How to use the orion.core.worker.experiment.ExperimentView function in orion

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few orion examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Epistimio / orion / tests / functional / branching / View on Github external
def test_init(init_full_x, create_db_instance):
    """Test if original experiment contains trial 0"""
    experiment = ExperimentView('full_x')
    pairs = get_name_value_pairs(experiment.fetch_trials())
    assert pairs == ((('/x', 0), ), )
github Epistimio / orion / tests / unittests / core / worker / View on Github external
When loading a view the original config is used to configure the experiment, but
        this process may modify the config if the version of Oríon is different. This should not be
        saved in database.
        terrible_message = 'oh no, I have been modified!'
        original_configuration = ExperimentView('supernaedo2').configuration

        def modified_configuration(self):
            mocked_config = copy.deepcopy(original_configuration)
            mocked_config['metadata']['datetime'] = terrible_message
            return mocked_config

        with monkeypatch.context() as m:
            m.setattr(Experiment, 'configuration', property(modified_configuration))
            exp = ExperimentView('supernaedo2')

            # The mock is still in place and overwrites the configuration
            assert exp.configuration['metadata']['datetime'] == terrible_message

        # The mock is reverted and original config is returned, but modification is still in
        # metadata
        assert exp.metadata['datetime'] == terrible_message

        # Loading again from DB confirms the DB was not overwritten
        reloaded_exp = ExperimentView('supernaedo2')
        assert reloaded_exp.configuration['metadata']['datetime'] != terrible_message
github Epistimio / orion / tests / unittests / core / evc / View on Github external
def test_children_children_fetch_trials(create_db_instance):
    """Test that experiment fetch trials from grand children properly (adapters are muted)"""
    experiment_name = 'supernaedo2'
    root_name = 'supernaedo2'
    leaf_names = ['supernaedo2.3.1']

    experiment = ExperimentView(experiment_name)
    exp_node = build_trimmed_tree(experiment, root_name, leaf_names)

    assert == experiment_name
    assert exp_node.children[0].children[0] == leaf_names[0]
    # 2
    # |
    # 2.3
    # |
    # 2.3.1
    assert len(list(exp_node.root)) == 3


    for node in exp_node.root:
        node.item._experiment.refers['adapter'] =[])
github Epistimio / orion / tests / unittests / core / worker / View on Github external
def test_empty_experiment_view(self):
        """Hit user name, but exp_name does not hit the db."""
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
        assert ("No experiment with given name 'supernaekei' for user 'tsirif'"
                in str(exc_info.value))
github Epistimio / orion / tests / unittests / core / evc / View on Github external
def test_code_change_noeffect_backward(create_db_instance):
    """Test that all trials pass to parent when code change type is 'noeffect'"""
    experiment_name = 'supernaedo2.3.1'
    root_name = 'supernaedo2.3.1'
    leaf_names = ['supernaedo2.3.1.1']

    experiment = ExperimentView(experiment_name)
    exp_node = build_trimmed_tree(experiment, root_name, leaf_names)

    assert == experiment_name
    assert exp_node.children[0] == leaf_names[0]
    # 2.3
    # |
    # 2.3.1
    assert len(list(exp_node.root)) == 2


    query = {'status': 'completed'}
    children_trials = exp_node.children[0].item.fetch_trials(query)
    assert len(children_trials) == 1
    assert len(exp_node.item.fetch_trials(query)) == 2
github Epistimio / orion / tests / unittests / core / worker / View on Github external
def test_existing_experiment_view(self, create_db_instance, exp_config):
        """Hit exp_name + user's name in the db, fetch most recent entry."""
        exp = ExperimentView('supernaedo2-dendi')
        assert exp._experiment._init_done is False

        assert exp._id == exp_config[0][0]['_id']
        assert == exp_config[0][0]['name']
        assert exp.configuration['refers'] == exp_config[0][0]['refers']
        assert exp.metadata == exp_config[0][0]['metadata']
        assert exp.pool_size == exp_config[0][0]['pool_size']
        assert exp.max_trials == exp_config[0][0]['max_trials']
        assert exp.version == exp_config[0][0]['version']
        assert isinstance(exp.refers['adapter'], BaseAdapter)
        # TODO: Views are not fully configured until configuration is refactored
        # assert exp.algorithms.configuration == exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            exp.this_is_not_in_config = 5
github Epistimio / orion / tests / unittests / core / evc / View on Github external
def test_prior_change_backward(create_db_instance):
    """Test that all encoding are renamed to encoding_layer in parent"""
    experiment_name = 'supernaedo2.3'
    root_name = 'supernaedo2.3'
    leaf_names = ['supernaedo2.3.1']

    experiment = ExperimentView(experiment_name)
    exp_node = build_trimmed_tree(experiment, root_name, leaf_names)

    assert == experiment_name
    assert exp_node.children[0] == leaf_names[0]
    # 2.3
    # |
    # 2.3.1
    assert len(list(exp_node.root)) == 2


    query = {'status': 'completed'}
    children_trials = exp_node.children[0].item.fetch_trials(query)
    assert len(children_trials) == 2
    assert len(exp_node.item.fetch_trials(query)) == 4
github Epistimio / orion / tests / unittests / core / evc / View on Github external
def test_algo_change_backward(create_db_instance):
    """Test that all trials pass to parent when algorithm is changed"""
    experiment_name = 'supernaedo2.2'
    root_name = 'supernaedo2.2'
    leaf_names = ['supernaedo2.2.1']

    experiment = ExperimentView(experiment_name)
    exp_node = build_trimmed_tree(experiment, root_name, leaf_names)

    assert == experiment_name
    assert exp_node.children[0] == leaf_names[0]
    # 2.2
    # |
    # 2.2.1
    assert len(list(exp_node.root)) == 2


    query = {'status': 'completed'}
    children_trials = exp_node.children[0].item.fetch_trials(query)
    assert len(children_trials) == 1
    assert len(exp_node.item.fetch_trials(query)) == 1
github Epistimio / orion / tests / unittests / core / evc / View on Github external
def test_full_forward_full_backward(create_db_instance):
    """Test that trials are adapted properly forward from parent and backward from leafs"""
    experiment_name = 'supernaedo2.3'
    root_name = 'supernaedo2'
    leaf_names = []

    experiment = ExperimentView(experiment_name)
    exp_node = build_trimmed_tree(experiment, root_name, leaf_names)

    assert == experiment_name
    assert == root_name
    assert exp_node.children[0] == 'supernaedo2.3.1'
    assert exp_node.children[0].children[0] == 'supernaedo2.3.1.1'
    assert exp_node.children[0].children[1] == 'supernaedo2.3.1.2'
    assert exp_node.children[0].children[2] == 'supernaedo2.3.1.3'
    # 2
    # |
    # 2.3
    # |
    # 2.3.1
    # |        \        \
    assert len(list(exp_node.root)) == 6
github Epistimio / orion / src / orion / core / io / View on Github external
Version to select. If None, last version will be selected. If version given is larger than
        largest version available, the largest version will be selected.

    db_config = fetch_config_from_db(name, version)

    if not db_config:
        message = ("No experiment with given name '%s' and version '%s' inside database, "
                   "no view can be created." % (name, version if version else '*'))
        raise ValueError(message)

    db_config.setdefault('version', 1)

    experiment = create_experiment(**db_config)

    return ExperimentView(experiment)