Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
ra = ra * 360. / 24.
dec = h[0].header['DEC']
dec = float(dec.split(':')[0]) + float(dec.split(':')[1])/60. + float(dec.split(':')[2])/3600.
epoch = h[0].header['EQUINOX']
ra2,dec2 = GLOBALutils.getcoords(obname,mjd,filen=reffile)
if ra2 !=0 and dec2 != 0:
ra = ra2
dec = dec2
print '\t\tUsing the coordinates found in the image header.'
iers = GLOBALutils.JPLiers( baryc_dir, mjd-999.0, mjd+999.0 )
obsradius, R0 = GLOBALutils.JPLR0( latitude, altitude)
obpos = GLOBALutils.obspos( longitude, obsradius, R0 )
jplephem.set_ephemeris_dir( baryc_dir , ephemeris )
jplephem.set_observer_coordinates( obpos[0], obpos[1], obpos[2] )
res = jplephem.doppler_fraction(ra/15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5
print '\t\tBarycentric velocity:', bcvel_baryc
res = jplephem.pulse_delay(ra/15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)
# Moon Phase Calculations
gobs = ephem.Observer()'APO3.5' # lat/long in decimal degrees
DDATE = h[0].header['DATE-OBS'].split('T')[0]
DEC = -float(cos[0])+float(cos[1])/60.+float(cos[2])/3600.
scmjd,scmjd0 = vbtutils.mjd_fromheader(hd)
ra2,dec2 = GLOBALutils.getcoords(obname,scmjd,filen=reffile)
if ra2 !=0 and dec2 != 0:
RA = ra2
DEC = dec2
print '\t\tUsing the coordinates found in the image header.'
# set info for compute the baricentric correction
iers = GLOBALutils.JPLiers( baryc_dir, scmjd-999.0, scmjd+999.0 )
obsradius, R0 = GLOBALutils.JPLR0( latitude, altitude)
obpos = GLOBALutils.obspos( longitude, obsradius, R0 )
jplephem.set_ephemeris_dir( baryc_dir , ephemeris )
jplephem.set_observer_coordinates( obpos[0], obpos[1], obpos[2] )
res = jplephem.doppler_fraction(RA/15.0, DEC, int(scmjd), scmjd%1, 1, 0.0)
lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5 #This in the barycentric velocity
res = jplephem.pulse_delay(RA/15.0, DEC, int(scmjd), scmjd%1, 1, 0.0)
scmbjd = scmjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0) #This is the modified barycentric julian day of the observation
# set observatory info to retrive info about the moon
gobs = ephem.Observer() = 'VBT' = rad(latitude)
gobs.long = rad(longitude) = hd['UT-DATE'] + ' ' + hd['UT-TIME'].replace(':','_') = hd['DATE-OBS'].replace('T',' ')
mephem = ephem.Moon()
ra = ra2
dec = dec2
print '\t\tUsing the coordinates found in the image header.'
# set observatory parameters
altitude = float(h[0].header['ESO TEL GEOELEV'])
latitude = float(h[0].header['ESO TEL GEOLAT'])
longitude = float(h[0].header['ESO TEL GEOLON'])
epoch = 2000.
iers = GLOBALutils.JPLiers( baryc_dir, mjd-999.0, mjd+999.0 )
obsradius, R0 = GLOBALutils.JPLR0( latitude, altitude)
obpos = GLOBALutils.obspos( longitude, obsradius, R0 )
jplephem.set_ephemeris_dir( baryc_dir , ephemeris )
jplephem.set_observer_coordinates( float(obpos[0]), float(obpos[1]), float(obpos[2]) )
res = jplephem.doppler_fraction(float(ra/15.0), float(dec), long(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5
print "\t\tBarycentric velocity:", bcvel_baryc
res = jplephem.pulse_delay(ra/15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)
# Moon Phase Calculations
gobs = ephem.Observer() = 'VLT' = rad(latitude) # lat/long in decimal degrees
gobs.long = rad(longitude)
longitude = hd['SITELONG']
epoch = hd['EPOCH']
scmjd,scmjd0 = dupontutils.mjd_fromheader(hd)
ra2,dec2 = GLOBALutils.getcoords(obname,scmjd,filen=reffile)
if ra2 !=0 and dec2 != 0:
RA = ra2
DEC = dec2
print '\t\tUsing the coordinates found in the image header.'
# set info for compute the baricentric correction
iers = GLOBALutils.JPLiers( baryc_dir, scmjd-999.0, scmjd+999.0 )
obsradius, R0 = GLOBALutils.JPLR0( latitude, altitude)
obpos = GLOBALutils.obspos( longitude, obsradius, R0 )
jplephem.set_ephemeris_dir( baryc_dir , ephemeris )
jplephem.set_observer_coordinates( obpos[0], obpos[1], obpos[2] )
res = jplephem.doppler_fraction(RA/15.0, DEC, int(scmjd), scmjd%1, 1, 0.0)
lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5 #This in the barycentric velocity
res = jplephem.pulse_delay(RA/15.0, DEC, int(scmjd), scmjd%1, 1, 0.0)
scmbjd = scmjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0) #This is the modified barycentric julian day of the observation
# set observatory info to retrive info about the moon
gobs = ephem.Observer() = 'DUPONT' = rad(latitude)
gobs.long = rad(longitude) = hd['UT-DATE'] + ' ' + hd['UT-TIME'].replace(':','_') = hd['UT-DATE'].replace('-','/') + ' ' + hd['UT-TIME']
mephem = ephem.Moon()
ra = ra2
dec = dec2
print '\t\tUsing the coordinates found in the image header.'
# set observatory parameters
altitude = 4145.
latitude = 19.82636
longitude = -155.47501
epoch = 2000.
iers = GLOBALutils.JPLiers( baryc_dir, mjd-999.0, mjd+999.0 )
obsradius, R0 = GLOBALutils.JPLR0( latitude, altitude)
obpos = GLOBALutils.obspos( longitude, obsradius, R0 )
jplephem.set_ephemeris_dir( baryc_dir , ephemeris )
jplephem.set_observer_coordinates( float(obpos[0]), float(obpos[1]), float(obpos[2]) )
res = jplephem.doppler_fraction(float(ra/15.0), float(dec), long(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5
print "\t\tBarycentric velocity:", bcvel_baryc
res = jplephem.pulse_delay(ra/15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)
# Moon Phase Calculations
gobs = ephem.Observer() = 'Keck' = rad(latitude) # lat/long in decimal degrees
gobs.long = rad(longitude)
ra = h[0].header['RA-D']
dec = h[0].header['DEC-D']
epoch = h[0].header['EQUINOX']
ra2,dec2 = GLOBALutils.getcoords(obname,mjd,filen=reffile)
if ra2 !=0 and dec2 != 0:
ra = ra2
dec = dec2
print '\t\tUsing the coordinates found in the image header.'
iers = GLOBALutils.JPLiers( baryc_dir, mjd-999.0, mjd+999.0 )
obsradius, R0 = GLOBALutils.JPLR0( latitude, altitude)
obpos = GLOBALutils.obspos( longitude, obsradius, R0 )
jplephem.set_ephemeris_dir( baryc_dir , ephemeris )
jplephem.set_observer_coordinates( obpos[0], obpos[1], obpos[2] )
res = jplephem.doppler_fraction(ra/15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5
print "\t\tBarycentric velocity:", bcvel_baryc
res = jplephem.pulse_delay(ra/15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)
# Moon Phase Calculations
gobs = ephem.Observer()'Clay_Mag_2' # lat/long in decimal degrees
altitude = 2382.
latitude = 28.75722
longitude = -17.885
epoch = 2000.
ra2,dec2 = GLOBALutils.getcoords(obname,mjd,filen=reffile)
if ra2 !=0 and dec2 != 0:
ra = ra2
dec = dec2
print '\t\tUsing the coordinates found in the image header.'
iers = GLOBALutils.JPLiers( baryc_dir, mjd-999.0, mjd+999.0 )
obsradius, R0 = GLOBALutils.JPLR0( latitude, altitude)
obpos = GLOBALutils.obspos( longitude, obsradius, R0 )
jplephem.set_ephemeris_dir( baryc_dir , ephemeris )
jplephem.set_observer_coordinates( float(obpos[0]), float(obpos[1]), float(obpos[2]) )
res = jplephem.doppler_fraction(float(ra/15.0), float(dec), long(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5
print "\t\tBarycentric velocity:", bcvel_baryc
res = jplephem.pulse_delay(ra/15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)
gobs = ephem.Observer() = 'La Palma' = rad(latitude) # lat/long in decimal degrees
gobs.long = rad(longitude) = h[0].header['DATE-OBS'][:10] + ' ' + h[0].header['DATE-OBS'][11:]
mephem = ephem.Moon()
exptime = hd['EXPTIME']
RA = hd['RA-D']
DEC = hd['DEC-D']
RON = hd['ENOISE']
GAIN = hd['EGAIN']
scmjd,scmjd0 = dupontutils.mjd_fromheader(hd)
altitude = hd['SITEALT']
latitude = hd['SITELAT']
longitude = hd['SITELONG']
epoch = hd['EPOCH']
iers = GLOBALutils.JPLiers( baryc_dir, scmjd-999.0, scmjd+999.0 )
obsradius, R0 = GLOBALutils.JPLR0( latitude, altitude)
obpos = GLOBALutils.obspos( longitude, obsradius, R0 )
jplephem.set_ephemeris_dir( baryc_dir , ephemeris )
jplephem.set_observer_coordinates( obpos[0], obpos[1], obpos[2] )
res = jplephem.doppler_fraction(RA/15.0, DEC, int(scmjd), scmjd%1, 1, 0.0)
lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5
res = jplephem.pulse_delay(RA/15.0, DEC, int(scmjd), scmjd%1, 1, 0.0)
mbjd = scmjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)
gobs = ephem.Observer() = 'DUPONT' = rad(latitude) # lat/long in decimal degrees
gobs.long = rad(longitude) = hd['UT-DATE'].replace('-','/') + ' ' + hd['UT-TIME']
mephem = ephem.Moon()