How to use the orion.core.worker.experiment.Experiment function in orion

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few orion examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_good_set_before_init_no_hit(self, random_dt, database, new_config):
        """Trying to set, overwrite everything from input."""
        exp = Experiment(new_config['name'])
        assert exp._init_done is True
        found_config = list(database.experiments.find({'name': 'supernaekei',
                                                       'metadata.user': 'tsirif'}))

        new_config['metadata']['datetime'] = exp.metadata['datetime']

        assert len(found_config) == 1
        _id = found_config[0].pop('_id')
        assert _id != 'fasdfasfa'
        assert exp._id == _id
        new_config['refers'] = {}
        new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['done'] = False
        new_config['algorithms']['dumbalgo']['judgement'] = None
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def test_new_experiment_with_parent(self, create_db_instance, random_dt, exp_config):
        """Configure a branch experiment."""
        exp = Experiment('supernaedo2.6')
        exp.metadata = exp_config[0][4]['metadata']
        exp.refers = exp_config[0][4]['refers']
        exp.algorithms = exp_config[0][4]['algorithms']
        assert exp._init_done is True
        assert_protocol(exp, create_db_instance)
        assert exp._id is not None
        assert == 'supernaedo2.6'
        assert exp.configuration['refers'] == exp_config[0][4]['refers']
        exp_config[0][4]['metadata']['datetime'] = random_dt
        assert exp.metadata == exp_config[0][4]['metadata']
        assert exp.pool_size is None
        assert exp.max_trials is None
        assert exp.version == 1
        assert exp.configuration['algorithms'] == {'random': {'seed': None}}
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def test_try_reset_after_race_condition(self, exp_config, new_config):
        """Cannot set a configuration after init if it looses a race condition,
        but can set it if reloaded.

        The experiment from process which first writes to db is initialized
        properly. The experiment which looses the race condition cannot be
        initialized and needs to be rebuilt.
        exp = Experiment(new_config['name'])
        # Another experiment gets configured first
        experiment_count_before = count_experiment(exp)
        naughty_little_exp = Experiment(new_config['name'])
        assert naughty_little_exp._init_done is True
        assert exp._init_done is False
        assert (experiment_count_before + 1) == count_experiment(exp)
        # First experiment won't be able to be configured
        with pytest.raises(DuplicateKeyError) as exc_info:
        assert 'duplicate key error' in str(exc_info.value)

        # Still not more experiment in DB
        assert (experiment_count_before + 1) == count_experiment(exp)

        # Retry configuring the experiment
        new_config['metadata']['datetime'] = naughty_little_exp.metadata['datetime']
        exp = Experiment(new_config['name'])
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def test_try_set_after_race_condition(self, exp_config, new_config):
        """Cannot set a configuration after init if it looses a race

        The experiment from process which first writes to db is initialized
        properly. The experiment which looses the race condition cannot be
        initialized and needs to be rebuilt.
        exp = Experiment(new_config['name'])
        assert is None
        # Another experiment gets configured first
        experiment_count_before = count_experiment(exp)
        naughty_little_exp = Experiment(new_config['name'])
        assert is None
        assert naughty_little_exp._init_done is True
        assert exp._init_done is False
        assert (experiment_count_before + 1) == count_experiment(exp)

        # First experiment won't be able to be configured
        with pytest.raises(DuplicateKeyError) as exc_info:

        assert 'duplicate key error' in str(exc_info.value)
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def test_existing_experiment(self, create_db_instance, exp_config):
        """Hit exp_name + user's name in the db, fetch most recent entry."""
        exp = Experiment('supernaedo2-dendi')
        assert exp._init_done is False
        assert_protocol(exp, create_db_instance)
        assert exp._id == exp_config[0][0]['_id']
        assert == exp_config[0][0]['name']
        assert exp.refers == exp_config[0][0]['refers']
        assert exp.metadata == exp_config[0][0]['metadata']
        assert exp.pool_size == exp_config[0][0]['pool_size']
        assert exp.max_trials == exp_config[0][0]['max_trials']
        assert exp.algorithms == exp_config[0][0]['algorithms']
        assert exp.working_dir == exp_config[0][0]['working_dir']
        assert exp.version == 1
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            exp.this_is_not_in_config = 5
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def test_new_experiment_due_to_name(self, create_db_instance, random_dt):
        """Hit user name, but exp_name does not hit the db, create new entry."""
        exp = Experiment('supernaekei')
        assert exp._init_done is False
        assert_protocol(exp, create_db_instance)
        assert exp._id is None
        assert == 'supernaekei'
        assert exp.refers == {}
        assert exp.metadata['user'] == 'tsirif'
        assert len(exp.metadata) == 1
        assert exp.pool_size is None
        assert exp.max_trials is None
        assert exp.algorithms is None
        assert exp.working_dir is None
        assert exp.version == 1
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            exp.this_is_not_in_config = 5
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Note that if we would raise RaceCondition, the conflict would still occur since
        the version number fetched will not be the new one from the resolution but the requested
        one. Therefore raising and handling RaceCondition would lead to infinite recursion in
        the experiment builder.
        user_args = ['--x~normal(0,1)']
        metadata = dict(user='tsirif', datetime=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), user_args=user_args)
        algorithms = {'random': {'seed': None}}
        config = dict(name='experiment_test', metadata=metadata, version=1, algorithms=algorithms)

        parent_id = config.pop('_id')

        looser = Experiment('experiment_test', version=1)

        # Simulate exp2 winning the race condition
        config2 = copy.deepcopy(config)
        config2['version'] = 2
        config2['refers'] = dict(parent_id=parent_id, root_id=parent_id, adapters=[])

        # Now exp3 losses the race condition
        config3 = copy.deepcopy(config)
        config3['version'] = 1
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def test_experiment_with_parent(self, create_db_instance, random_dt, exp_config):
        """Configure an existing experiment with parent."""
        exp = Experiment('supernaedo2.1')
        exp.algorithms = {'random': {'seed': None}}
        assert exp._init_done is True
        assert_protocol(exp, create_db_instance)
        assert exp._id is not None
        assert == 'supernaedo2.1'
        assert exp.configuration['refers'] == exp_config[0][4]['refers']
        assert exp.metadata == exp_config[0][4]['metadata']
        assert exp.pool_size == 2
        assert exp.max_trials == 1000
        assert exp.version == 1
        assert exp.configuration['algorithms'] == {'random': {'seed': None}}
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def test_old_experiment_w_version_bigger_than_max(self, create_db_instance,
                                                      parent_version_config, child_version_config):
        """Create an already existing experiment with a too large version."""
        create_db_instance.write('experiments', parent_version_config)
        create_db_instance.write('experiments', child_version_config)

        exp = Experiment("old_experiment", user="corneauf", version=8)
        assert exp.version == 2
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version: int
        Version of the experiment.
    space: dict or Space object
        Optimization space of the algorithm. If dict, should have the form
    algorithms: str or dict, optional
        Algorithm used for optimization.
    strategy: str or dict, optional
        Parallel strategy to use to parallelize the algorithm.
    max_trials: int, optional
        Maximum number or trials before the experiment is considered done.
    storage: dict, optional
        Configuration of the storage backend.

    experiment = Experiment(name=name, version=version)
    experiment._id = kwargs.get('_id', None)  # pylint:disable=protected-access
    experiment.pool_size = kwargs.get('pool_size')
    if experiment.pool_size is None:
        experiment.pool_size = orion.core.config.experiment.get(
            'pool_size', deprecated='ignore')
    experiment.max_trials = kwargs.get('max_trials', orion.core.config.experiment.max_trials) = _instantiate_space(space)
    experiment.algorithms = _instantiate_algo(, kwargs.get('algorithms'))
    experiment.producer = kwargs.get('producer', {})
    experiment.producer['strategy'] = _instantiate_strategy(experiment.producer.get('strategy'))
    experiment.working_dir = kwargs.get('working_dir', orion.core.config.experiment.working_dir)
    experiment.metadata = kwargs.get('metadata', {'user': kwargs.get('user', getpass.getuser())})
    experiment.refers = kwargs.get('refers', {'parent_id': None, 'root_id': None, 'adapter': []})
    experiment.refers['adapter'] = _instantiate_adapters(experiment.refers.get('adapter', []))

    return experiment