Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
if line.startswith('@doc'):
s = line[4:].lstrip()
elif line.startswith('@'):
s = line[1:].lstrip()
s = ''
# New in Leo 4.4.4: remove these special tags.
for tag in ('@rst-options', '@rst-option', '@rst-markup'):
if g.match_word(s, 0, tag):
s = s[len(tag) :].strip()
if s.strip():
#@-<< Append whatever follows @doc or @space to result >>
while n < len(lines):
s = lines[n]; n += 1
if g.match_word(s, 0, '@code') or g.match_word(s, 0, '@c'):
return n, result
#@+node:ekr.20090502071837.81: *6* rst.handleSpecialDocParts
elif line.startswith('@'):
s = line[1:].lstrip()
s = ''
# New in Leo 4.4.4: remove these special tags.
for tag in ('@rst-options','@rst-option','@rst-markup'):
if g.match_word(s,0,tag):
s = s[len(tag):].strip()
if s.strip():
#@-<< Append whatever follows @doc or @space to result >>
while n < len(lines):
s = lines [n] ; n += 1
if g.match_word(s,0,'@code') or g.match_word(s,0,'@c'):
return n, result
#@+node:ekr.20050811102607: *4* skip_literal_block
def copyPart(self, s, i, result):
lb = "@<" if self.webType == "cweb" else "<<"
rb = "@>" if self.webType == "cweb" else ">>"
theType = self.webType
while i < len(s):
progress = j = i # We should be at the start of a line here.
i = g.skip_nl(s, i); i = g.skip_ws(s, i)
if self.isDocStart(s, i):
return i, result
if (g.match_word(s, i, "@doc") or
g.match_word(s, i, "@c") or
g.match_word(s, i, "@root") or
g.match_word(s, i, "@code") # 2/25/03
return i, result
# 2019/09/12
lt = "<<"
rt = ">>="
if g.match(s, i, lt) and g.find_on_line(s, i, rt) > -1:
return i, result
# Copy the entire line, escaping '@' and
# Converting @others to < < @ others > >
i = g.skip_line(s, j); line = s[j:i]
if theType == "cweb":
line = line.replace("@", "@@")
j = g.skip_ws(line, 0)
if g.match(line, j, "@others"):
def cleanAtCleanFiles(self, event):
"""Adjust whitespace in all @clean files."""
c = self.c
undoType = 'clean-@clean-files'
c.undoer.beforeChangeGroup(c.p, undoType, verboseUndoGroup=True)
total = 0
for p in c.all_unique_positions():
if g.match_word(p.h, 0, '@clean') and p.h.rstrip().endswith('.py'):
n = 0
for p2 in p.subtree():
bunch2 = c.undoer.beforeChangeNodeContents(p2, oldBody=p2.b)
if self.cleanAtCleanNode(p2, undoType):
n += 1
total += 1
c.undoer.afterChangeNodeContents(p2, undoType, bunch2)
g.es_print(f"{n} node{g.plural(n)} {p.h}")
if total > 0:
c.undoer.afterChangeGroup(c.p, undoType)
g.es_print(f"{total} total node{g.plural(total)}")
#@+node:ekr.20170806094319.8: *4* efc.cleanAtCleanNode
def skipBlock(self, s, i, delim1=None, delim2=None):
'''Skip from the opening delim to *past* the matching closing delim.
If no matching is found i is set to len(s)'''
trace = False and not g.unitTesting
verbose = False
if delim1 is None: delim1 = self.blockDelim1
if delim2 is None: delim2 = self.blockDelim2
match1 = g.match if len(delim1) == 1 else g.match_word
match2 = g.match if len(delim2) == 1 else g.match_word
assert match1(s, i, delim1)
level, start, startIndent = 0, i, self.startSigIndent
if trace and verbose:
g.trace('***', 'startIndent', startIndent)
while i < len(s):
progress = i
if g.is_nl(s, i):
backslashNewline = i > 0 and g.match(s, i - 1, '\\\n')
i = g.skip_nl(s, i)
if not backslashNewline and not g.is_nl(s, i):
j, indent = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(s, i, self.tab_width)
line = g.get_line(s, j)
if trace and verbose: g.trace('indent', indent, line)
if indent < startIndent and line.strip():
# An non-empty underindented line.
def filename(self, p):
"""Return the filename of the @adoc, @pandoc or @sphinx node, or None."""
kind = self.kind
h = p.h.rstrip()
if kind == 'adoc':
m = self.adoc_pattern.match(h)
if m:
prefix =
return h[1+len(prefix):].strip()
return None
if kind in ('pandoc', 'sphinx'):
prefix = f"@{kind}"
if g.match_word(h, 0, prefix):
return h[len(prefix):].strip()
return None
g.trace('BAD KIND', kind)
return None
#@+node:ekr.20191007053522.1: *4* markup.compute_opath
after = s[n:].strip()
part_lines = g.choose(after,[after],[])
elif s.startswith('@ @rst-option'):
if part_lines: parts.append((kind,part_lines[:]),)
kind,part_lines = '@rst-option',[s] # part_lines will be ignored.
elif s.startswith('@ ') or s.startswith('@\n') or s.startswith('@doc'):
if showDocsAsParagraphs:
if part_lines: parts.append((kind,part_lines[:]),)
kind = '@doc'
# Put only what follows @ or @doc
n = g.choose(s.startswith('@doc'),4,1)
after = s[n:].lstrip()
part_lines = g.choose(after,[after],[])
part_lines.append(s) # still in code mode.
elif g.match_word(s,0,'@c') and kind != 'code':
if kind == '@doc' and not showDocsAsParagraphs:
part_lines.append(s) # Show the @c as code.
kind,part_lines = 'code',[]
if part_lines:
return parts
#@+node:ekr.20100811091636.6004: *5* write_code_block
def get_callouts(self, p):
'''Return the list of callouts from the
direct children that are @callout nodes.'''
sc = self
aList = []
for child in p.children():
if g.match_word(child.h, 0, '@callout'):
callout = sc.get_callout(child)
if callout: aList.append(callout)
return aList
#@+node:ekr.20100909121239.6096: *6* get_callout
def doPopupItems(self, p, aList):
p = p.copy(); after = p.nodeAfterTree()
while p and p != after:
h = p.h
for tag in ('@menu', '@item'):
if g.match_word(h, 0, tag):
itemName = h[len(tag) :].strip()
if itemName:
if tag == '@menu':
aList2 = []
kind = f"{itemName}"
body = p.b
self.doPopupItems(p, aList2)
aList.append((kind + '\n' + body, aList2),)
kind = tag
head = itemName
body = p.b
aList.append((head, body),)
def doPopupItems (self,p,aList):
p = p.copy() ; after = p.nodeAfterTree()
while p and p != after:
h = p.h
for tag in ('@menu','@item'):
if g.match_word(h,0,tag):
itemName = h[len(tag):].strip()
if itemName:
if tag == '@menu':
aList2 = []
kind = '%s' % itemName
body = p.b
aList.append((kind + '\n' + body, aList2),)
kind = tag
head = itemName
body = p.b