Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def caption(self, s, pane): # To do: center option.
'''Pop up a QPlainTextEdit in the indicated pane.'''
m = self
parent = m.pane_widget(pane)
if not parent:
g.trace('bad pane: %s' % (pane))
return None
s = s.rstrip()
if s and s[-1].isalpha():
s = s + '.'
w = QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit(s, parent)
w2 = m.pane_widget(pane)
geom = w2.geometry()
w.resize(geom.width(), min(150, geom.height() / 2))
off = QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff
return w
def setOption (self,ivar,val):
if ivar in self.intKeys:
if val is not None:
var = self.svarDict.get(ivar)
# g.trace('%s = %s' % (ivar,val))
elif not
g.trace('oops: bad find ivar %s' % ivar)
g.es_print('unexpected exception converting hexlified string to string')
return None
# Leave string attributes starting with 'str_' alone.
if attr.startswith('str_'):
if isinstance(val, (str, bytes)):
return g.toUnicode(val)
binString = binascii.unhexlify(val)
# Throws a TypeError if val is not a hex string.
except Exception:
# Assume that Leo 4.1 or above wrote the attribute.
if g.unitTesting:
assert kind == 'raw', f"unit test failed: kind={kind}"
g.trace(f"can not unhexlify {attr}={val}")
return val
# No change needed to support protocols.
val2 = pickle.loads(binString)
return val2
except Exception:
val2 = pickle.loads(binString, encoding='bytes')
val2 = self.bytesToUnicode(val2)
return val2
except Exception:
g.trace(f"can not unpickle {attr}={val}")
return val
#@+node:ekr.20180606044154.1: *6* fast.bytesToUnicode
def diff_list_of_files(self, aList, visible=True):
"""The main entry point for scripts."""
if len(aList) < 2:
g.trace('Not enough files in', repr(aList))
self.root = self.create_root(aList)
self.visible = visible
while len(aList) > 1:
path1 = aList[0]
aList = aList[1:]
for path2 in aList:
self.diff_two_files(path1, path2)
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.3: *3* loc.diff_two_files
data = self.iconIds.get(theId[0])
data = self.iconIds.get(theId)
if data:
p,generation = data
if generation==self.generation:
if self.trace and self.verbose:
return p
if self.trace and self.verbose:
g.trace("*** wrong generation: %d ***" % theId)
return None
if self.trace and self.verbose: g.trace(theId,None)
return None
def typesMatch(self, type1, type2):
Return True if type1, the actual type, matches type2, the requeseted type.
The following equivalences are allowed:
- None matches anything.
- An actual type of string or strings matches anything *except* shortcuts.
- Shortcut matches shortcuts.
# The shortcuts logic no longer uses the get/set code.
shortcuts = ('shortcut', 'shortcuts',)
if type1 in shortcuts or type2 in shortcuts:
g.trace('oops: type in shortcuts')
return (
type1 is None or type2 is None or
type1.startswith('string') and type2 not in shortcuts or
type1 == 'int' and type2 == 'size' or
(type1 in shortcuts and type2 in shortcuts) or
type1 == type2
return s # Never unindent rst code.
tag = self.c.atFileCommands.underindentEscapeString
result = []; tab_width = self.tab_width
for line in g.splitlines(s):
lws_s = g.get_leading_ws(line)
lws = g.computeWidth(lws_s, tab_width)
s = g.removeLeadingWhitespace(line, undentVal, tab_width)
# 2011/10/29: Add underindentEscapeString only for strict languages.
if self.strict and s.strip() and lws < undentVal:
if trace: g.trace('undentVal: %s, lws: %s, %s' % (
undentVal, lws, repr(line)))
# Bug fix 2012/06/05: end the underindent count with a period,
# to protect against lines that start with a digit!
result.append("%s%s.%s" % (tag, undentVal - lws, s.lstrip()))
if trace: g.trace(repr(s))
return ''.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20140727075002.18227: *4* BaseScanner.underindentedComment & underindentedLine
if trace: # A highly useful trace!
g.trace('\n\nunsorted_list...\n%s' % (
'\n'.join(['%40s ==> %s' % (parent.h,p.h)
for parent,p in vc.work_list])))
# Create a dictionary of each organizers children.
d = {}
for parent,p in vc.work_list:
# This key must remain stable if parent moves.
key = parent
aList = d.get(key,[])
# g.trace(key,[z.h for z in aList])
d[key] = aList
if trace and trace_dict:
# g.trace('d...',sorted([z.h for z in d.keys()]))
for key in sorted(d.keys()):
aList = [z.h for z in d.get(key)]
g.trace('%s %-20s %s' % (id(key),key.h,vc.dump_list(aList,indent=29)))
# Move *copies* of non-organizer nodes to each organizer.
organizers = list(d.keys())
existing_organizers = [z.p.copy() for z in vc.existing_ods]
moved_existing_organizers = {} # Keys are vnodes, values are positions.
for parent in organizers:
aList = d.get(parent,[])
if trace and trace_moves:
g.trace('===== moving/copying:',parent.h,
'with %s children:' % (len(aList)),
'\n '+'\n '.join([z.h for z in aList]))
for p in aList:
if p in existing_organizers:
if trace and trace_moves:
def newClickBox (self,p,x1,y1,x2,y2):
canvas = self.canvas ; defaultColor = ""
tag = g.choose(p.hasChildren(),'clickBox','selectBox')
if self.freeClickBoxes:
# theId = self.freeClickBoxes.pop(0)
d = self.freeClickBoxes ; theId = d.keys()[0] ; del d[theId]
theId = self.canvas.create_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,tag=tag)
if self.trace_alloc: g.trace("%3d %s" % (theId,p and p.headString()),align=-20)
if theId not in self.visibleClickBoxes:
if p:
self.ids[theId] = p
return theId