Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
return np.ascontiguousarray(data, dtype='float32')
if __name__ == '__main__':
from mpi4py import MPI
verbose = False #rank==0
import sys
gpuid = sys.argv[1]
if verbose: print gpuid
icomm = MPI.Comm.Get_parent()
# 0. Receive config
config = icomm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,tag=99)
size = config['size']
rank = config['rank']
file_batch_size = config['file_batch_size']
batch_size = config['batch_size']
subb = file_batch_size//batch_size
ctx = pygpu.init(gpuid)
import socket
addr = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
if verbose: print '[load] ', addr, rank
from __future__ import division
print "Deprecated on 12/01/17. Code will be removed at a later date"
from mpi4py import MPI
from xfel.command_line.mpi_merge import scaling_manager_mpi
comm = MPI.Comm.Get_parent()
size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()
received_info = {}
received_info = comm.bcast(received_info, root=0)
file_names = received_info["file_names"]
sm = scaling_manager_mpi(received_info["miller_set"],
assert sm.params.backend == 'MySQL' # only option that makes sense
from xfel.merging.database.merging_database import manager
db_mgr = manager(sm.params)
for ix in xrange(len(file_names)):
if ix%size == rank:
buf = buf._DNDarray__array
# convert torch tensors to MPI memory buffers
if not isinstance(buf, torch.Tensor):
return func(buf, root), None, None, None
srbuf = buf if CUDA_AWARE_MPI else buf.cpu()
return func(self.as_buffer(srbuf), root), srbuf, srbuf, buf
def Bcast(self, buf, root=0):
ret, sbuf, rbuf, buf = self.__broadcast_like(self.handle.Bcast, buf, root)
if buf is not None and isinstance(buf, torch.Tensor) and buf.is_cuda and not CUDA_AWARE_MPI:
return ret
Bcast.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Bcast.__doc__
def Ibcast(self, buf, root=0):
return MPIRequest(*self.__broadcast_like(self.handle.Ibcast, buf, root))
Ibcast.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Ibcast.__doc__
def __reduce_like(self, func, sendbuf, recvbuf, *args, **kwargs):
sbuf = None
rbuf = None
buf = None
# unpack the send buffer if it is a HeAT tensor
if isinstance(sendbuf, dndarray.DNDarray):
sendbuf = sendbuf._DNDarray__array
# unpack the receive buffer if it is a HeAT tensor
if isinstance(recvbuf, dndarray.DNDarray):
recvbuf = recvbuf._DNDarray__array
def worker_check_beta(rank, workers_segments, beta, D_shape):
"""Helper function for main_check_warm_beta, to be run in the workers."""
global_test_points = get_global_test_points(workers_segments)
for i_probe, pt_global in enumerate(global_test_points):
pt = workers_segments.get_local_coordinate(rank, pt_global)
if workers_segments.is_contained_coordinate(rank, pt):
beta_slice = (Ellipsis,) + pt
sum_beta = np.array(beta[beta_slice].sum(), dtype='d')
comm = MPI.Comm.Get_parent()
comm.Send([sum_beta, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0,
tag=constants.TAG_ROOT + i_probe)
x = vals_rhs.copy()
mumps_ls(6) # analyse, factorize, solve
if comm.rank == 0:
vals_x = nm.memmap(tmpfile('vals_x.array'), dtype=dtype, mode='w+',
vals_x[:] = x
if __name__ == '__main__':
comm = MPI.Comm.Get_parent()
Allgatherv.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Allgatherv.__doc__
def Iallgather(self, sendbuf, recvbuf, recv_axis=0):
sendbuf: Input Sendbuffer
recvbuf: Input Receivebuffer
recv_axis: concatenation axis: The axis among which sendbuffer is distributed before allgather is performed
return MPIRequest(
*self.__allgather_like(self.handle.Iallgather, sendbuf, recvbuf, recv_axis)
Iallgather.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Iallgather.__doc__
def Iallgatherv(self, sendbuf, recvbuf, recv_axis=0):
sendbuf: Input Sendbuffer
recvbuf: Input Receivebuffer
recv_axis: concatenation axis: The axis among which sendbuffer is distributed before allgather is performed
return MPIRequest(
*self.__allgather_like(self.handle.Iallgatherv, sendbuf, recvbuf, recv_axis)
Iallgatherv.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Iallgatherv.__doc__
def __alltoall_like(self, func, sendbuf, recvbuf, send_axis, recv_axis, **kwargs):
def __recv_like(self, func, buf, source, tag, status):
if isinstance(buf, dndarray.DNDarray):
buf = buf._DNDarray__array
if not isinstance(buf, torch.Tensor):
return func(buf, source, tag, status)
return func(self.as_buffer(buf), source, tag, status)
def Irecv(self, buf, source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=None):
return self.__recv_like(self.handle.Irecv, buf, source, tag, status)
Irecv.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Irecv.__doc__
def Recv(self, buf, source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=None):
return self.__recv_like(self.handle.Recv, buf, source, tag, status)
Recv.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Recv.__doc__
def __send_like(self, func, buf, dest, tag):
if isinstance(buf, dndarray.DNDarray):
buf = buf._DNDarray__array
if not isinstance(buf, torch.Tensor):
return func(buf, dest, tag)
return func(self.as_buffer(buf), dest, tag)
def Bsend(self, buf, dest, tag=0):
return self.__send_like(self.handle.Bsend, buf, dest, tag)
Bsend.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Bsend.__doc__
def Ibsend(self, buf, dest, tag=0):
return self.__send_like(self.handle.Ibsend, buf, dest, tag)
Ibsend.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Ibsend.__doc__
exit_code = func(mpi_sendbuf, mpi_recvbuf, **kwargs)
# undo the recvbuf permutation and assign the temporary buffer to the original recvbuf
if recv_axis != 0:
print("recvbuf", recvbuf)
recvbuf = recvbuf.permute(*recv_axis_permutation)
print("recvbuf after permuting", recvbuf)
print("",, "recvbuf.storage_offset()", recvbuf.storage_offset(), "recvbuf.shape", recvbuf.shape, "recvbuf.stride()", recvbuf.stride())
original_recvbuf.set_(, recvbuf.storage_offset(), recvbuf.shape, recvbuf.stride())
print("original_recvbuf", original_recvbuf)
return exit_code
def Allgather(self, sendbuf, recvbuf, axis=0, recv_axis=None):
return self.__scatter_like(self.handle.Allgather, sendbuf, recvbuf, axis, recv_axis, recv_factor=self.size)
Allgather.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Allgather.__doc__
def Allgatherv(self, sendbuf, recvbuf, axis=0, recv_axis=None):
return self.__scatter_like(self.handle.Allgatherv, sendbuf, recvbuf, axis, recv_axis, recv_factor=self.size)
Allgatherv.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Allgatherv.__doc__
def Alltoall(self, sendbuf, recvbuf, axis=0, recv_axis=None):
return self.__scatter_like(
self.handle.Alltoall, sendbuf, recvbuf, axis, recv_axis, send_factor=self.size, recv_factor=self.size
Alltoall.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Alltoall.__doc__
def Alltoallv(self, sendbuf, recvbuf, axis=0, recv_axis=None):
return self.__scatter_like(self.handle.Alltoallv, sendbuf, recvbuf, axis, recv_axis)
Alltoallv.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Alltoallv.__doc__
def Gather(self, sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0, axis=0, recv_axis=None):
Iallgather.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Iallgather.__doc__
def Iallgatherv(self, sendbuf, recvbuf, recv_axis=0):
sendbuf: Input Sendbuffer
recvbuf: Input Receivebuffer
recv_axis: concatenation axis: The axis among which sendbuffer is distributed before allgather is performed
return MPIRequest(
*self.__allgather_like(self.handle.Iallgatherv, sendbuf, recvbuf, recv_axis)
Iallgatherv.__doc__ = MPI.Comm.Iallgatherv.__doc__
def __alltoall_like(self, func, sendbuf, recvbuf, send_axis, recv_axis, **kwargs):
sendbuf: Input send buffer; can be of type DNDarray, torch.Tensor, tuple = (torch.Tensor, send_counts, send_displ), or any other numpy supported type (only if send_axis == 0)
recvbuf: Input receive buffer; can be of type DNDarray, torch.Tensor, tuple = (torch.Tensor, send_counts, send_displ), or any other numpy supported type (only if send_axis == 0)
send_axis: future split axis, along which data blocks will be created that will be send to individual ranks
if send_axis == recv_axis, an error will be thrown
if send_axis or recv_axis are None, an error will be thrown
recv_axis: prior split axis, along which blocks are received from the individual ranks
exit code: of func