How to use the neurokit2.signal.signal_resample function in neurokit2

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github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / hrv / View on Github external
def _hrv_rsa_pb(ecg_period, sampling_rate, continuous=False):
    """Porges-Bohrer method."""
    if continuous is True:
        return None

    # Re-sample at 2 Hz
    resampled = signal_resample(ecg_period, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_sampling_rate=2)

    # Fit 21-point cubic polynomial filter (zero mean, 3rd order)
    # with a low-pass cutoff frequency of 0.095Hz
    trend = signal_filter(
        resampled, sampling_rate=2, lowcut=0.095, highcut=None, method="savgol", order=3, window_size=21

    zero_mean = resampled - trend
    # Remove variance outside bandwidth of spontaneous respiration
    zero_mean_filtered = signal_filter(zero_mean, sampling_rate=2, lowcut=0.12, highcut=0.40)

    # Divide into 30-second epochs
    time = np.arange(0, len(zero_mean_filtered)) / 2
    time = pd.DataFrame({"Epoch Index": time // 30, "Signal": zero_mean_filtered})
    time = time.set_index("Epoch Index")
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / emg / View on Github external
for quiet in range(n_quiet):
        quiets += [list(np.random.uniform(-0.05, 0.05, size=int(1000 * duration_quiet)) + 0.08)]

    # Merge the two
    emg = []
    for i in range(len(quiets)):
        emg += quiets[i]
        if i < len(bursts):
            emg += bursts[i]
    emg = np.array(emg)

    # Add random (gaussian distributed) noise
    emg += np.random.normal(0, noise, len(emg))

    # Resample
    emg = signal_resample(emg, sampling_rate=1000, desired_length=length, desired_sampling_rate=sampling_rate)

    return emg
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / ecg / View on Github external
cardiac = scipy.signal.wavelets.daub(10)

    # Add the gap after the pqrst when the heart is resting.
    cardiac = np.concatenate([cardiac, np.zeros(10)])

    # Caculate the number of beats in capture time period
    num_heart_beats = int(duration * heart_rate / 60)

    # Concatenate together the number of heart beats needed
    ecg = np.tile(cardiac, num_heart_beats)

    # Change amplitude
    ecg = ecg * 10

    # Resample
    ecg = signal_resample(
        ecg, sampling_rate=int(len(ecg) / 10), desired_length=length, desired_sampling_rate=sampling_rate

    return ecg
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / ecg / View on Github external
fhi = 0.25
    flostd = 0.01
    fhistd = 0.01
    fid = 1

    # Calculate time scales for rr and total output
    sfrr = 1
    trr = 1/sfrr
    tstep = 1/sfecg
    rrmean = 60/hrmean
    n = 2**(np.ceil(np.log2(N*rrmean/trr)))

    rr0 = _ecg_simulate_rrprocess(flo, fhi, flostd, fhistd, lfhfratio, hrmean, hrstd, sfrr, n)

    # Upsample rr time series from 1 Hz to sfint Hz
    rr = signal_resample(rr0, sampling_rate=1, desired_sampling_rate=sfint)

    # Make the rrn time series
    dt = 1/sfint
    rrn = np.zeros(len(rr))
    tecg = 0
    i = 0
    while i < len(rr):
        tecg = tecg+rr[i]
        ip = int(np.round(tecg/dt))
        rrn[i:ip] = rr[i]
        i = ip
    Nt = ip

    # Integrate system using fourth order Runge-Kutta
    x0 = np.array([1, 0, 0.04])
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / ecg / View on Github external
The cleaned ECG channel as returned by `ecg_clean()`.
    rpeaks : Union[list, np.array, pd.Series]
        The samples at which R-peaks occur. Accessible with the key "ECG_R_Peaks" in the info dictionary
        returned by `ecg_findpeaks()`.
    sampling_rate : int
        The sampling frequency of `ecg_signal` (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).
    analysis_sampling_rate : int
        The sampling frequency for analysis (in Hz, i.e., samples/second).

        Dictionary of the points.

    ecg = signal_resample(ecg, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_sampling_rate=analysis_sampling_rate)
    dwtmatr = _dwt_compute_multiscales(ecg, 9)

    # # only for debugging
    # for idx in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
    #     plt.plot(dwtmatr[idx + 3], label=f'W[{idx}]')
    # plt.plot(ecg, '--')
    # plt.legend()
    # plt.grid(True)
    rpeaks_resampled = _dwt_resample_points(rpeaks, sampling_rate, analysis_sampling_rate)

    tpeaks, ppeaks = _dwt_delineate_tp_peaks(ecg, rpeaks_resampled, dwtmatr, sampling_rate=analysis_sampling_rate)
    qrs_onsets, qrs_offsets = _dwt_delineate_qrs_bounds(
        rpeaks_resampled, dwtmatr, ppeaks, tpeaks, sampling_rate=analysis_sampling_rate
    ponsets, poffsets = _dwt_delineate_tp_onsets_offsets(ppeaks, dwtmatr, sampling_rate=analysis_sampling_rate)
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / data / View on Github external
for channel in file.named_channels:
        sampling_rate = np.max(freq_list)

    # Loop through channels
    data = {}
    for channel in file.named_channels:
        signal = np.array(file.named_channels[channel].data)

        # Fill signal interruptions
        if impute_missing is True and np.isnan(np.sum(signal)):
            signal = pd.Series(signal).fillna(method="pad").values

        # Resample if necessary
        if file.named_channels[channel].samples_per_second != sampling_rate:
            signal = signal_resample(
        data[channel] = signal

    # Sanitize lengths
    lengths = []
    for channel in data:
        lengths += [len(data[channel])]
    if len(set(lengths)) > 1:  # If different lengths
        length = pd.Series(lengths).mode()[0]  # Find most common (target length)
        for channel in data:
            if len(data[channel]) > length:
                data[channel] = data[channel][0:length]
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / ecg / View on Github external
# flo and fhi correspond to the Mayer waves and respiratory rate respectively
    flo = 0.1
    fhi = 0.25
    flostd = 0.01
    fhistd = 0.01

    # Calculate time scales for rr and total output
    sfrr = 1
    trr = 1 / sfrr
    rrmean = 60 / hrmean
    n = 2 ** (np.ceil(np.log2(N * rrmean / trr)))

    rr0 = _ecg_simulate_rrprocess(flo, fhi, flostd, fhistd, lfhfratio, hrmean, hrstd, sfrr, n)

    # Upsample rr time series from 1 Hz to sfint Hz
    rr = signal_resample(rr0, sampling_rate=1, desired_sampling_rate=sfint)

    # Make the rrn time series
    dt = 1 / sfint
    rrn = np.zeros(len(rr))
    tecg = 0
    i = 0
    while i < len(rr):
        tecg += rr[i]
        ip = int(np.round(tecg / dt))
        rrn[i:ip] = rr[i]
        i = ip
    Nt = ip

    # Integrate system using fourth order Runge-Kutta
    x0 = np.array([1, 0, 0.04])
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / eda / View on Github external
def _eda_sympathetic_ghiasi(eda_signal, sampling_rate=1000, frequency_band=[0.045, 0.25], show=True, out={}):

    min_frequency = frequency_band[0]
    max_frequency = frequency_band[1]

    # Downsample, normalize, filter
    desired_sampling_rate = 50
    downsampled = signal_resample(eda_signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_sampling_rate=desired_sampling_rate)
    normalized = standardize(downsampled)
    filtered = signal_filter(normalized, sampling_rate=desired_sampling_rate, lowcut=0.01, highcut=0.5, method='butterworth')

    # Divide the signal into segments and obtain the timefrequency representation
    nperseg = int((5 / min_frequency) * desired_sampling_rate)
    overlap = 59 / 50  # overlap of 59s in samples
    frequency, time, bins = scipy.signal.spectrogram(filtered, fs=desired_sampling_rate, window='blackman',
                                                     nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=overlap)

    lower_bound = len(frequency) - len(frequency[frequency > min_frequency])
    f = frequency[(frequency > min_frequency) & (frequency < max_frequency)]
    z = bins[lower_bound:lower_bound + len(f)]

    # Visualization
    if show is True:
        fig = plt.figure()