How to use the nilearn.image.index_img function in nilearn

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nilearn examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nilearn / nilearn / nilearn / input_data / View on Github external

        if 'transform' not in self._reporting_data:
            return [init_display]

        else:  # if resampling was performed
            self._report_description = (self._report_description +

            # create display of resampled NiftiImage and mask
            # assuming that resampl_img has same dim as img
            resampl_img, resampl_mask = self._reporting_data['transform']
            if resampl_img is not None:
                if len(dim) == 4:
                    # compute middle image from 4D series for plotting
                    resampl_img = image.index_img(resampl_img, dim[-1] // 2)
            else:  # images were not provided to fit
                resampl_img = resampl_mask

            final_display = plotting.plot_img(resampl_img,
            final_display.add_contours(resampl_mask, levels=[.5],
                                       colors='g', linewidths=2.5)

        return [init_display, final_display]
github nilearn / nilearn / examples / 02_decoding / View on Github external
# Restrict to face and house conditions
conditions = behavioral['labels']
condition_mask = np.logical_or(conditions == b"face",
                               conditions == b"house")

# Split data into train and test samples, using the chunks
condition_mask_train = np.logical_and(condition_mask, behavioral['chunks'] <= 6)
condition_mask_test = np.logical_and(condition_mask, behavioral['chunks'] > 6)

# Apply this sample mask to X (fMRI data) and y (behavioral labels)
# Because the data is in one single large 4D image, we need to use
# index_img to do the split easily
from nilearn.image import index_img
func_filenames = data_files.func[0]
X_train = index_img(func_filenames, condition_mask_train)
X_test = index_img(func_filenames, condition_mask_test)
y_train = conditions[condition_mask_train]
y_test = conditions[condition_mask_test]

# Compute the mean epi to be used for the background of the plotting
from nilearn.image import mean_img
background_img = mean_img(func_filenames)

# Fit SpaceNet with a Graph-Net penalty
from nilearn.decoding import SpaceNetClassifier

# Fit model on train data and predict on test data
decoder = SpaceNetClassifier(memory="nilearn_cache", penalty='graph-net'), y_train)
y_pred = decoder.predict(X_test)
accuracy = (y_pred == y_test).mean() * 100.
github dPys / PyNets / pynets / fmri / View on Github external
        import os
        from pynets.core import utils
        from nilearn.masking import intersect_masks
        from nilearn.image import index_img, math_img, resample_img
        mask_name = os.path.basename(self.clust_mask).split('.nii')[0]
        self.atlas = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (mask_name, '_', self.clust_type, '_k', str(self.k))
        print("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ('\nCreating atlas using ', self.clust_type, ' at cluster level ', str(self.k),
                                  ' for ', str(self.atlas), '...\n'))
        self._dir_path = utils.do_dir_path(self.atlas, self.func_file)
        self.uatlas = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (self._dir_path, '/', mask_name, '_clust-', self.clust_type, '_k',
                                            str(self.k), '.nii.gz')

        # Load clustering mask
        func_vol_img = index_img(self._func_img, 1)
        clust_mask_res_img = resample_img(nib.load(self.clust_mask), target_affine=func_vol_img.affine,
                                          target_shape=func_vol_img.shape, interpolation='nearest')
        func_data = np.asarray(func_vol_img.dataobj).astype('float32')
        func_int_thr = np.round(np.mean(func_data[func_data > 0]) - np.std(func_data[func_data > 0]) * num_std_dev, 3)
        if self.mask is not None:
            self._mask_img = nib.load(self.mask)
            mask_res_img = resample_img(self._mask_img, target_affine=func_vol_img.affine,
                                        target_shape=func_vol_img.shape, interpolation='nearest')
            self._clust_mask_corr_img = intersect_masks([math_img('img > ' + str(func_int_thr), img=func_vol_img),
                                                         math_img('img > 0.01', img=clust_mask_res_img),
                                                         math_img('img > 0.01', img=mask_res_img)],
                                                        threshold=1, connected=False)
github poldracklab / niworkflows / niworkflows / viz / View on Github external
if in_file is a list of files, return an arbitrary file from
    the list, and an arbitrary volume from that file

    in_file = filemanip.filename_to_list(in_file)[0]

        in_file = nb.load(in_file)
    except AttributeError:
        in_file = in_file

    if len(in_file.shape) == 3:
        return in_file

    return nlimage.index_img(in_file, 0)
github nilearn / nilearn / examples / 04_manipulating_images / View on Github external
# Showing region extraction results using 4D maps visualization tool
plotting.plot_prob_atlas(regions_img, display_mode='z', cut_coords=1,
                         view_type='contours', title="Regions extracted.")

# To reduce the complexity, we choose to display all the regions
# extracted from network 3
import numpy as np

DMN_network = index_img(atlas_networks, 3)
plotting.plot_roi(DMN_network, display_mode='z', cut_coords=1,
                  title='Network 3')

regions_indices_network3 = np.where(np.array(extraction.index_) == 3)
for index in regions_indices_network3[0]:
    cur_img = index_img(extraction.regions_img_, index)
    coords = find_xyz_cut_coords(cur_img)
    plotting.plot_roi(cur_img, display_mode='z', cut_coords=coords[2:3],
                      title="Blob of network3")
github nilearn / nilearn / nilearn / input_data / View on Github external
    # If we have a string (filename), we won't need to copy, as
    # there will be no side effect

    if isinstance(imgs, _basestring):
        copy = False

    if verbose > 0:
        class_name = enclosing_scope_name(stack_level=2)

    mask_img_ = _utils.check_niimg_3d(mask_img_)

    imgs = _utils.check_niimg(imgs, atleast_4d=True)
    if sample_mask is not None:
        imgs = image.index_img(imgs, sample_mask)

    # Resampling: allows the user to change the affine, the shape or both
    if verbose > 1:
        print("[%s] Resampling" % class_name)

    # Check whether resampling is truly necessary. If so, crop mask
    # as small as possible in order to speed up the process
    if not _check_same_fov(imgs, mask_img_):
        # now we can crop
        mask_img_ = image.crop_img(mask_img_, copy=False)

        imgs = cache(image.resample_img, memory, func_memory_level=2,
                     memory_level=memory_level, ignore=['copy'])(
github ZitongLu1996 / NeuroRA / demo / View on Github external
maskdata = nib.load(mask_filename).get_data()

# get the size of the data
nx, ny, nz = maskdata.shape

# labels of seven ategories
categories = ["face", "cat", "house", "chair", "shoe", "bottle", "scissors"]
# numbe of conidtions: 7
ncon = len(categories)

# get fmri data under 7 conditions
# here we average the data under different conditions
fmri_data = np.full([ncon, nx, ny, nz], np.nan)

for i in range(ncon):
    img = mean_img(index_img(func_filename, labels.isin([categories[i]])))
    fmri_data[i] = datamask(img.get_data(), maskdata)

# get fmri data under 'face'-condition
face_img = nib.Nifti1Image(fmri_data[0], affine=img.affine)
# have a look

# reshaoe the data: [ncon, nx, ny, nz] -> [ncon, nsubs, nx, ny, nz]
# here just one subject's data
fmri_data = np.reshape(fmri_data, [ncon, 1, nx, ny, nz])

"""**********       Section 3: Calculating the neural pattern similarity (for ROI)        **********"""
github nilearn / nilearn / examples / 05_advanced / View on Github external
# Now invert the masking operation, going back to a full 3D
# representation
component_img = masker.inverse_transform(components_masked)

# Visualize the results

# Show some interesting components
from nilearn import image
from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map, show

# Use the mean as a background
mean_img = image.mean_img(func_filename)

plot_stat_map(image.index_img(component_img, 0), mean_img)

plot_stat_map(image.index_img(component_img, 1), mean_img)

github arthurmensch / modl / examples / View on Github external
# Decomposition estimator embeds their own masker
masker = dict_fact.masker_
components_img = masker.inverse_transform(dict_fact.components_)
components_img.to_filename(join(trace_folder, 'components.nii.gz'))
time = time.time() - t0
print('[Example] Run in %.2f s' % time)
# Show components from both methods using 4D plotting tools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nilearn.plotting import plot_prob_atlas, plot_stat_map, show
from nilearn.image import index_img

print('[Example] Displaying')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1)
plot_prob_atlas(components_img, view_type="filled_contours",
plot_stat_map(index_img(components_img, 0),
plt.savefig(join(trace_folder, 'components.pdf'))