How to use the pathos.abstract_launcher.AbstractWorkerPool.__init__ function in pathos

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from import isoseconds
                self.timeout = isoseconds(self.scheduler.timelimit)
                from numpy import inf
                self.timeout = inf  #XXX: better than defaults.timelimit ?
        elif isinstance(self.timeout, str):
            from import isoseconds
            self.timeout = isoseconds(self.timeout)
        if self.workdir == None:
            if self.scheduler:
                self.workdir = self.scheduler.workdir
                self.workdir = os.environ.get('WORKDIR', os.path.curdir)
        self.workdir = os.path.abspath(self.workdir)
    if AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__: __init__.__doc__ = AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__ + __init__.__doc__
    def __settings(self):
        """apply default settings, then update with given settings"""
        env = defaults.copy()
        [env.update({k:v}) for (k,v) in self.__dict__.items() if k in defaults]
        [env.update({'nodes':v}) for (k,v) in self.__dict__.items() if k.endswith('nodes')] # deal with self.__nodes
        return env
    def __launch(self, command):
        """launch mechanism for prepared launch command"""
        executable = command.split("|")[-1].split()[0]
        from pox import which
        if not which(executable):
            raise IOError("launch failed: %s not found" % executable)
        return Popen([command], shell=True) #FIXME: shell=True is insecure
    def _launcher(self, kdict={}):
        """prepare launch command based on current settings
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def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        """\nNOTE: if number of nodes is not given, will default to 1.
If source is not given, will attempt to minimially use TemporaryFiles.
If workdir is not given, will default to scheduler's workdir or $WORKDIR.
If scheduler is not given, will default to only run on the current node.
If timeout is not given, will default to scheduler's timelimit or INF.

For more details, see the docstrings for the "map" method, or the man page
for the associated launcher (e.g mpirun, mpiexec).
        AbstractWorkerPool.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
        self.scheduler = kwds.get('scheduler', None)
        self.scatter = True #bool(kwds.get('scatter', True))
        self.source = bool(kwds.get('source', False))
        self.workdir = kwds.get('workdir', None)
        self.timeout = kwds.get('timeout', None)
        if self.timeout == None:
            if self.scheduler:
                from import isoseconds
                self.timeout = isoseconds(self.scheduler.timelimit)
                from numpy import inf
                self.timeout = inf  #XXX: better than defaults.timelimit ?
        elif isinstance(self.timeout, str):
            from import isoseconds
            self.timeout = isoseconds(self.timeout)
        if self.workdir == None:
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If scheduler is not given, will default to only run on the current node.
If pickle is not given, will attempt to minimially use TemporaryFiles.

For more details, see the docstrings for the "map" method, or the man page
for the associated launcher (e.g mpirun, mpiexec).
        Mapper.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
        self.scatter = bool(kwds.get('scatter', False)) #XXX: hang w/ nodes=1 ?
       #self.nodes = kwds.get('nodes', None)
        if not len(args) and 'nodes' not in kwds:
            if self.scheduler:
                self.nodes = self.scheduler.nodes
                self.nodes = cpu_count()
    if AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__: __init__.__doc__ = AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__ + __init__.__doc__
    def njobs(self, nodes):
        """convert node_string intended for scheduler to int number of nodes

compute int from node string. For example, parallel.njobs("4") yields 4
        return int(str(nodes)) #XXX: this is a dummy function
    def _launcher(self, kdict={}):
        """prepare launch command for pipe-based execution

equivalent to:  (python) (program) (progargs)

    run non-python commands with: {'python':'', ...} 
        mydict = self.settings.copy()
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elif hasnodes: #XXX: multiple try/except is faster?
            if arglen:
                msg = "got multiple values for keyword argument 'nodes'"
                raise TypeError(msg)
            kwds['ncpus'] = kwds.pop('nodes')
        elif arglen:
            kwds['ncpus'] = args[0]
        self.__nodes = kwds.get('ncpus', cpu_count())

        # Create an identifier for the pool
        self._id = 'pool'

        # Create a new server if one isn't already initialized
    if AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__: __init__.__doc__ = AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__ + __init__.__doc__
   #def __exit__(self, *args):
   #    self._clear()
   #    return
    def _serve(self, nodes=None): #XXX: should be STATE method; use id
        """Create a new server if one isn't already initialized"""
        if nodes is None: nodes = self.__nodes
        _pool = __STATE.get(self._id, None)
        if not _pool or nodes != _pool.__nodes:
            _pool = Pool(nodes)
            _pool.__nodes = nodes
            __STATE[self._id] = _pool
        return _pool
    def _clear(self): #XXX: should be STATE method; use id
        """Remove server with matching state"""
        _pool = __STATE.get(self._id, None)
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if servers is None: servers = ()
       #from _ppserver_config import ppservers as servers # config file

        # Create an identifier for the pool
        self._id = 'server'

        #XXX: throws 'socket.error' when starting > 1 server with autodetect
        # Create a new server if one isn't already initialized
        # ...and set the requested level of multi-processing
        self._exiting = False
        _pool = self._serve(nodes=ncpus, servers=servers)
        #XXX: or register new UID for each instance?
        #_pool.set_ncpus(ncpus or 'autodetect') # no ncpus=0
       #print("configure %s local workers" % _pool.get_ncpus())
    if AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__: __init__.__doc__ = AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__ + __init__.__doc__
   #def __exit__(self, *args):
   #    self._clear()
   #    return
    def _serve(self, nodes=None, servers=None): #XXX: is a STATE method; use id
        """Create a new server if one isn't already initialized""" 
        # get nodes and servers in form used by pp.Server
        if nodes is None: nodes = self.nodes #XXX: autodetect must be explicit
        if nodes in ['*']: nodes = 'autodetect'
        if servers is None:
            servers = tuple(sorted(self.__servers)) # no servers is ()
        elif servers in ['*', 'autodetect']: servers = ('*',)
        # if no server, create one
        _pool = __STATE.get(self._id, None)
        if not _pool:
            _pool = pp.Server(ppservers=servers)
        # convert to form returned by pp.Server, then compare
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elif hasnodes: #XXX: multiple try/except is faster?
            if arglen:
                msg = "got multiple values for keyword argument 'nodes'"
                raise TypeError(msg)
            kwds['nthreads'] = kwds.pop('nodes')
        elif arglen:
            kwds['nthreads'] = args[0]
        self.__nodes = kwds.get('nthreads', cpu_count())

        # Create an identifier for the pool
        self._id = 'threads'

        # Create a new server if one isn't already initialized
    if AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__: __init__.__doc__ = AbstractWorkerPool.__init__.__doc__ + __init__.__doc__
   #def __exit__(self, *args):
   #    self._clear()
   #    return
    def _serve(self, nodes=None): #XXX: should be STATE method; use id
        """Create a new server if one isn't already initialized"""
        if nodes is None: nodes = self.__nodes
        _pool = __STATE.get(self._id, None)
        if not _pool or nodes != _pool.__nodes:
            _pool = _ThreadPool(nodes)
            _pool.__nodes = nodes
            __STATE[self._id] = _pool
        return _pool
    def _clear(self): #XXX: should be STATE method; use id
        """Remove server with matching state"""
        _pool = __STATE.get(self._id, None)