How to use the jplephem.object_track function in jplephem

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github rabrahm / ceres / uves / View on Github external
bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5

    print "\t\tBarycentric velocity:", bcvel_baryc

    res  = jplephem.pulse_delay(ra/15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
    mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)

    # Moon Phase Calculations
    gobs      = ephem.Observer() = 'VLT'  = rad(latitude)  # lat/long in decimal degrees  
    gobs.long = rad(longitude) = h[0].header['DATE-OBS'].replace('T',' ')
    mephem    = ephem.Moon()
    Mcoo        = jplephem.object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Mp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Sp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Sun", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    res  = jplephem.object_doppler("Moon", int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
    lunation,moon_state,moonsep,moonvel = GLOBALutils.get_lunar_props(ephem,gobs,Mcoo,Mp,Sp,res,ra,dec)
    refvel = bcvel_baryc + moonvel
    print '\t\tRadial Velocity of sacttered moonlight:',refvel

    sci_fits        = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+'spec.pkl'
    sci_fits_simple = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+'spec.simple.pkl'
    P_fits          = dirout + 'P_' + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+'spec.fits'

    if ( os.access(sci_fits,os.F_OK) == False ) or ( os.access(sci_fits_simple,os.F_OK) == False ) or \
       ( force_sci_extract ):
        print "\t\tNo previous extraction or extraction forced for science file", fsim, "extracting..."
        print "\t\t\tweights for chip1..."
github rabrahm / ceres / coralie / View on Github external
Mho = '0'+Mho
    mins = (HHOUR - int(Mho))*60.
    Mmi = str(int(mins))
    if len(Mmi)<2:
        Mmi = '0'+Mmi
    segs = (mins - int(Mmi))*60.
    if segs<10:
        Mse = '0'+str(segs)[:5]
        Mse = str(segs)[:6] = str(DDATE[:4]) + '-' +  str(DDATE[4:6]) + '-' + str(DDATE[6:]) + ' ' +  Mho + ':' + Mmi +':' +Mse

    mephem = ephem.Moon()
    Mcoo = jplephem.object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Mp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Sp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Sun", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    res  = jplephem.object_doppler("Moon", int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
    lunation,moon_state,moonsep,moonvel = GLOBALutils.get_lunar_props(ephem,gobs,Mcoo,Mp,Sp,res,ra,dec)
    refvel = bcvel_baryc + moonvel
    print '\t\tRadial Velocity of sacttered moonlight:',refvel

    sorted_indices    = np.argsort( np.abs( np.array(ThAr_ref_dates) - mjd ) )
    sorted_indices_FP = np.argsort( np.abs( np.array(ThFP_ref_dates) - mjd ) )

    print '\t\tExtraction:'
    # optimally and simply extract spectra
    sci_fits_ob = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-8]+'spec.ob.fits.S'
    sci_fits_co = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-8]+''
    sci_fits_ob_simple = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-8]+'spec.simple.ob.fits.S'
    sci_fits_co_simple = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-8]+''
github rabrahm / ceres / hires / View on Github external
bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5

    print "\t\tBarycentric velocity:", bcvel_baryc

    res  = jplephem.pulse_delay(ra/15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
    mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)

    # Moon Phase Calculations
    gobs      = ephem.Observer() = 'Keck'  = rad(latitude)  # lat/long in decimal degrees  
    gobs.long = rad(longitude) = h[0].header['DATE-OBS'] + ' ' + h[0].header['UTC'].replace(':','-')
    mephem    = ephem.Moon()
    Mcoo        = jplephem.object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Mp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Sp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Sun", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    res  = jplephem.object_doppler("Moon", int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
    lunation,moon_state,moonsep,moonvel = GLOBALutils.get_lunar_props(ephem,gobs,Mcoo,Mp,Sp,res,ra,dec)
    refvel = bcvel_baryc + moonvel
    print '\t\tRadial Velocity of sacttered moonlight:',refvel
    sci_fits        = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+'spec_'+str(int(chip))+'.fits'
    sci_fits_simple = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+'spec.simple_'+str(int(chip))+'.fits'
    P_fits          = dirout + 'P_' + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+'spec_'+str(int(chip))+'.fits'

    if ( os.access(sci_fits,os.F_OK) == False ) or ( os.access(sci_fits_simple,os.F_OK) == False ) or \
       ( force_sci_extract ):
        print "\t\tNo previous extraction or extraction forced for science file", fsim, "extracting..."
github rabrahm / ceres / feros / View on Github external
print "\t\tBarycentric velocity:", bcvel_baryc

    res  = jplephem.pulse_delay(ra/15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
    mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)

    # Moon Phase Calculations

    gobs      = ephem.Observer() = 'Eso2.2'  = rad(latitude)  # lat/long in decimal degrees  
    gobs.long = rad(longitude) = h[0].header['DATE-OBS'][:10] + ' ' + h[0].header['DATE-OBS'][11:]
    mephem    = ephem.Moon()
    Mcoo = jplephem.object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Mp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Sp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Sun", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    res  = jplephem.object_doppler("Moon", int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
    lunation,moon_state,moonsep,moonvel = GLOBALutils.get_lunar_props(ephem,gobs,Mcoo,Mp,Sp,res,ra,dec)
    refvel = bcvel_baryc + moonvel
    print '\t\tRadial Velocity of sacttered moonlight:',refvel
    ThAr_Ne_ref_m       = ThAr_Ne_ref
    ThAr_Ne_ref_dates_m = ThAr_Ne_ref_dates

    sorted_indices     = np.argsort( np.abs( np.array(ThAr_Ne_ref_dates_m) - mjd ) )
    sci_fits_ob        = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+'spec.ob.fits.S'
    sci_fits_co        = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+''
    sci_fits_ob_simple = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+'spec.simple.ob.fits.S'
    sci_fits_co_simple = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+''
github rabrahm / ceres / espadons / View on Github external
res  = jplephem.pulse_delay(ra/15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
    mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)

    gobs      = ephem.Observer() = h[0].header['TELESCOP']  = rad(latitude)  # lat/long in decimal degrees  
    gobs.long = rad(longitude)
    timeT = h[0].header['UTC-OBS'].split(':')
    if len(timeT[0]) == 1: = h[0].header['DATE-OBS'][:10] + ' 0' + h[0].header['UTC-OBS']
    else: = h[0].header['DATE-OBS'][:10] + ' ' + h[0].header['UTC-OBS']
    mephem    = ephem.Moon()

    Mcoo = jplephem.object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Mp = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Sp = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Sun", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    res  = jplephem.object_doppler("Moon", int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
    lunation,moon_state,moonsep,moonvel = GLOBALutils.get_lunar_props(ephem,gobs,Mcoo,Mp,Sp,res,ra,dec)
    refvel = bcvel_baryc + moonvel
    print '\t\tRadial Velocity of sacttered moonlight:',refvel

    print '\t\tExtraction:'

    if mode == 'so':
        sci_fits        = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+'spec.fits.S'
        sci_fits_simple = dirout + fsim.split('/')[-1][:-4]+'spec.simple.fits.S'

        if ( os.access(sci_fits,os.F_OK) == False ) or ( os.access(sci_fits_simple,os.F_OK) == False ) or \
github rabrahm / ceres / pfs / View on Github external
mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)

    # Moon Phase Calculations
    gobs = ephem.Observer()'Clay_Mag_2'  # lat/long in decimal degrees  
    DDATE = h[0].header['UT-DATE']
    HHOUR = h[0].header['UT-TIME']
    Mho = HHOUR[:2]
    Mmi = HHOUR[3:5]
    Mse = HHOUR[6:] = str(DDATE[:4]) + '-' +  str(DDATE[5:6]) + '-' + str(DDATE[7:]) + ' ' +  Mho + ':' + Mmi +':' +Mse
    mephem = ephem.Moon()
    Mcoo = jplephem.object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Mp = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Sp = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Sun", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    res = jplephem.object_doppler("Moon", int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
    lunation,moon_state,moonsep,moonvel = GLOBALutils.get_lunar_props(ephem,gobs,Mcoo,Mp,Sp,res,ra,dec)
    refvel = bcvel_baryc + moonvel
    print '\t\tRadial Velocity of sacttered moonlight:',refvel

    sorted_indices = np.argsort( np.abs( np.array(thar_dates) - mjd ) )

    # optimally and simply extract spectra
    sci_fits = dirout + 'PFS_' + h[0].header['UT-DATE'] + '_' + h[0].header['UT-TIME'] +'.'+ obname +'.spec.fits'
    sci_fits_simple = dirout + 'PFS_' + h[0].header['UT-DATE'] + '_' + h[0].header['UT-TIME'] +'.'+ obname +'.spec.simple.fits'
    P_fits = dirout + 'P_' + h[0].header['UT-DATE'] + '_' + h[0].header['UT-TIME'] +'.'+ obname +'.fits'

    # Open file, trim, overscan subtract and MasterBias subtract
github rabrahm / ceres / mike / View on Github external
# Moon Phase Calculations
    gobs = ephem.Observer()'Clay_Mag_2'  # lat/long in decimal degrees  
    DDATE = h[ih].header['UT-DATE']
    HHOUR = mikeutils.get_hour(float(h[ih].header['UT-TIME']))
    Mho = HHOUR[:2]
    Mmi = HHOUR[3:5]
    Mse = HHOUR[6:] = str(DDATE[:4]) + '-' +  str(DDATE[5:6]) + '-' + str(DDATE[7:]) + ' ' +  Mho + ':' + Mmi +':' +Mse
    mephem = ephem.Moon()
    Mcoo = jplephem.object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Mp = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Moon", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    Sp = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Sun", int(mjd), float(mjd%1), 1, 0.0)
    res = jplephem.object_doppler("Moon", int(mjd), mjd%1, 1, 0.0)
    lunation,moon_state,moonsep,moonvel = GLOBALutils.get_lunar_props(ephem,gobs,Mcoo,Mp,Sp,res,ra,dec)
    refvel = bcvel_baryc + moonvel
    print '\t\tRadial Velocity of sacttered moonlight:',refvel

    sorted_indices = np.argsort( np.abs( np.array(thar_dates) - mjd ) )

    # optimally and simply extract spectra
    sci_fits = dirout + 'MIKE_' + h[ih].header['UT-DATE'] + '_' + HHOUR +'.'+ obname +'.spec.fits'
    sci_fits_simple = dirout + 'MIKE_' + h[ih].header['UT-DATE'] + '_' + HHOUR +'.'+ obname +'.spec.simple.fits'
    P_fits = dirout + 'P_' + h[ih].header['UT-DATE'] + '_' + HHOUR +'.'+ obname +'.fits'

    # Open file, trim, overscan subtract and MasterBias subtract
    data = h[ih].data
github rabrahm / ceres / dupont / View on Github external
lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
		   	bcvel_baryc = ( lbary_ltopo - 1.0 ) * 2.99792458E5	#This in the barycentric velocity
		   	res         = jplephem.pulse_delay(RA/15.0, DEC, int(scmjd), scmjd%1, 1, 0.0)
		   	scmbjd      = scmjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)	#This is the modified barycentric julian day of the observation

			# set observatory info to retrive info about the moon
			gobs = ephem.Observer() = 'DUPONT'  = rad(latitude)
			gobs.long = rad(longitude) = hd['UT-DATE'] + ' ' + hd['UT-TIME'].replace(':','_') = hd['UT-DATE'].replace('-','/') + ' ' + hd['UT-TIME']
			mephem = ephem.Moon()
			Mcoo = jplephem.object_track("Moon", int(scmjd), float(scmjd%1), 1, 0.0)
			Mp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Moon", int(scmjd), float(scmjd%1), 1, 0.0)
			Sp   = jplephem.barycentric_object_track("Sun", int(scmjd), float(scmjd%1), 1, 0.0)
		   	res      = jplephem.object_doppler("Moon", int(scmjd), scmjd%1, 1, 0.0)
			lunation,moon_state,moonsep2,moonvel = GLOBALutils.get_lunar_props(ephem,gobs,Mcoo,Mp,Sp,res,RA,DEC)
			refvel = bcvel_baryc + moonvel	#This is the velocity of the spectrum of the moon with the applied barycentric correction in the direction of the target. 
			print '\t\t\tBarycentric velocity:',refvel

			# Set the ThAr lamps for applying the wavelength solution
			if scmjd < thtimes[0]:
				"\t\t\tProblem with ThAr and science times"
				index1 = 0
				index2 = 0
			elif scmjd > thtimes[-1]:
				"\t\t\tProblem with ThAr and science times"
				index1 = -1