How to use the mercantile.__init__.InvalidLatitudeError function in mercantile

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github mapbox / mercantile / mercantile / View on Github external
def _xy(lng, lat, truncate=False):

    if truncate:
        lng, lat = truncate_lnglat(lng, lat)

    x = lng / 360.0 + 0.5
    sinlat = math.sin(math.radians(lat))

        y = 0.5 - 0.25 * math.log((1.0 + sinlat) / (1.0 - sinlat)) / math.pi
    except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
        raise InvalidLatitudeError("Y can not be computed: lat={!r}".format(lat))
        return x, y
github mapbox / mercantile / mercantile / View on Github external
w, s, e, n = bbox

    truncate = bool(kwds.get("truncate"))

    if truncate:
        w, s = truncate_lnglat(w, s)
        e, n = truncate_lnglat(e, n)

    e = e - LL_EPSILON
    s = s + LL_EPSILON

        tmin = tile(w, n, 32)
        tmax = tile(e, s, 32)
    except InvalidLatitudeError:
        return Tile(0, 0, 0)

    cell = tmin[:2] + tmax[:2]
    z = _getBboxZoom(*cell)

    if z == 0:
        return Tile(0, 0, 0)

    x = rshift(cell[0], (32 - z))
    y = rshift(cell[1], (32 - z))

    return Tile(x, y, z)