How to use the luigi.WrapperTask function in luigi

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few luigi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ooni / pipeline / pipeline / batch / View on Github external

    def query(self):
        sql = ''
        for view in self.materialised_views:
            sql += 'REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW {view};\n'.format(view=view)
        return sql

class ListParameter(luigi.Parameter):
    def parse(self, s):
        return s.split(' ')

    def serialize(self, e):
        return ' '.join(e)

class ListReportsAndRun(luigi.WrapperTask):
    date_interval = luigi.DateIntervalParameter()
    task = luigi.Parameter(default="InsertMeasurementsIntoPostgres")
    test_names = ListParameter(default=[])

    update_views = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)

    def _list_reports_in_bucket(date):
        ooni_private_dir = config.get("ooni", "raw-reports-dir")
        bucket_path = os.path.join(ooni_private_dir, date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
        return get_luigi_target(bucket_path).fs.listdir(bucket_path)

    def requires(self):
            task_factory = globals()[self.task]
        except AttributeError:
github CartoDB / bigmetadata / tasks / ca / statcan / View on Github external
def run(self):
        infiles = shell('ls {input}/*.csv'.format(
        fhandle = self.output().open('w')
        for infile in infiles.strip().split('\n'):
            topic = os.path.split(infile)[-1].split('.csv')[0]
            data = yield CopyDataToTable(resolution=self.resolution, survey=self.survey, topic=topic)

    def output(self):
        return LocalTarget(os.path.join('tmp', classpath(self), self.task_id))

class ImportAllResolutions(WrapperTask):
    survey = Parameter(default=SURVEY_CEN)

    def requires(self):
        for resolution in GEOGRAPHIES:
            yield ImportData(resolution=resolution, survey=self.survey)

class ImportAllSurveys(WrapperTask):
    resolution = Parameter(default=GEO_PR)

    def requires(self):
        for survey in SURVEYS:
            yield ImportData(resolution=self.resolution, survey=survey)

class ImportAll(WrapperTask):
github nestauk / nesta / nesta / core / routines / arxiv / View on Github external
# pick up any left over in the batches
        if article_institute_batcher:
        if match_attempted_batcher:
            match_attempted_batcher.write()"All articles processed")"Total successful fuzzy matches for institute names: {len(fuzzer.successful_fuzzy_matches)}")"Total failed fuzzy matches for institute names{len(fuzzer.failed_fuzzy_matches): }")

        # mark as done"Task complete")

class GridRootTask(luigi.WrapperTask):
    date = luigi.DateParameter(
    db_config_path = luigi.Parameter(default="mysqldb.config")
    production = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)
    drop_and_recreate = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)
    articles_from_date = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
    insert_batch_size = luigi.IntParameter(default=500)
    debug = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)

    def requires(self):
        '''Collects the database configurations
        and executes the central task.'''
        _routine_id = "{}-{}".format(, self.production)
        grid_task_kwargs = {
github kyocum / disdat / disdat / View on Github external
tasks needed to run the pipe.  The WrapperTask is complete when all requirements are met.

Depending on the kind of pipe given, change our behavior between 1:1,
1:n, and n:1.

author: Kenneth Yocum
from collections import defaultdict, deque

import luigi

from disdat.fs import PipeCacheEntry, DisdatFS
from disdat.pipe_base import PipeBase

class DriverTask(luigi.WrapperTask, PipeBase):
         output_bundle: The name of the collection of resulting data items
         param_bundles: A dictionary of arguments to the first underlying Luigi Task
         pipe_cls:      The pipe's class, type[disdat.Pipe.PipeTask]
         force:         Force recompute of dependencies (requires)
    output_bundle = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
    pipe_params = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
    pipe_cls = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
    input_tags = luigi.DictParameter()
    output_tags = luigi.DictParameter()
    force = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)
    data_context = luigi.Parameter(significant=False)
github GeoscienceAustralia / PyRate / pyrate / tasks / View on Github external
            return []

    def complete(self):
        if self.output():
            return super(luigi.WrapperTask, self).complete()
            # then this didn't do anything, so check that
            # the requres are complete
            # ... which is exactly what luigi.WrapperTask does.
            # TODO: This requires knowledge of prepare_ifg,
            # that is opaque. Address with refactoring.
            return super(PrepareInterferogram, self).complete()

class PrepareInterferograms(IfgListMixin, luigi.WrapperTask):
    Wrapper function to prepare a sequence of interferogram files for
    PyRate analysis using Luigi tasks. See pyrate.prepifg.prepare_ifgs() and
    pyrate.tasks.prepifg.PrepareInterferogram() for further documentation.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(PrepareInterferograms, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.extents_removed = False

    def requires(self):
        return [PrepareInterferogram(ifg=Ifg(path))
                for path in self.ifg_tiff_list()]

    def run(self):
github GeoscienceAustralia / wagl / gaip / View on Github external
reqs.append(RunTCBand(self.level1, self.work_root, self.granule,
                        , band_num=band))
        return reqs

    def output(self):
        out_path = acquisitions(self.level1).get_root(self.work_root,
                                            , self.granule)
        return luigi.LocalTarget(pjoin(out_path, 'reflectance.h5'))

    def run(self):
        with self.output().temporary_path() as out_fname:
            fnames = [target.path for target in self.input()]
            link_reflectance_data(fnames, out_fname)

class NBAR(luigi.WrapperTask):

    """Kicks off NBAR tasks for each level1 entry."""

    level1_csv = luigi.Parameter()
    output_directory = luigi.Parameter()
    work_extension = luigi.Parameter(default='.gaip-work', significant=False)

    def requires(self):
        with open(self.level1_csv) as src:
            level1_scenes = [scene.strip() for scene in src.readlines()]

        for scene in level1_scenes:
            work_name = basename(scene) + self.work_extension
            work_root = pjoin(self.output_directory, work_name)
            container = acquisitions(scene)
            for granule in container.granules:
github nestauk / nesta / nesta / core / routines / gtr / View on Github external
Root Task (generic)

Luigi routine to collect all GtR data, geocode and load to MYSQL.

import datetime
import logging
import luigi

from nesta.core.routines.gtr.gtr_geocode import GtrGeocode

class RootTask(luigi.WrapperTask):
    '''A dummy root task, which collects the database configurations
    and executes the central task.

        date (datetime): Date used to label the outputs
    date = luigi.DateParameter(
    page_size = luigi.IntParameter(default=10)
    production = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)

    def requires(self):
        '''Collects the database configurations and executes the central task.'''
        _routine_id = "{}-{}".format(, self.production)
        log_stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
        log_file_handler = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
        logging.basicConfig(handlers=(log_stream_handler, log_file_handler),
github Pinafore / qb / qanta / View on Github external
fold = luigi.Parameter()
    weight = luigi.IntParameter()

    def requires(self):
        return SparkMergeFeatures()

    def output(self):
        return (LocalTarget(
            'output/vw_input/{0}.sentence.{1}.vw_input.gz'.format(self.fold, self.weight)),
                LocalTarget('output/vw_input/{0}.sentence.{1}.meta'.format(self.fold, self.weight)))

    def run(self):
        call(['bash', 'bin/', self.fold, str(self.weight)])

class VWMergeAllFeatures(luigi.WrapperTask):
    def requires(self):
        for fold, weight in product(C.FOLDS, C.NEGATIVE_WEIGHTS):
            yield VWMergeFeature(fold=fold, weight=weight)

class VWModel(luigi.Task):
    weight = luigi.IntParameter()

    def requires(self):
        return VWMergeFeature(fold='dev', weight=self.weight)

    def output(self):
        return LocalTarget('output/models/sentence.{0}.vw'.format(self.weight))

    def run(self):
github nestauk / nesta / nesta / production / routines / arxiv / View on Github external
arXiv data collection and processing

Luigi routine to collect all data from the arXiv api and load it to MySQL.
import datetime
import logging
import luigi

from nesta.production.routines.arxiv.arxiv_grid_task import GridTask

class RootTask(luigi.WrapperTask):
    '''A dummy root task, which collects the database configurations
    and executes the central task.

        date (datetime): Date used to label the outputs
        db_config_path (str): Path to the MySQL database configuration
        production (bool): Flag indicating whether running in testing
                           mode (False, default), or production mode (True).
    date = luigi.DateParameter(
    db_config_path = luigi.Parameter(default="mysqldb.config")
    production = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)
    articles_from_date = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
    insert_batch_size = luigi.IntParameter(default=500)
    debug = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)
github RUNDSP / luigi-swf / luigi_swf / examples / View on Github external
while True:
  'times: %s', times)
            if self.cancel_requested:
      'cancel requested')
            times -= 1
            if times == 0:
            sleep(15 * seconds)'done')
        call(['touch', self.output().path])

class DemoCancelWorkflow(luigi.WrapperTask):

    swf_wf_start_to_close_timeout = 1 * hours

    def requires(self):
        return DemoCancelTask()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    task = DemoCancelWorkflow()
    domain = 'development'
    version = 'unspecified'
    ex = LuigiSwfExecutor(domain, version, task)