Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def __init__(self):
self.queue = Queue()
self.points_taken = Value('i', 0)
def push(self, data):
:type multinet_base_dir: str
:type conf: str
:type output_dir: str
test_type = '[sb_idle_scalability_multinet]''{0} initializing test parameters'.format(test_type))
# Global variables read-write shared between monitor-main thread.
cpid = 0
global_sample_id = 0
t_start = multiprocessing.Value('d', 0.0)
# Multinet parameters
multinet_hosts_per_switch = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
multinet_topo_size = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
multinet_worker_ip_list = conf['multinet_worker_ip_list']
multinet_worker_port_list = conf['multinet_worker_port_list']
# Controller parameters
controller_logs_dir = ctrl_base_dir + conf['controller_logs_dir']
controller_rebuild = conf['controller_rebuild']
controller_cleanup = conf['controller_cleanup']
if 'controller_cpu_shares' in conf:
controller_cpu_shares = conf['controller_cpu_shares']
controller_cpu_shares = 100
multinet_switch_type = conf['multinet_switch_type']
controller_handlers_set = conf_collections_util.controller_handlers(
fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(processName)s - [%(levelname)s] %(name)s: %(message)s'))
#Stream to console.
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(processName)s - [%(levelname)s] %(name)s: %(message)s'))
# IPC setup to receive log messages. Use zmq_tools.ZMQ_handler to send messages to here.
sub = zmq_tools.Msg_Receiver(zmq_ctx,ipc_sub_url,topics=("logging",))
while True:
topic,msg = sub.recv()
record = logging.makeLogRecord(msg)
## IPC
timebase = Value(c_double,0)
eyes_are_alive = Value(c_bool,0),Value(c_bool,0)
zmq_ctx = zmq.Context()
#Let the OS choose the IP and PORT
ipc_pub_url = 'tcp://*:*'
ipc_sub_url = 'tcp://*:*'
ipc_push_url = 'tcp://*:*'
# Binding IPC Backbone Sockets to URLs.
# They are used in the threads started below.
# Using them in the main thread is not allowed.
xsub_socket = zmq_ctx.socket(zmq.XSUB)
ipc_pub_url = xsub_socket.last_endpoint.decode('utf8').replace("","")
def run(self, gene_files):
"""Annotate genes with TIGRFAM HMMs.
gene_files : iterable
Gene files in FASTA format to process.
if len(gene_files) == 0:
raise GTDBTkExit('There are no genomes to process.')
self.cpus_per_genome = max(1, self.threads / len(gene_files))
# populate worker queue with data to process
workerQueue = mp.Queue()
writerQueue = mp.Queue()
n_skipped = mp.Value('i', 0)
for f in gene_files:
for _ in range(self.threads):
workerProc = [mp.Process(target=self._workerThread, args=(
workerQueue, writerQueue, n_skipped)) for _ in range(self.threads)]
writeProc = mp.Process(target=self._writerThread, args=(
len(gene_files), writerQueue))
for p in workerProc:
global_rb = manager.PrioritizedReplayBuffer(
# queues to share network parameters between a learner and explorers
queues = [manager.Queue(), manager.Queue()]
# Event object to share training status. if event is set True, all exolorers stop sampling transitions
is_training_done = Event()
# Lock
lock = manager.Lock()
# Shared memory objects to count number of samples and applied gradients
trained_steps = Value('i', 0)
return global_rb, queues, is_training_done, lock, trained_steps
if not mesg.endswith("\n"):
mesg += "\n"
ret += fmt % {
"cmd_key": self.cmd_key,
"attr": attr,
"mesg": mesg}
return ret.rstrip()
class SuiteProcPool(object):
"""Use a process pool to execute shell commands."""
JOBS_SUBMIT = "jobs-submit"
# Shared memory flag.
STOP_JOB_SUBMISSION = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0)
def get_inst(cls, pool_size=None):
"""Return a singleton instance.
On 1st call, instantiate the singleton. The argument "pool_size" is
only relevant on 1st call.
if cls._INSTANCE is None:
cls._INSTANCE = cls(pool_size)
return cls._INSTANCE
def __init__(self, pool_size=None):
def __init__(self):
self.throttle = Value(ctypes.c_float,0.0)
self.steering = Value(ctypes.c_float,0.0)
self.is_run = Value(ctypes.c_bool,True)
self._p = Process(target=self._process, args=(10,))
expand_range = []
for i in xrange(len(targets)):
targets[i] = targets[i].strip()
if '/' in targets[i]:
expand_range = expand_range + ip_expand(targets[i])
targets = targets + expand_range
print "Checking for communication"
pool = Pool(smbargs.packet_rate)
valid_targets =, targets)
valid_targets[:] = (x for x in valid_targets if x is not None)
print valid_targets
print "Starting to crawl the targets... this will take some time."
lock = Value('i',0,lock=True)
# dynamic scanning pool, so we'll take care of this here
npool = Pool(smbargs.packet_rate)
results = npool.map_async(smbscan, valid_targets)
print "Done"
size = int(args['--size'])
processes_num = int(args['--processes_num'])
negative = int(args['--negative'])
iters = int(args['--iters'])
w2i, i2w = load_vocabulary(words_path)
c2i, i2c = load_vocabulary(contexts_path)
words = load_count_vocabulary(words_path)
contexts = load_count_vocabulary(contexts_path)
pairs_num = 0
with open(pairs_path, 'r') as f:
for l in f:
pairs_num += 1
global_word_count = Value('l', 0)
alpha = 0.025
syn0, syn1 = init_net(size, len(words), len(contexts))
table = UnigramTable(i2c, contexts)
print ()
for i in range(iters):
pool = Pool(processes=processes_num, initializer=__init_process, initargs=(w2i, c2i, syn0, syn1, table, negative, size, alpha, processes_num, global_word_count, pairs_num, iters, pairs_path)), range(processes_num))
save(i2w, syn0, outputs_path)
print ("word2vecf finished")
self.pair = pair.Pair() = Value('i', 1)
self.controller_game_mode = Value('i',1)
self.restart = Value('i',0)
self.controller_teams = {}
self.controller_colors = {}
self.dead_moves = {}
self.music_speed= Value('d', 0)
self.werewolf_reveal = Value('i', 2)
self.show_team_colors = Value('i', 0)
self.red_on_kill = Value('i', 0)
self.zombie_opts = {}
self.commander_intro = Value('i',1)
self.commander_move_opts = {}
self.commander_powers = [Value('d', 0.0), Value('d', 0.0)]
self.commander_overdrive = [Value('i', 0), Value('i', 0)]
self.five_controller_opts = {}
self.swapper_team_colors = Array('i',[0]*6)
self.fight_club_colors = {}
self.invincible_moves = {}
self.num_teams = Value('i',1)
self.bomb_color = Array('i', [0] * 3)
self.game_start = Value('i', 0)
self.false_colors = {}
self.was_faked = {}
self.rumble = {}
self.kill_controller_proc = {}
self.controller_sensitivity = Array('d', [0] *10)
self.dead_invince = Value('b', False)
self.i = 0