How to use the luigi.IntParameter function in luigi

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few luigi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github exasol / script-languages / exaslct_src / lib / test_runner / View on Github external
from exaslct_src.lib.base.dependency_logger_base_task import DependencyLoggerBaseTask
from exaslct_src.lib.base.docker_base_task import DockerBaseTask
from exaslct_src.lib.base.json_pickle_parameter import JsonPickleParameter
from import ContainerInfo
from import DatabaseInfo
from exaslct_src.lib.test_runner.container_log_thread import ContainerLogThread
from exaslct_src.lib.test_runner.database_credentials import DatabaseCredentialsParameter
from exaslct_src.lib.test_runner.is_database_ready_thread import IsDatabaseReadyThread

class WaitForTestDockerDatabase(DockerBaseTask, DatabaseCredentialsParameter):
    environment_name = luigi.Parameter()
    test_container_info = JsonPickleParameter(ContainerInfo, significant=False)  # type: ContainerInfo
    database_info = JsonPickleParameter(DatabaseInfo, significant=False)  # type: DatabaseInfo
    db_startup_timeout_in_seconds = luigi.IntParameter(10 * 60, significant=False)
    attempt = luigi.IntParameter(1)

    def run_task(self):
        test_container = self._client.containers.get(self.test_container_info.container_name)
        db_container_name = self.database_info.container_info.container_name
        db_container = self._client.containers.get(db_container_name)
        is_database_ready = \
            self.wait_for_database_startup(test_container, db_container)
        after_startup_db_log_file = self.get_log_path().joinpath("after_startup_db_log.tar.gz")
        self.save_db_log_files_as_gzip_tar(after_startup_db_log_file, db_container)

    def wait_for_database_startup(self,
                                  test_container: Container,
                                  db_container: Container):
        container_log_thread, is_database_ready_thread = \
            self.start_wait_threads(db_container, test_container)
github constantinpape / cluster_tools / cluster_tools / stitching / View on Github external

class SimpleStitchAssignmentsBase(luigi.Task):
    """ SimpleStitchAssignments base class

    task_name = 'simple_stitch_assignments'
    src_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)
    allow_retry = False

    problem_path = luigi.Parameter()
    features_key = luigi.Parameter()
    graph_key = luigi.Parameter()
    assignments_path = luigi.Parameter()
    assignments_key = luigi.Parameter()
    edge_size_threshold = luigi.IntParameter(default=0)
    serialize_edges = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)
    # task that is required before running this task
    dependency = luigi.TaskParameter()

    def requires(self):
        return self.dependency

    def run_impl(self):
        shebang, block_shape, roi_begin, roi_end = self.global_config_values()

        with vu.file_reader(self.problem_path, 'r') as f:
            shape = f[self.graph_key].attrs['shape']
        block_list = vu.blocks_in_volume(shape, block_shape,
                                         roi_begin, roi_end)
        n_jobs = min(len(block_list), self.max_jobs)
github GeoscienceAustralia / agdc / api / source / main / python / datacube / api / View on Github external
# # Copy input files if requested
            # if self.save_input_files:
            #     input_file_save_dir = self.output_directory + "_input_files"
            #     for dataset in tile.datasets:
            #, input_file_save_dir)

            yield tile

class CsvTileListTask(luigi.Task):
    x = luigi.IntParameter()
    y = luigi.IntParameter()

    year_min = luigi.IntParameter()
    year_max = luigi.IntParameter()

    satellites = luigi.Parameter(is_list=True)

    output_directory = luigi.Parameter()

    def output(self):
        return luigi.LocalTarget(os.path.join(self.output_directory,

    def run(self):
        config = Config(os.path.expanduser("~/.datacube/config"))
github constantinpape / cluster_tools / deprecated / production / write / View on Github external
import nifty

# TODO more clean up (job config files)
# TODO computation with rois
class WriteAssignmentTask(luigi.Task):
    Write node assignments for all blocks

    path = luigi.Parameter()
    in_key = luigi.Parameter()
    out_key = luigi.Parameter()
    config_path = luigi.Parameter()
    # maximal number of jobs that will be run in parallel
    max_jobs = luigi.IntParameter()
    tmp_folder = luigi.Parameter()
    # identifier to seperate the output files of different write
    # assignment tasks
    identifier = luigi.Parameter()
    # TODO would be more elegant to express both as tasks,
    # but for this we would need an empty default task
    # for the offsets
    dependency = luigi.TaskParameter()
    offset_path = luigi.Parameter(default='')
    # FIXME default does not work; this still needs to be specified
    time_estimate = luigi.IntParameter(default=10)
    run_local = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)

    def requires(self):
        return self.dependency
github spotify / luigi / luigi / contrib / hdfs / View on Github external
the file system operations, please do and contribute back.

from luigi.contrib.hdfs import config as hdfs_config
from luigi.contrib.hdfs import abstract_client as hdfs_abstract_client
import logging
import os
import warnings

logger = logging.getLogger('luigi-interface')

class webhdfs(luigi.Config):
    port = luigi.IntParameter(default=50070,
                              description='Port for webhdfs')
    user = luigi.Parameter(default='', description='Defaults to $USER envvar',
                           config_path=dict(section='hdfs', name='user'))
    client_type = luigi.ChoiceParameter(var_type=str, choices=['insecure', 'kerberos'],
                                        default='insecure', description='Type of hdfs client to use.')

class WebHdfsClient(hdfs_abstract_client.HdfsFileSystem):
    A webhdfs that tries to confirm to luigis interface for file existence.

    The library is using `this api

    def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, user=None, client_type=None):
github spotify / luigi / luigi / View on Github external
import sys
import logging
from luigi import IntParameter
from luigi.setup_logging import InterfaceLogging

class retcode(luigi.Config):
    See the :ref:`return codes configuration section `.
    # default value inconsistent with doc/configuration.rst for backwards compatibility reasons
    unhandled_exception = IntParameter(default=4,
                                       description='For internal luigi errors.',
    # default value inconsistent with doc/configuration.rst for backwards compatibility reasons
    missing_data = IntParameter(default=0,
                                description="For when there are incomplete ExternalTask dependencies.",
    # default value inconsistent with doc/configuration.rst for backwards compatibility reasons
    task_failed = IntParameter(default=0,
                               description='''For when a task's run() method fails.''',
    # default value inconsistent with doc/configuration.rst for backwards compatibility reasons
    already_running = IntParameter(default=0,
                                   description='For both local --lock and luigid "lock"',
    # default value inconsistent with doc/configuration.rst for backwards compatibility reasons
    scheduling_error = IntParameter(default=0,
                                    description='''For when a task's complete() or requires() fails,
                                                   or task-limit reached'''
    # default value inconsistent with doc/configuration.rst for backwards compatibility reasons
github constantinpape / cluster_tools / deprecated / production / stitching / View on Github external

    # path to the n5 file and keys
    path = luigi.Parameter()
    aff_key = luigi.Parameter()
    ws_key = luigi.Parameter()
    out_key = luigi.Parameter()
    # maximal number of jobs that will be run in parallel
    max_jobs = luigi.IntParameter()
    # path to the configuration
    # TODO allow individual paths for individual blocks
    config_path = luigi.Parameter()
    tmp_folder = luigi.Parameter()
    dependency = luigi.TaskParameter()
    # FIXME default does not work; this still needs to be specified
    time_estimate = luigi.IntParameter(default=10)
    run_local = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)
    # TODO optional parameter to just run a subset of blocks

    def requires(self):
        return self.dependency

    def _prepare_jobs(self, n_jobs, block_list, config, prefix):
        for job_id in range(n_jobs):
            block_jobs = block_list[job_id::n_jobs]
            job_config = {'config': config,
                          'block_list': block_jobs}
            config_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, 'merge_votes_config_%s_job%i.json' % (prefix, job_id))
            with open(config_path, 'w') as f:
                json.dump(job_config, f)

    def _submit_job(self, job_id, prefix):
github constantinpape / cluster_tools / cluster_tools / graph / View on Github external
# Graph Tasks

class MergeSubGraphsBase(luigi.Task):
    """ MergeSubGraph base class

    task_name = 'merge_sub_graphs'
    src_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)

    # input volumes and graph
    graph_path = luigi.Parameter()
    scale = luigi.IntParameter()
    output_key = luigi.Parameter(default='')
    merge_complete_graph = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)
    # dependency
    dependency = luigi.TaskParameter()

    def requires(self):
        return self.dependency

    def clean_up_for_retry(self, block_list):
        # TODO remove any output of failed blocks because it might be corrupted

    def _run_scale(self, config, block_shape, roi_begin, roi_end):
        # make graph file and write shape as attribute
        with vu.file_reader(self.graph_path) as f:
            shape = f.attrs['shape']
github awslabs / aws-service-catalog-puppet / servicecatalog_puppet / View on Github external
launch_name = luigi.Parameter()
    portfolio = luigi.Parameter()
    product = luigi.Parameter()
    version = luigi.Parameter()

    account_id = luigi.Parameter()
    region = luigi.Parameter()
    puppet_account_id = luigi.Parameter()

    parameters = luigi.ListParameter(default=[])
    ssm_param_inputs = luigi.ListParameter(default=[])
    dependencies = luigi.ListParameter(default=[])

    retry_count = luigi.IntParameter(default=1)

    worker_timeout = luigi.IntParameter(default=0, significant=False)

    ssm_param_outputs = luigi.ListParameter(default=[])

    try_count = 1

    def requires(self):
        version_id = GetVersionIdByVersionName(
        product_id = GetProductIdByProductName(
github spotify / luigi / luigi / contrib / View on Github external
    An task for killing any open Redshift sessions
    in a given database. This is necessary to prevent open user sessions
    with transactions against the table from blocking drop or truncate
    table commands.


    Subclass and override the required `host`, `database`,
    `user`, and `password` attributes.

    # time in seconds to wait before
    # reconnecting to Redshift if our session is killed too.
    # 30 seconds is usually fine; 60 is conservative
    connection_reset_wait_seconds = luigi.IntParameter(default=60)

    def host(self):
        return None

    def database(self):
        return None

    def user(self):
        return None

    def password(self):
        return None