How to use the mercantile.xy function in mercantile

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mercantile examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mapbox / mercantile / tests / View on Github external
def test_xy_south_pole():
    """Return -inf for y at South Pole"""
    assert mercantile.xy(0.0, -90) == (0.0, float("-inf"))
github mojodna / marblecutter / View on Github external
def render_normal(tile, data, buffers):
    # TODO does this exhibit problems that are addressed by adjusting heights according to latitude?

    bounds = mercantile.bounds(*tile)
    ll = mercantile.xy(*bounds[0:2])
    ur = mercantile.xy(*bounds[2:4])

    dx = (ur[0] - ll[0]) / 256
    dy = (ur[1] - ll[1]) / 256

    ygrad, xgrad = np.gradient(data, 2)
    img = np.dstack((-1.0 / dx * xgrad, 1.0 / dy * ygrad,

    # first, we normalise to unit vectors. this puts each element of img
    # in the range (-1, 1). the "einsum" stuff is serious black magic, but
    # what it (should be) saying is "for each i,j in the rows and columns,
    # the output is the sum of img[i,j,k]*img[i,j,k]" - i.e: the square.
    norm = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ijk,ijk->ij', img, img))

    # the norm is now the "wrong shape" according to numpy, so we need to
github mojodna / marblecutter / View on Github external
def render_hillshade(tile, data, buffers, dx, dy, scale=1, resample=True, add_slopeshade=True):
    bounds = mercantile.bounds(*tile)
    ll = mercantile.xy(*bounds[0:2])
    ur = mercantile.xy(*bounds[2:4])

    dx = -1 * (ur[0] - ll[0]) / 256
    dy = -1 * (ur[1] - ll[1]) / 256

    # TODO slopeshade addition results in excessively dark images

    # interpolate latitudes
    # TODO do this earlier
    bounds = mercantile.bounds(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)
    height = data.shape[0]
    latitudes = np.interp(np.arange(height), [0, height - 1], [bounds.north, bounds.south])

    factors = 1 / np.cos(np.radians(latitudes))

    # convert to 2d array, rotate 270º, scale data
    data = data * np.rot90(np.atleast_2d(factors), 3)
github ealgis / ealgis / django / ealgis / View on Github external
def create_vectortile_sql(layer, bounds):
            # Create extent
            west, south = xy(bounds.west, bounds.south)
            east, north = xy(bounds.east, bounds.north)
            extent = "ST_MakeBox2D(ST_MakePoint({west}, {south}), ST_MakePoint({east}, {north}))".format(west=west, south=south, east=east, north=north)

            # e.g. aus_census_2011_shapes.sa1
            geom_table_name = "{schema_name}.{geometry_name}".format(geometry_name=layer["geometry"], schema_name=layer["schema"])
            # e.g. aus_census_2011_shapes.sa1.geom_3857
            geom_column_definition = "{}.geom_3857".format(geom_table_name)

            # Replace the compiled geometry column definition with the zoom-level dependent version
            # e.g. Replace "ST_AsEWKB(aus_census_2011_shapes.sa1.geom_3857)" with "ST_AsMVTGeom(ST_Simplify(aus_census_2011_shapes.sa1.geom_3857, TOLERANCE), EXTENT_OF_TILE)"

            # Zoom 15 is our highest resolution (configured in OpenLayers), so we need to grab
            # unsimplified geometries to allow us to re-use them as the user zooms in.
            base_query = MapDefinition.layer_postgis_query(layer)
            if z == 15 or layer["type"] in ["POINT", "MULTIPOINT"]:
                data_query = base_query.replace(
github mapbox / supermercado / supermercado / View on Github external
def make_transform(tilerange, zoom):
    ulx, uly = mercantile.xy(
        *mercantile.ul(tilerange["x"]["min"], tilerange["y"]["min"], zoom)
    lrx, lry = mercantile.xy(
        *mercantile.ul(tilerange["x"]["max"], tilerange["y"]["max"], zoom)
    xcell = (lrx - ulx) / float(tilerange["x"]["max"] - tilerange["x"]["min"])
    ycell = (uly - lry) / float(tilerange["y"]["max"] - tilerange["y"]["min"])
    return Affine(xcell, 0, ulx, 0, -ycell, uly)
github ealgis / ealgis / django / ealgis / View on Github external
metres2Degrees = (2 * math.pi * 6378137) / 360

                    return (stdTileWidth / math.pow(2, z - 1)) / metres2Degrees

                tolerance = tolerance()
                places = 0
                precision = 1.0

                while (precision > tolerance):
                    places += 1
                    precision /= 10

                return places

            srid = "3857"
            west, south = mercantile.xy(bounds.west, bounds.south)
            east, north = mercantile.xy(bounds.east, bounds.north)

            decimalPlaces = setDecimalPlaces()

            resolution = 6378137.0 * 2.0 * math.pi / 256.0 / math.pow(2.0, z)
            tolerance = resolution / 20

            # A bit of a hack - assign the minimum area a feature must have to be visible at each zoom level.
            # if(z <= 4):
            #     min_area = 2500000
            # elif(z <= 8):
            #     # min_area = 350000
            #     min_area = 1000000
            # elif(z <= 12):
            #     min_area = 50000
            # elif(z <= 16):
github mapbox / supermercado / supermercado / View on Github external
def union(inputtiles, parsenames):

    tiles = sutils.tile_parser(inputtiles, parsenames)

    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = sutils.get_range(tiles)

    zoom = sutils.get_zoom(tiles)

    # make an array of shape (xrange + 3, yrange + 3)
    burn = sutils.burnXYZs(tiles, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0)

    nw = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(xmin, ymin, zoom))

    se = mercantile.xy(*mercantile.ul(xmax + 1, ymax + 1, zoom))

    aff = Affine(
        ((se[0] - nw[0]) / float(xmax - xmin + 1)),
        -((nw[1] - se[1]) / float(ymax - ymin + 1)),

    unprojecter = sutils.Unprojecter()

    unionedTiles = [
github mapbox / untiler / untiler / View on Github external
def make_src_meta(bounds, size, creation_opts={}):
    Create metadata for output tiles

    ul = merc.xy(bounds.west, bounds.north)
    lr = merc.xy(bounds.east, bounds.south)

    aff = make_affine(size, size, ul, lr)

    ## default values
    src_meta = {
        'driver': 'GTiff',
        'height': size,
        'width': size,
        'count': 4,
        'dtype': np.uint8,
        'affine': aff,
        "crs": 'EPSG:3857',
        'compress': 'JPEG',
        'tiled': True,
        'blockxsize': 256,