
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        """\nNOTE: if number of nodes is not given, will autodetect processors
        hasnodes = 'nodes' in kwds; arglen = len(args)
        if 'ncpus' in kwds and (hasnodes or arglen):
            msg = "got multiple values for keyword argument 'ncpus'"
            raise TypeError(msg)
        elif hasnodes: #XXX: multiple try/except is faster?
            if arglen:
                msg = "got multiple values for keyword argument 'nodes'"
                raise TypeError(msg)
            kwds['ncpus'] = kwds.pop('nodes')
        elif arglen:
            kwds['ncpus'] = args[0]
        self.__nodes = kwds.get('ncpus', cpu_count())

        # Create an identifier for the pool
        self._id = 'pool'

        # Create a new server if one isn't already initialized
    if AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__: __init__.__doc__ = AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__ + __init__.__doc__
github swansonk14 / p_tqdm / p_tqdm / View on Github external
        An iterator which will apply the function
        to each element of the given arrays in
        parallel in order with a progress bar.

    # Convert tuple to list
    arrays = list(arrays)

    # Extract kwargs
    num_cpus = kwargs.get('num_cpus', None)
    num_iter = kwargs.get('num_iter', 1)

    # Determine num_cpus
    if num_cpus is None:
        num_cpus = cpu_count()
    elif type(num_cpus) == float:
        num_cpus = int(round(num_cpus * cpu_count()))

    # Determine num_iter when at least one list is present
    if any([type(array) == list for array in arrays]):
        num_iter = max([len(array) for array in arrays if type(array) == list])

    # Convert single variables to lists
    # and confirm lists are same length
    for i, array in enumerate(arrays):
        if type(array) != list:
            arrays[i] = [array for _ in range(num_iter)]
            assert len(array) == num_iter

    # Create parallel iterator
github OstapHEP / ostap / ostap / parallel / View on Github external
def __init__( self                     ,
                  ncpus     = 'autodetect' ,
                  ppservers = ()           ,
                  silent    = False        , **kwargs ) :

        if   isinstance ( ncpus , int ) and 0 <= ncpus : self.ncpus = ncpus
        else :
            from pathos.helpers import cpu_count
            self.ncpus = cpu_count ()
        self.__ppservers = ()
        self.__locals    = ()
        self.__pool      = ()
        import socket
        local_host = socket.getfqdn ().lower()  
        from ostap.core.ostap_types    import string_types 
        if isinstance ( ppservers , string_types ) and ppservers.lower() in ( 'config' , 'auto' ) : 
            from ostap.parallel.utils import get_ppservers
            ppservers = get_ppservers ( local_host )

        if ppservers :

            ## remove duplicates (if any) 
github uqfoundation / pathos / pathos / View on Github external
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        """\nNOTE: if number of nodes is not given, will autodetect processors
        hasnodes = 'nodes' in kwds; arglen = len(args)
        if 'nthreads' in kwds and (hasnodes or arglen):
            msg = "got multiple values for keyword argument 'nthreads'"
            raise TypeError(msg)
        elif hasnodes: #XXX: multiple try/except is faster?
            if arglen:
                msg = "got multiple values for keyword argument 'nodes'"
                raise TypeError(msg)
            kwds['nthreads'] = kwds.pop('nodes')
        elif arglen:
            kwds['nthreads'] = args[0]
        self.__nodes = kwds.get('nthreads', cpu_count())

        # Create an identifier for the pool
        self._id = 'threads'

        # Create a new server if one isn't already initialized
    if AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__: __init__.__doc__ = AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__ + __init__.__doc__
github tzuhsial / edgar-10k-mda / View on Github external
                    # Parse html with Beautiful Soup
                    soup = BeautifulSoup( r.content, "html.parser" )
                    text = soup.get_text("\n")

                    # Process Text
                    text = self._process_text(text)
                    text_path = os.path.join(self.txt_dir,fname + '.txt')

                    # Write to file
                    with,'w',encoding='utf-8') as fout:
                except BaseException as e:
                    print("{} parsing failed: {}".format(url,e))

        ncpus = cpu_count() if cpu_count() <= 8 else 8;
        pool = ProcessPool( ncpus ) download_job,
                    iter_path_generator(index_path) )
github uqfoundation / pathos / pathos / View on Github external
if nodes in ['*']: nodes = 'autodetect'
        if servers is None:
            servers = tuple(sorted(self.__servers)) # no servers is ()
        elif servers in ['*', 'autodetect']: servers = ('*',)
        # if no server, create one
        _pool = __STATE.get(self._id, None)
        if not _pool:
            _pool = pp.Server(ppservers=servers)
        # convert to form returned by pp.Server, then compare
        _auto = [('*',)] if _pool.auto_ppservers else []
        _servers = sorted(_pool.ppservers + _auto)
        _servers = tuple(':'.join((str(i) for i in tup)) for tup in _servers)
        if servers != _servers: #XXX: assume servers specifies ports if desired
            _pool = pp.Server(ppservers=servers)
        # convert to form returned by pp.Server, then compare
        _nodes = cpu_count() if nodes=='autodetect' else nodes
        if _nodes != _pool.get_ncpus():
            _pool.set_ncpus(nodes) # allows ncpus=0
        # set (or 'repoint') the server
        __STATE[self._id] = _pool
        # set the 'self' internals
        self.__nodes = None if nodes in ['autodetect'] else nodes
        self.__servers = servers
        return _pool
    def _clear(self): #XXX: should be STATE method; use id