Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
identifier = os.path.basename(filename).split('.fits')[0]
preview_output_directory = os.path.join(preview_image_filesystem, identifier)
thumbnail_output_directory = os.path.join(thumbnail_filesystem, identifier)
# Check to see if the preview images already exist and skip
# if they do
file_exists = check_existence(file_list, preview_output_directory)
if file_exists:"JPG already exists for {}, skipping.".format(filename))
# Create the output directories if necessary
if not os.path.exists(preview_output_directory):
permissions.set_permissions(preview_output_directory)'Created directory {}'.format(preview_output_directory))
if not os.path.exists(thumbnail_output_directory):
permissions.set_permissions(thumbnail_output_directory)'Created directory {}'.format(thumbnail_output_directory))
# If the exposure contains more than one file (because more
# than one detector was used), then create a mosaic
max_size = 8
numfiles = len(file_list)
if numfiles != 1:
mosaic_image, mosaic_dq = create_mosaic(file_list)'Created mosiac for:')
for item in file_list:'\t{}'.format(item))
def pre_init(self):
self._embed = True
#App design
self.format_string = None
self.interface_file = os.path.join(script_dir, 'yaml',
self.settings = get_config()
self.output_dir = self.settings['outputs']
self.cache_time = Time(0., format='unix')
self.jwst_bar_colors = self.caom_bar_colors = 3
self.jwst_datacols = []
self.caom_datacols = []
``False`` if not.
image_info : dict
A dictionary containing various information for the given
# Initialize dictionary to store information
image_info = {}
image_info['all_jpegs'] = []
image_info['suffixes'] = []
image_info['num_ints'] = {}
preview_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['jwql_dir'], 'preview_images')
# Find all of the matching files
dirname = file_root[:7]
search_filepath = os.path.join(FILESYSTEM_DIR, dirname, file_root + '*.fits')
image_info['all_files'] = glob.glob(search_filepath)
for file in image_info['all_files']:
# Get suffix information
suffix = os.path.basename(file).split('_')[4].split('.')[0]
# Determine JPEG file location
jpg_dir = os.path.join(preview_dir, dirname)
jpg_filename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(file)[0] + '_integ0.jpg')
jpg_filepath = os.path.join(jpg_dir, jpg_filename)
number of files.
filepaths : list
A list of full paths to files of interest.
proposal_info : dict
A dictionary containing various information about the
proposal(s) and files corresponding to the given ``filepaths``.
proposals = list(set([f.split('/')[-1][2:7] for f in filepaths]))
thumbnail_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['jwql_dir'], 'thumbnails')
thumbnail_paths = []
num_files = []
for proposal in proposals:
thumbnail_search_filepath = os.path.join(thumbnail_dir, 'jw{}'.format(proposal), 'jw{}*rate*.thumb'.format(proposal))
thumbnail = glob.glob(thumbnail_search_filepath)
if len(thumbnail) > 0:
thumbnail = thumbnail[0]
thumbnail = '/'.join(thumbnail.split('/')[-2:])
fits_search_filepath = os.path.join(FILESYSTEM_DIR, 'jw{}'.format(proposal), 'jw{}*.fits'.format(proposal))
# Put the various information into a dictionary of results
proposal_info = {}
proposal_info['num_proposals'] = len(proposals)
HttpResponse object
Outgoing response sent to the webpage
# Check if GET or POST request
if request.method == 'POST':
# Connect to databas
__location__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
package_dir = __location__.split('website')[0]
database_location = os.path.join(package_dir, 'database')
database_file = os.path.join(database_location, 'miri_database.db')
conn = sql.create_connection(database_file)
c = conn.cursor()
# check if new item or delete item
if '_newItem' in request.POST:
# gat form
formAdd = addAnomalyForm_Miri(request.POST)
if formAdd.is_valid():
Autor = str(formAdd.cleaned_data['name'])
start = str(formAdd.cleaned_data['starttime'])
end = str(formAdd.cleaned_data['endtime'])
plot = str(formAdd.cleaned_data['select_plot'])
comment = str(formAdd.cleaned_data['comment'])
# convert time
elif '_deleteItem' in request.POST:
# gat form
formDelete = deleteAnomalyForm(request.POST)
if formDelete.is_valid():
ID_delete = str(formDelete.cleaned_data['ID'])
# delete dataset
c.execute('DELETE FROM nirspecAnomaly WHERE id=' + ID_delete)
print(request, 'Delete ID=' + ID_delete + ' failed')
# overrite form with empty form
formAdd = addAnomalyForm_nir()
formDelete = deleteAnomalyForm()
# get bokeh tabs
template = "nirspec_data_trending.html"
dash = nirspec_trending()
# define html context
context = {
'dashboard': dash,
'inst': '', # Leave as empty string or instrument name; Required for navigation bar
'inst_list': JWST_INSTRUMENT_NAMES_MIXEDCASE, # Do not edit; Required for navigation bar
'tools': MONITORS, # Do not edit; Required for navigation bar
'user': None, # Do not edit; Required for authentication
plot_data : list
A list containing the JavaScript and HTML content for the dashboard
variables : dict
no use
__location__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
PACKAGE_DIR = __location__.split('instrument_monitors')[0]
# connect to database
# DATABASE_LOCATION = os.path.join(get_config()['jwql_dir'], 'database')
DATABASE_LOCATION = os.path.join(PACKAGE_DIR, 'database')
DATABASE_FILE = os.path.join(DATABASE_LOCATION, 'miri_database.db')
conn = sql.create_connection(DATABASE_FILE)
# some variables can be passed to the template via following
variables = dict(init=1)
# some variables can be passed to the template via following
variables = dict(init=1)
# add tabs to dashboard
tab1 = power_plots(conn, start, end)
tab2 = volt_plots(conn, start, end)
tab3 = fpe_plots(conn, start, end)
tab4 = temperature_plots(conn, start, end)
tab5 = bias_plots(conn, start, end)
tab6 = wheel_ratios(conn, start, end)
# build dashboard
request : HttpRequest object
Incoming request from the webpage
HttpResponse object
Outgoing response sent to the webpage
# Check if GET or POST request
if request.method == 'POST':
__location__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
package_dir = __location__.split('website')[0]
database_location = os.path.join(package_dir, 'database')
database_file = os.path.join(database_location, 'nirspec_database.db')
conn = sql.create_connection(database_file) # get variables
c = conn.cursor()
# check if new item or delete item
if '_newItem' in request.POST:
# gat form
formAdd = addAnomalyForm_nir(request.POST)
if formAdd.is_valid():
Autor = str(formAdd.cleaned_data['name'])
start = str(formAdd.cleaned_data['starttime'])
end = str(formAdd.cleaned_data['endtime'])
plot = str(formAdd.cleaned_data['select_plot'])
comment = str(formAdd.cleaned_data['comment'])
# convert time
start = float(Time(start, format='iso').mjd)
# create a new plot with a title and axis labels
p = figure( tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save",
toolbar_location = "above",
plot_width = 1120,
plot_height = 700,
x_axis_type = 'datetime',
output_backend = "webgl",
x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label='Temperature (K)')
p.grid.visible = True
p.title.text = "Box Temperatures"
a = pf.add_to_plot(p, "ALG_TEMP", "IGDP_NRSD_ALG_TEMP", start, end, conn, color = "red")
b = pf.add_to_plot(p, "HK_TEMP1", "INRSH_HK_TEMP1", start, end, conn, color = "green")
c = pf.add_to_plot(p, "HK_TEMP2", "INRSH_HK_TEMP2", start, end, conn, color = "blue")
p.legend.location = "bottom_right"
p.legend.click_policy = "hide"
p.legend.orientation = "horizontal"
return p
p = figure( tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save",
toolbar_location = "above",
plot_width = 560,
plot_height = 700,
x_axis_type = 'datetime',
output_backend = "webgl",
x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label='Voltage (V)')
p.grid.visible = True
p.title.text = "MCE Board 1 (AIC)"
p.add_layout(Title(text="Voltages", text_font_style="italic", text_font_size="12pt"), 'above')
a = pf.add_to_plot(p, "1R5_V", "INRSM_MCE_AIC_1R5_V", start, end, conn, color = "red")
b = pf.add_to_plot(p, "3R3_V", "INRSM_MCE_AIC_3R3_V", start, end, conn, color = "orange")
c = pf.add_to_plot(p, "5_V", "INRSM_MCE_AIC_5_V", start, end, conn, color = "brown")
d = pf.add_to_plot(p, "P12_V", "INRSM_MCE_AIC_P12_V", start, end, conn, color = "burlywood")
e = pf.add_to_plot(p, "N12_V", "INRSM_MCE_AIC_N12_V", start, end, conn, color = "darkmagenta")
p.legend.location = "bottom_right"
p.legend.click_policy = "hide"
return p