How to use the neurokit2.rsp_simulate function in neurokit2

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def test_rsp_rrv():

    rsp90 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=60, sampling_rate=1000, respiratory_rate=90, random_state=42)
    rsp110 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=60, sampling_rate=1000, respiratory_rate=110, random_state=42)

    cleaned90 = nk.rsp_clean(rsp90, sampling_rate=1000)
    _, peaks90 = nk.rsp_peaks(cleaned90)
    rsp_rate90 = nk.signal_rate(peaks90, desired_length=len(rsp90))

    cleaned110 = nk.rsp_clean(rsp110, sampling_rate=1000)
    _, peaks110 = nk.rsp_peaks(cleaned110)
    rsp_rate110 = nk.signal_rate(peaks110, desired_length=len(rsp110))

    rsp90_rrv = nk.rsp_rrv(rsp_rate90, peaks90)
    rsp110_rrv = nk.rsp_rrv(rsp_rate110, peaks110)

    assert np.array(rsp90_rrv["RRV_SDBB"]) < np.array(rsp110_rrv["RRV_SDBB"])
    assert np.array(rsp90_rrv["RRV_RMSSD"]) < np.array(rsp110_rrv["RRV_RMSSD"])
    assert np.array(rsp90_rrv["RRV_SDSD"]) < np.array(rsp110_rrv["RRV_SDSD"])
    # assert np.array(rsp90_rrv["RRV_pNN50"]) == np.array(rsp110_rrv["RRV_pNN50"]) == np.array(rsp110_rrv["RRV_pNN20"]) == np.array(rsp90_rrv["RRV_pNN20"]) == 0
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def test_rsp_simulate():
    rsp1 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=20, length=3000, random_state=42)
    assert len(rsp1) == 3000

    rsp2 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=20, length=3000, respiratory_rate=80, random_state=42)
    #    pd.DataFrame({"RSP1":rsp1, "RSP2":rsp2}).plot()
    #    pd.DataFrame({"RSP1":rsp1, "RSP2":rsp2}).hist()
    assert len(nk.signal_findpeaks(rsp1, height_min=0.2)["Peaks"]) < len(
        nk.signal_findpeaks(rsp2, height_min=0.2)["Peaks"]

    rsp3 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=20, length=3000, method="sinusoidal", random_state=42)
    rsp4 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=20, length=3000, method="breathmetrics", random_state=42)
    #    pd.DataFrame({"RSP3":rsp3, "RSP4":rsp4}).plot()
    assert len(nk.signal_findpeaks(rsp3, height_min=0.2)["Peaks"]) > len(
        nk.signal_findpeaks(rsp4, height_min=0.2)["Peaks"]
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def test_rsp_amplitude():

    rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=120, sampling_rate=1000, respiratory_rate=15, method="sinusoidal", noise=0)
    rsp_cleaned = nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=1000)
    signals, info = nk.rsp_peaks(rsp_cleaned)

    # Test with dictionary.
    amplitude = nk.rsp_amplitude(rsp, signals)
    assert amplitude.shape == (rsp.size,)
    assert np.abs(amplitude.mean() - 1) < 0.01

    # Test with DataFrame.
    amplitude = nk.rsp_amplitude(rsp, info)
    assert amplitude.shape == (rsp.size,)
    assert np.abs(amplitude.mean() - 1) < 0.01
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def test_rsp_plot():

    rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=120, sampling_rate=1000, respiratory_rate=15)
    rsp_summary, _ = nk.rsp_process(rsp, sampling_rate=1000)
    # This will identify the latest figure.
    fig = plt.gcf()
    assert len(fig.axes) == 3
    titles = ["Raw and Cleaned Signal", "Breathing Rate", "Breathing Amplitude"]
    for (ax, title) in zip(fig.get_axes(), titles):
        assert ax.get_title() == title
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def test_rsp_simulate():
    rsp1 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=20, length=3000, random_state=42)
    assert len(rsp1) == 3000

    rsp2 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=20, length=3000, respiratory_rate=80, random_state=42)
    #    pd.DataFrame({"RSP1":rsp1, "RSP2":rsp2}).plot()
    #    pd.DataFrame({"RSP1":rsp1, "RSP2":rsp2}).hist()
    assert len(nk.signal_findpeaks(rsp1, height_min=0.2)["Peaks"]) < len(
        nk.signal_findpeaks(rsp2, height_min=0.2)["Peaks"]

    rsp3 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=20, length=3000, method="sinusoidal", random_state=42)
    rsp4 = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=20, length=3000, method="breathmetrics", random_state=42)
    #    pd.DataFrame({"RSP3":rsp3, "RSP4":rsp4}).plot()
    assert len(nk.signal_findpeaks(rsp3, height_min=0.2)["Peaks"]) > len(
        nk.signal_findpeaks(rsp4, height_min=0.2)["Peaks"]
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def test_rsp_peaks():

    rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=120, sampling_rate=1000, respiratory_rate=15, random_state=42)
    rsp_cleaned = nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=1000)
    signals, info = nk.rsp_peaks(rsp_cleaned)
    assert signals.shape == (120000, 2)
    assert signals["RSP_Peaks"].sum() == 28
    assert signals["RSP_Troughs"].sum() == 28
    assert info["RSP_Peaks"].shape[0] == 28
    assert info["RSP_Troughs"].shape[0] == 28
    assert np.allclose(info["RSP_Peaks"].sum(), 1643817)
    assert np.allclose(info["RSP_Troughs"].sum(), 1586588)
    # Assert that extrema start with a trough and end with a peak.
    assert info["RSP_Peaks"][0] > info["RSP_Troughs"][0]
    assert info["RSP_Peaks"][-1] > info["RSP_Troughs"][-1]
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def test_rsp_clean():

    sampling_rate = 100
    duration = 120
    rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(
        duration=duration, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, respiratory_rate=15, noise=0.1, random_state=42
    # Add linear drift (to test baseline removal).
    rsp += nk.signal_distort(rsp, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, linear_drift=True)

    khodadad2018 = nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, method="khodadad2018")
    assert len(rsp) == len(khodadad2018)

    rsp_biosppy = nk.rsp_clean(rsp, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, method="biosppy")
    assert len(rsp) == len(rsp_biosppy)

    # Check if filter was applied.
    fft_raw = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(rsp))
    fft_khodadad2018 = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(khodadad2018))
    fft_biosppy = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(rsp_biosppy))
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signals, info = nk.ecg_process(ecg, sampling_rate=250)

# Visualise the processing
nk.ecg_plot(signals, sampling_rate=250)

# Save it
plot = nk.ecg_plot(signals, sampling_rate=250)
plot.set_size_inches(10, 6, forward=True)
plot.savefig("README_ecg.png", dpi=300, h_pad=3)

# =============================================================================
# Respiration (RSP) processing
# =============================================================================

# Generate one minute of RSP signal (recorded at 250 samples / second)
rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=60, sampling_rate=250, respiratory_rate=15)

# Process it
signals, info = nk.rsp_process(rsp, sampling_rate=250)

# Visualise the processing
nk.rsp_plot(signals, sampling_rate=250)

# Save it
plot = nk.rsp_plot(signals, sampling_rate=250)
plot.set_size_inches(10, 6, forward=True)
plot.savefig("README_rsp.png", dpi=300, h_pad=3)

# =============================================================================
# Electromyography (EMG) processing
# =============================================================================
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def rsp_generate(duration=90, sampling_rate=1000, respiratory_rate=None, method="Complex"):

    if respiratory_rate is None:
        respiratory_rate = np.random.randint(10, 25)

    if method == "Simple":
        actual_method = "sinusoidal"
        actual_method = "breathmetrics"

    rsp = nk.rsp_simulate(duration=duration, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, respiratory_rate=respiratory_rate, noise=0, method=actual_method)

    info = {"Duration": [duration],
            "Sampling_Rate": [sampling_rate],
            "Respiratory_Rate": [respiratory_rate],
            "Simulation": [method]}

    return rsp, info