How to use the jwql.instrument_monitors.nirspec_monitors.data_trending.plots.plot_functions.add_basic_layout function in jwql

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github spacetelescope / jwql / jwql / instrument_monitors / nirspec_monitors / data_trending / plots / View on Github external
Bokeh plot

    # create a new plot with a title and axis labels
    p = figure( tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save",       \
                toolbar_location = "above",                         \
                plot_width = 1120,                                   \
                plot_height = 500,                                  \
                y_range = [-3,3],                                   \
                x_axis_type = 'datetime',                           \
                x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label = 'mV (normalized)')

    p.grid.visible = True
    p.title.text = "Filterwheel"
    p.title.align = "left"

    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "F110W", "INRSI_C_FWA_POSITION_F110W", start, end, conn, mn.fw_nominals['F110W'], color = "green")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "F100LP", "INRSI_C_FWA_POSITION_F100LP", start, end, conn, mn.fw_nominals['F100LP'], color = "red")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "F140X", "INRSI_C_FWA_POSITION_F140X", start, end, conn, mn.fw_nominals['F140X'], color = "blue")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "OPAQUE", "INRSI_C_FWA_POSITION_OPAQUE", start, end, conn, mn.fw_nominals['OPAQUE'], color = "orange")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "F290LP", "INRSI_C_FWA_POSITION_F290LP", start, end, conn, mn.fw_nominals['F290LP'], color = "purple")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "F170LP", "INRSI_C_FWA_POSITION_F170LP", start, end, conn, mn.fw_nominals['F170LP'], color = "brown")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "CLEAR", "INRSI_C_FWA_POSITION_CLEAR", start, end, conn, mn.fw_nominals['CLEAR'], color = "chocolate")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "F070LP", "INRSI_C_FWA_POSITION_F070LP", start, end, conn, mn.fw_nominals['F070LP'], color = "darkmagenta")

    p.legend.location = "bottom_right"
    p.legend.click_policy = "hide"
    p.legend.orientation = 'horizontal'
    return p
github spacetelescope / jwql / jwql / instrument_monitors / nirspec_monitors / data_trending / plots / View on Github external
Bokeh plot

    # create a new plot with a title and axis labels
    p = figure( tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save",       \
                toolbar_location = "above",                         \
                plot_width = 1120,                                   \
                plot_height = 500,                                  \
                y_range = [-4,4],                                   \
                x_axis_type = 'datetime',                           \
                x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label = 'mV (normalized)')

    p.grid.visible = True
    p.title.text = "Gratingwheel X"
    p.title.align = "left"

    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "PRISM", "INRSI_C_GWA_X_POSITION_PRISM", start, end, conn, mn.gwx_nominals['PRISM'], color = "green")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "MIRROR", "INRSI_C_GWA_X_POSITION_MIRROR", start, end, conn, mn.gwx_nominals['MIRROR'], color = "blue")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "G140H", "INRSI_C_GWA_X_POSITION_G140H", start, end, conn, mn.gwx_nominals['G140H'], color = "red")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "G235H", "INRSI_C_GWA_X_POSITION_G235H", start, end, conn, mn.gwx_nominals['G235H'], color = "purple")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "G395H", "INRSI_C_GWA_X_POSITION_G395H", start, end, conn, mn.gwx_nominals['G395H'], color = "orange")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "G140M", "INRSI_C_GWA_X_POSITION_G140M", start, end, conn, mn.gwx_nominals['G140M'], color = "brown")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "G235M", "INRSI_C_GWA_X_POSITION_G235M", start, end, conn, mn.gwx_nominals['G235M'], color = "darkmagenta")
    pf.add_to_plot_normalized(p, "G395M", "INRSI_C_GWA_X_POSITION_G395M", start, end, conn, mn.gwx_nominals['G395M'], color = "darkcyan")

    p.legend.location = "bottom_right"
    p.legend.click_policy = "hide"
    p.legend.orientation = 'horizontal'

    return p
github spacetelescope / jwql / jwql / instrument_monitors / nirspec_monitors / data_trending / plots / View on Github external
p : Plot object
        Bokeh plot

    # create a new plot with a title and axis labels
    p = figure( tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save",
                toolbar_location = "above",
                plot_width = 1120,
                plot_height = 700,
                x_axis_type = 'datetime',
                output_backend = "webgl",
                x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label='Temperature (K)')

    p.grid.visible = True
    p.title.text = "Heat Strap Temperatures (Trim heaters)"

    a = pf.add_to_plot(p, "74A", "SI_GZCTS74A", start, end, conn, color = "green")
    b = pf.add_to_plot(p, "67A", "SI_GZCTS67A", start, end, conn, color = "red")


    p.legend.location = "bottom_right"
    p.legend.click_policy = "hide"

    return p
github spacetelescope / jwql / jwql / instrument_monitors / nirspec_monitors / data_trending / plots / View on Github external
p : Plot object
        Bokeh plot

    # create a new plot with a title and axis labels
    p = figure( tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save",
                toolbar_location = "above",
                plot_width = 1120,
                plot_height = 700,
                x_axis_type = 'datetime',
                output_backend = "webgl",
                x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label='Temperature (K)')

    p.grid.visible = True
    p.title.text = "FPA Temperatures"

    a = pf.add_to_plot(p, "ALG_FPA", "IGDP_NRSD_ALG_FPA_TEMP", start, end, conn, color = "green")
    b = pf.add_to_plot(p, "ALG_A1", "IGDP_NRSD_ALG_A1_TEMP", start, end, conn, color = "red")
    c = pf.add_to_plot(p, "ALG_A2", "IGDP_NRSD_ALG_A2_TEMP", start, end, conn, color = "blue")


    p.legend.location = "bottom_right"
    p.legend.click_policy = "hide"

    return p
github spacetelescope / jwql / jwql / instrument_monitors / nirspec_monitors / data_trending / plots / View on Github external
p : Plot object
        Bokeh plot

    # create a new plot with a title and axis labels
    p = figure( tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save",
                toolbar_location = "above",
                plot_width = 560,
                plot_height = 500,
                x_axis_type = 'datetime',
                output_backend = "webgl",
                x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label='Voltage (V)')

    p.grid.visible = True
    p.title.text = "Quad 4"

    a = pf.add_to_plot(p, "365VDD", "INRSM_MSA_Q4_365VDD", start, end, conn, color = "red")
    b = pf.add_to_plot(p, "365VPP", "INRSM_MSA_Q4_365VPP", start, end, conn, color = "orange")
    c = pf.add_to_plot(p, "171VPP", "INRSM_MSA_Q4_171VPP", start, end, conn, color = "brown")
    d = pf.add_to_plot(p, "365IDD", "IGDPM_MSA_Q4_365IDD", start, end, conn, color = "burlywood")
    e = pf.add_to_plot(p, "365IPP", "IGDPM_MSA_Q4_365IPP", start, end, conn, color = "darkmagenta")
    f = pf.add_to_plot(p, "171RTN", "IGDPM_MSA_Q4_171RTN", start, end, conn, color = "blue")


    p.legend.location = "bottom_right"
    p.legend.click_policy = "hide"

    return p
github spacetelescope / jwql / jwql / instrument_monitors / nirspec_monitors / data_trending / plots / View on Github external
p : Plot object
        Bokeh plot

    # create a new plot with a title and axis labels
    p = figure( tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save",
                toolbar_location = "above",
                plot_width = 1120,
                plot_height = 500,
                x_axis_type = 'datetime',
                output_backend = "webgl",
                x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label='Voltage (V)')

    p.grid.visible = True
    p.title.text = "ADCMAIN"

    a = pf.add_to_plot(p, "FWA_ADCMGAIN", "INRSH_FWA_ADCMGAIN", start, end, conn, color = "green")
    b = pf.add_to_plot(p, "GWA_ADCMGAIN", "INRSH_GWA_ADCMGAIN", start, end, conn, color = "blue")
    c = pf.add_to_plot(p, "RMA_ADCMGAIN", "INRSH_RMA_ADCMGAIN", start, end, conn, color = "red")


    p.legend.location = "bottom_right"
    p.legend.click_policy = "hide"
    p.legend.orientation = "horizontal"
    return p
github spacetelescope / jwql / jwql / instrument_monitors / nirspec_monitors / data_trending / plots / View on Github external
p : Plot object
        Bokeh plot

    # create a new plot with a title and axis labels
    p = figure( tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save",
                toolbar_location = "above",
                plot_width = 560,
                plot_height = 500,
                x_axis_type = 'datetime',
                output_backend = "webgl",
                x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label='Current (mA)')

    p.grid.visible = True
    p.title.text = "ASIC 1 Currents"

    a = pf.add_to_plot(p, "VDD_C", "IGDP_NRSD_ALG_A1_VDD_C", start, end, conn, color = "burlywood")
    b = pf.add_to_plot(p, "A1VDAP12C", "IGDP_NRSD_ALG_A1VDAP12C", start, end, conn, color = "cadetblue")
    c = pf.add_to_plot(p, "A1VDAN12C", "IGDP_NRSD_ALG_A1VDAN12C", start, end, conn, color = "chartreuse")
    d = pf.add_to_plot(p, "VDDA_I", "INRSD_A1_VDDA_I", start, end, conn, color = "chocolate")


    p.legend.location = "bottom_right"
    p.legend.click_policy = "hide"
    p.legend.orientation = "horizontal"

    return p
github spacetelescope / jwql / jwql / instrument_monitors / nirspec_monitors / data_trending / plots / View on Github external
Bokeh plot

    # create a new plot with a title and axis labels
    p = figure( tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save",
                toolbar_location = "above",
                plot_width = 1120,
                plot_height = 700,
                y_range = [-30,280],
                x_axis_type = 'datetime',
                output_backend = "webgl",
                x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label='Voltage (V)')

    p.grid.visible = True
    p.title.text = "FPE Power Parameters"

    p.extra_y_ranges = {"current": Range1d(start = 0, end=0.8)}
    #a = pf.add_to_plot(p, "In_VOlt", "GP_ZPSVOLT", start, end, conn, color = "red")
    b = pf.add_to_plot(p, "FPE A current", "SE_ZINRSFPEA", start, end, conn, color = "blue", y_axis="current")
    c = pf.add_to_plot(p, "P12C", "INRSD_ALG_ACC_P12C", start, end, conn, color = "red")
    d = pf.add_to_plot(p, "N15V", "INRSH_HK_N15V", start, end, conn, color = "orange")
    e = pf.add_to_plot(p, "N12C", "INRSD_ALG_ACC_N12C", start, end, conn, color = "burlywood")
    f = pf.add_to_plot(p, "1D5", "INRSD_ALG_ACC_3D3_1D5_C", start, end, conn, color = "green")
    g = pf.add_to_plot(p, "Chassis", "INRSD_ALG_CHASSIS", start, end, conn, color = "purple")
    p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name = "current", axis_label = "Current (A)", axis_label_text_color = "blue"), 'right')


    p.legend.location = "bottom_right"
    p.legend.click_policy = "hide"


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