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def res_unit(x, scope_name, dn=False):
C = x.shape[1]
with nn.parameter_scope(scope_name):
# Conv -> BN -> Relu
with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"):
h = masked_convolution(x, C / 2, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
h = F.relu(h)
# Conv -> BN -> Relu
with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"):
h = masked_convolution(h, C / 2, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
h = F.relu(h)
# Conv -> BN
with nn.parameter_scope("conv3"):
h = masked_convolution(h, C, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
# Residual -> Relu
def res_unit(x, scope_name, dn=False):
C = x.shape[1]
with nn.parameter_scope(scope_name):
# Conv -> BN -> Relu
with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"):
h = PF.convolution(x, C / 2, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
h = F.relu(h)
# Conv -> BN -> Relu
with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"):
h = PF.convolution(h, C / 2, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
h = F.relu(h)
# Conv -> BN
with nn.parameter_scope("conv3"):
h = PF.convolution(h, C, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
# Residual -> Relu
h = F.relu(h + x)
# Maxpooling
if dn:
h = F.max_pooling(h, kernel=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2))
def res_unit(x, scope_name, dn=False):
C = x.shape[1]
with nn.parameter_scope(scope_name):
# Conv -> BN -> Nonlinear
with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"):
h = PF.convolution(x, C / 2, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
h = act(h)
# Conv -> BN -> Nonlinear
with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"):
h = PF.convolution(h, C / 2, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
h = act(h)
# Conv -> BN
with nn.parameter_scope("conv3"):
h = PF.convolution(h, C, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
# Residual -> Nonlinear
# Conv -> BN
with nn.parameter_scope("conv3"):
h = PF.convolution(h, C, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
# Residual -> Relu
h = F.relu(h + x)
# Maxpooling
if dn:
h = F.max_pooling(h, kernel=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2))
return h
ncls = 10
with nn.parameter_scope(net):
# Conv -> BN -> Relu
with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"):
# Preprocess
image /= 255.0
if not test:
image = F.image_augmentation(image, contrast=1.0,
image.need_grad = False
h = PF.convolution(image, maps, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
h = F.relu(h)
h = res_unit(h, "conv2", False) # -> 32x32
h = res_unit(h, "conv3", True) # -> 16x16
pred.persistent = True # not clear the intermediate buffer used
loss_ce = F.mean(F.softmax_cross_entropy(pred, label))
loss_ce_soft = ce_soft(pred, pred_label)
loss = args.weight_ce * loss_ce + args.weight_ce_soft * loss_ce_soft
# Create input variables.
vimage = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, c, h, w])
vlabel = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1])
# Create teacher prediction graph.
vpred = model_prediction(vimage, net=student, maps=int(
maps * (1. - rrate)), test=True)
# Create Solver.
solver = S.Adam(args.learning_rate)
with nn.parameter_scope(student):
# Create monitor.
from nnabla.monitor import Monitor, MonitorSeries, MonitorTimeElapsed
monitor = Monitor(args.monitor_path)
monitor_loss = MonitorSeries("Training loss", monitor, interval=10)
monitor_err = MonitorSeries("Training error", monitor, interval=10)
monitor_time = MonitorTimeElapsed("Training time", monitor, interval=100)
monitor_verr = MonitorSeries("Test error", monitor, interval=1)
# Initialize DataIterator for MNIST.
data = data_iterator(args.batch_size, True)
vdata = data_iterator(args.batch_size, False)
best_ve = 1.0
# Training loop.
for i in range(args.max_iter):
def xception_65(x, test=False, fix_params=False):
entry_flow_depth_list = [[128, 128, 128], [256, 256, 256], [728, 728, 728]]
middle_flow_depth_list = [[728, 728, 728]]
exit_flow_depth_list = [[728, 1024, 1024], [1536, 1536, 2048]]
with nn.parameter_scope("xception_65"):
with nn.parameter_scope("entry_flow"):
x = entry_flow(x, 3, entry_flow_depth_list,
test=test, fix_params=fix_params)
with nn.parameter_scope("middle_flow"):
x = middle_flow(x, 1, middle_flow_depth_list,
test=test, fix_params=fix_params)
with nn.parameter_scope("exit_flow"):
x = exit_flow(x, 2, exit_flow_depth_list,
test=test, fix_params=fix_params)
x = F.relu(x)
global endpoints
endpoints['Decoder End Point 2'] = x
return endpoints
def construct_networks(args, images, model, num_class, test):
pooled = model(images, force_global_pooling=1,
use_up_to="pool", training=not test)
pooled = model(images, use_up_to="pool", training=not test)
with nn.parameter_scope("finetuning"):
if args.model == "VGG":
pooled = F.relu(pooled)
with nn.parameter_scope("additional_fc_1"):
pooled = PF.affine(pooled, 4096)
pooled = F.relu(pooled)
if not test:
pooled = F.dropout(pooled, 0.5)
with nn.parameter_scope("additional_fc_2"):
pooled = PF.affine(pooled, 4096)
pooled = F.relu(pooled)
if not test:
pooled = F.dropout(pooled, 0.5)
with nn.parameter_scope("last_fc"):
pred = PF.affine(pooled, num_class)
return pred
for p_f in p_x_fake_b_list]).apply(persistent=True)
loss_dis_b = reduce(f, [lsgan_loss(p_f, p_r) for p_f, p_r in
zip(p_x_fake_b_list, p_x_real_b_list)]).apply(persistent=True)
# loss for generator-related models
loss_gen = loss_gen_a + loss_gen_b \
+ args.lambda_x * (loss_recon_x_a + loss_recon_x_b) \
+ args.lambda_c * (loss_recon_x_content_a + loss_recon_x_content_b) \
+ args.lambda_s * (loss_recon_x_style_a + loss_recon_x_style_b)
# loss for discriminators
loss_dis = loss_dis_a + loss_dis_b
# Solver
lr_g, lr_d, beta1, beta2 = args.lr_g, args.lr_d, args.beta1, args.beta2
# solver for generator-related models
solver_gen = S.Adam(lr_g, beta1, beta2)
with nn.parameter_scope("generator"):
params_gen = nn.get_parameters()
# solver for discriminators
solver_dis = S.Adam(lr_d, beta1, beta2)
with nn.parameter_scope("discriminators"):
params_dis = nn.get_parameters()
# Monitor
monitor = Monitor(args.monitor_path)
# time
monitor_time = MonitorTimeElapsed("Training time", monitor, interval=10)
# reconstruction
monitor_loss_recon_x_a = MonitorSeries(
"Recon Loss Image A", monitor, interval=10)
monitor_loss_recon_x_content_b = MonitorSeries(
# x.shape = (Batch, channels, Time)
# padding
pad = causal_padding(x, self.kernel_size, dilation)
# gated convolution
with nn.parameter_scope("filter"):
f_audio = PF.convolution(pad, self.hidden_dims, kernel=(
self.kernel_size, ), dilation=(dilation,), name="audio")
f_speaker = PF.convolution(speaker_emb, self.hidden_dims, kernel=(
1, ), name="speaker") if speaker_emb is not None else 0
f = F.tanh(f_audio + f_speaker)
with nn.parameter_scope("gate"):
g_audio = PF.convolution(pad, self.hidden_dims, kernel=(self.kernel_size, ), dilation=(dilation,),
g_speaker = PF.convolution(speaker_emb, self.hidden_dims, kernel=(
1, ), name="speaker") if speaker_emb is not None else 0
g = F.sigmoid(g_audio + g_speaker)
h = f * g
# 1 x 1 convolution
with nn.parameter_scope("skip"):
skip = PF.convolution(h, self.skip_dims, kernel=(1, ))
out = x + skip
def sync_models(self):
with nn.parameter_scope(self.name_q):
q_params = nn.get_parameters(grad_only=False)
with nn.parameter_scope(self.name_qnext):
qnext_params = nn.get_parameters(grad_only=False)
for k, v in q_params.items():