How to use the nnabla.Variable function in nnabla

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github sony / nnabla / python / src / nnabla / backward_function / View on Github external
def _create_forward_inputs_and_outputs(self, inputs, outputs):
        # Inputs on the forward graph
        inputs_fwd = []
        for i in range(self._num_inputs_fwd):
            need_grad = self.forward_func.inputs[i].need_grad
            v = nn.Variable(inputs[i].shape, need_grad=need_grad)
   = inputs[i].data
            v.grad = outputs[i].data
            inputs_fwd += [v]
        # Outputs on the forward graph
        outputs_fwd = []
        for i in range(self._num_outputs_fwd):
            inp = inputs[self._num_inputs_fwd + i]
            v = nn.Variable(inp.shape)
            v.grad =
            outputs_fwd += [v]
        return inputs_fwd, outputs_fwd
github sony / nnabla / python / src / nnabla / backward_function / View on Github external
dx0 = outputs[0].data
        # Grads of inputs
        g_x0 = inputs[0].grad
        g_dy = inputs[1].grad
        # Grads of outputs
        g_dx0 = outputs[0].grad

        # Computation
        if prop_down[0]:
            s = F.sigmoid(x0)
            if accum[0]:
                g_x0 += g_dx0 * dy * s * (1.0 - s)
                g_x0.copy_from(g_dx0 * dy * s * (1.0 - s))
        if prop_down[1]:
            inp = nn.Variable(x0.shape).apply(
                data=x0, grad=g_dy, need_grad=True)
            out = nn.Variable(dy.shape).apply(grad=g_dx0)
            self.forward_func.backward([inp], [out], accum=[accum[1]])
github sony / nnabla-examples / reduction / cifar10 / distillation / View on Github external
# Create CNN network for both training and testing.
    if == "cifar10_resnet23_prediction":
        model_prediction = cifar10_resnet23_prediction
        data_iterator = data_iterator_cifar10
        c = 3
        h = w = 32
        n_train = 50000
        n_valid = 10000

    # TRAIN
    teacher = "teacher"
    maps = args.maps

    # Create input variables.
    image = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, c, h, w])
    label = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1])
    # Create `teacher` model_prediction graph.
    pred = model_prediction(image, net=teacher, maps=maps, test=False)
    pred.persistent = True
    # Create loss function.
    loss = F.mean(F.softmax_cross_entropy(pred, label))

    # TEST
    # Create input variables.
    vimage = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, c, h, w])
    vlabel = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1])
    # Create teacher prediction graph.
    vpred = model_prediction(vimage, net=teacher, maps=maps, test=True)

    # Create Solver.
    solver = S.Adam(args.learning_rate)
github sony / nnabla-examples / GANs / munit / View on Github external
def interpolate(args):
    # Load model

    # Context
    extension_module = "cudnn"
    ctx = get_extension_context(extension_module, type_config=args.type_config)

    # Input
    b, c, h, w = 1, 3, args.image_size, args.image_size
    x_real_a = nn.Variable([b, c, h, w])
    x_real_b = nn.Variable([b, c, h, w])
    one = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.ones((1, 1, 1, 1)) * 0.5)

    # Model
    maps = args.maps
    # content/style (domain A)
    x_content_a = content_encoder(x_real_a, maps, name="content-encoder-a")
    x_style_a = style_encoder(x_real_a, maps, name="style-encoder-a")
    # content/style (domain B)
    x_content_b = content_encoder(x_real_b, maps, name="content-encoder-b")
    x_style_b = style_encoder(x_real_b, maps, name="style-encoder-b")
    # generate over domains and reconstruction of content and style (domain A)
    z_style_a = nn.Variable(
        x_style_a.shape) if not args.example_guided else x_style_a
    z_style_a = z_style_a.apply(persistent=True)
    x_fake_a = decoder(x_content_b, z_style_a, name="decoder-a")
    # generate over domains and reconstruction of content and style (domain B)
github sony / nnabla / examples / vision / imagenet / View on Github external
def get_model(args, num_classes, test=False, tiny=False):
    Create computation graph and variables.


        tiny: Tiny ImageNet mode if True.
    data_size = 320
    nn_in_size = 224
    if tiny:
        data_size = 64
        nn_in_size = 56
    image = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 3, data_size, data_size])
    label = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1])
    pimage = image_preprocess(image, nn_in_size)
    pred, hidden = model_resnet.resnet_imagenet(
        pimage, num_classes, args.num_layers, args.shortcut_type, test=test, tiny=tiny)
    loss = F.mean(F.softmax_cross_entropy(pred, label))
    Model = namedtuple('Model', ['image', 'label', 'pred', 'loss', 'hidden'])
    return Model(image, label, pred, loss, hidden)
github sony / nnabla / examples / cpp / forward_check / mnist / View on Github external
from nnabla.contrib.context import extension_context
    extension_module = args.context
    if args.context is None:
        extension_module = 'cpu'"Running in %s" % extension_module)
    ctx = extension_context(extension_module, device_id=args.device_id)

    # Create CNN network for both training and testing.
    mnist_cnn_prediction = mnist_lenet_prediction
    if == 'resnet':
        mnist_cnn_prediction = mnist_resnet_prediction

    # TRAIN
    # Create input variables.
    image = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1, 28, 28])
    label = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1])
    # Create prediction graph.
    pred = mnist_cnn_prediction(image, test=False)
    pred.persistent = True
    # Create loss function.
    loss = F.mean(F.softmax_cross_entropy(pred, label))

    # TEST
    # Create input variables.
    vimage = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1, 28, 28])
    vlabel = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1])
    # Create predition graph.
    vpred = mnist_cnn_prediction(vimage, test=True)

    # Create Solver.
    solver = S.Adam(args.learning_rate)
github sony / nnabla-examples / utils / View on Github external
def __call__(self, label_image, channel_first=False):
        import nnabla as nn

        if isinstance(label_image, np.ndarray):
            im = label_image
        elif isinstance(label_image, nn.NdArray):
            im = label_image.get_data("r")
        elif isinstance(label_image, nn.Variable):
            im ="r")
            raise ValueError("Error to colorize label_ids")

        color_image = np.zeros(shape=im.shape + (3,))

        for label in range(0, len(self.cmap)):
            mask = label_image == label
            color_image[mask] = self.cmap[label]

        if channel_first:
            color_image = color_image.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))

        return color_image
github sony / nnabla / python / src / nnabla / backward_function / View on Github external
def _create_forward_inputs_and_outputs(self, inputs, outputs):
        # Inputs on the forward graph
        inputs_fwd = []
        for i in range(self._num_inputs_fwd):
            need_grad = self.forward_func.inputs[i].need_grad
            v = nn.Variable(inputs[i].shape, need_grad=need_grad)
   = inputs[i].data
            v.grad = outputs[i].data
            inputs_fwd += [v]
        # Outputs on the forward graph
        outputs_fwd = []
        for i in range(self._num_outputs_fwd):
            inp = inputs[self._num_inputs_fwd + i]
            v = nn.Variable(inp.shape)
            v.grad =
            outputs_fwd += [v]
        return inputs_fwd, outputs_fwd
github sony / nnabla / examples / cpp / forward_check / mnist / View on Github external
# Get context.
    from nnabla.contrib.context import extension_context
    extension_module = args.context
    if args.context is None:
        extension_module = 'cpu'"Running in %s" % extension_module)
    ctx = extension_context(extension_module, device_id=args.device_id)

    # Create CNN network for both training and testing.
    margin = 1.0  # Margin for contrastive loss.

    # TRAIN
    # Create input variables.
    image0 = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1, 28, 28])
    image1 = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1, 28, 28])
    label = nn.Variable([args.batch_size])
    # Create predition graph.
    pred = mnist_lenet_siamese(image0, image1, test=False)
    # Create loss function.
    loss = F.mean(contrastive_loss(pred, label, margin))

    # TEST
    # Create input variables.
    vimage0 = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1, 28, 28])
    vimage1 = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1, 28, 28])
    vlabel = nn.Variable([args.batch_size])
    # Create predition graph.
    vpred = mnist_lenet_siamese(vimage0, vimage1, test=True)
    vloss = F.mean(contrastive_loss(vpred, vlabel, margin))

    # Create Solver.
github sony / nnabla-examples / mnist-collection / View on Github external
def forward(x, test=False):
        return mlp_net(x, n_h, n_y, test)

    # Net for learning labeled data
    xl = nn.Variable((args.batchsize_l,) + shape_x, need_grad=False)
    yl = forward(xl, test=False)
    tl = nn.Variable((args.batchsize_l, 1), need_grad=False)
    loss_l = F.mean(F.softmax_cross_entropy(yl, tl))

    # Net for learning unlabeled data
    xu = nn.Variable((args.batchsize_u,) + shape_x, need_grad=False)
    yu = forward(xu, test=False)
    y1 = yu.get_unlinked_variable()
    y1.need_grad = False

    noise = nn.Variable((args.batchsize_u,) + shape_x, need_grad=True)
    r = noise / (F.sum(noise ** 2, [1, 2, 3], keepdims=True)) ** 0.5
    r.persistent = True
    y2 = forward(xu + args.xi_for_vat * r, test=False)
    y3 = forward(xu + args.eps_for_vat * r, test=False)
    loss_k = F.mean(distance(y1, y2))
    loss_u = F.mean(distance(y1, y3))

    # Net for evaluating validation data
    xv = nn.Variable((args.batchsize_v,) + shape_x, need_grad=False)
    hv = forward(xv, test=True)
    tv = nn.Variable((args.batchsize_v, 1), need_grad=False)
    err = F.mean(F.top_n_error(hv, tv, n=1))

    # Create solver
    solver = S.Adam(args.learning_rate)