How to use the humanfriendly.terminal.output function in humanfriendly

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few humanfriendly examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github martin68 / apt-smart / apt_smart / View on Github external
output("\nBUNDLED_RELEASES = [\n")
            for release in discover_linuxmint_releases(table_to_2d(tables[1])):
                output(indent + "Release(\n")
                for name in release.find_properties(cached=False):
                    value = getattr(release, name)
                    if value is not None:
                        if isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal):
                            # It seems weirdly inconsistency to me that this is needed
                            # for decimal.Decimal() but not for but I
                            # guess the simple explanation is that repr() output simply
                            # isn't guaranteed to be accepted by eval().
                            value = "decimal." + repr(value)
                            value = repr(value)
                        output(indent * 2 + name + "=" + value + ",\n")
                output(indent + "),\n")

            # Check that a reasonable number of Debian and Ubuntu releases was discovered.
            assert len(releases) > 10
            assert len([r for r in releases if r.distributor_id == 'linuxmint']) > 10
            # Check that LTS releases of Debian as well as Ubuntu were discovered.
            assert any(r.distributor_id == 'linuxmint' and r.is_lts for r in releases)
            # Sanity check against duplicate releases.
            assert sum(r.series == 'tina' for r in releases) == 1
            # Sanity check some known LTS releases.
            assert any(r.series == 'tina' and r.is_lts for r in releases)
github xolox / python-humanfriendly / humanfriendly / View on Github external
def demonstrate_256_colors(i, j, group=None):
    """Demonstrate 256 color mode support."""
    # Generate the label.
    label = '256 color mode'
    if group:
        label += ' (%s)' % group
    output('\n' + ansi_wrap('%s:' % label, bold=True))
    # Generate a simple rendering of the colors in the requested range and
    # check if it will fit on a single line (given the terminal's width).
    single_line = ''.join(' ' + ansi_wrap(str(n), color=n) for n in range(i, j + 1))
    lines, columns = find_terminal_size()
    if columns >= len(ansi_strip(single_line)):
        # Generate a more complex rendering of the colors that will nicely wrap
        # over multiple lines without using too many lines.
        width = len(str(j)) + 1
        colors_per_line = int(columns / width)
        colors = [ansi_wrap(str(n).rjust(width), color=n) for n in range(i, j + 1)]
        blocks = [colors[n:n + colors_per_line] for n in range(0, len(colors), colors_per_line)]
        output('\n'.join(''.join(b) for b in blocks))
github xolox / python-humanfriendly / humanfriendly / View on Github external
label += ' (%s)' % group
    output('\n' + ansi_wrap('%s:' % label, bold=True))
    # Generate a simple rendering of the colors in the requested range and
    # check if it will fit on a single line (given the terminal's width).
    single_line = ''.join(' ' + ansi_wrap(str(n), color=n) for n in range(i, j + 1))
    lines, columns = find_terminal_size()
    if columns >= len(ansi_strip(single_line)):
        # Generate a more complex rendering of the colors that will nicely wrap
        # over multiple lines without using too many lines.
        width = len(str(j)) + 1
        colors_per_line = int(columns / width)
        colors = [ansi_wrap(str(n).rjust(width), color=n) for n in range(i, j + 1)]
        blocks = [colors[n:n + colors_per_line] for n in range(0, len(colors), colors_per_line)]
        output('\n'.join(''.join(b) for b in blocks))
github xolox / python-humanfriendly / humanfriendly / View on Github external
options = dict(color=HIGHLIGHT_COLOR)
        if style_name != 'normal':
            options[style_name] = True
        style_label = style_name.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()
        output(' - %s', ansi_wrap(style_label, **options))
    # Now we demonstrate named foreground and background colors.
    for color_type, color_label in (('color', 'Foreground colors'),
                                    ('background', 'Background colors')):
        intensities = [
            ('normal', dict()),
            ('bright', dict(bright=True)),
        if color_type != 'background':
            intensities.insert(0, ('faint', dict(faint=True)))
        output('\n%s' % ansi_wrap('%s:' % color_label, bold=True))
            [color_name] + [
                    'XXXXXX' if color_type != 'background' else (' ' * 6),
                    **dict(list(kw.items()) + [(color_type, color_name)])
                ) for label, kw in intensities
            ] for color_name in sorted(ANSI_COLOR_CODES.keys())
        ], column_names=['Color'] + [
            label.capitalize() for label, kw in intensities
    # Demonstrate support for 256 colors as well.
    demonstrate_256_colors(0, 7, 'standard colors')
    demonstrate_256_colors(8, 15, 'high-intensity colors')
    demonstrate_256_colors(16, 231, '216 colors')
    demonstrate_256_colors(232, 255, 'gray scale colors')
github xolox / python-coloredlogs / coloredlogs / View on Github external
    Command line interface for ``coloredlogs --to-html``.

    Takes a command (and its arguments) and runs the program under ``script``
    (emulating an interactive terminal), intercepts the output of the command
    and converts ANSI escape sequences in the output to HTML.
    captured_output = capture(command)
    converted_output = convert(captured_output)
    if connected_to_terminal():
        fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.html')
        with open(temporary_file, 'w') as handle:
    elif captured_output and not captured_output.isspace():
github xolox / python-humanfriendly / humanfriendly / View on Github external
def demonstrate_256_colors(i, j, group=None):
    """Demonstrate 256 color mode support."""
    # Generate the label.
    label = '256 color mode'
    if group:
        label += ' (%s)' % group
    output('\n' + ansi_wrap('%s:' % label, bold=True))
    # Generate a simple rendering of the colors in the requested range and
    # check if it will fit on a single line (given the terminal's width).
    single_line = ''.join(' ' + ansi_wrap(str(n), color=n) for n in range(i, j + 1))
    lines, columns = find_terminal_size()
    if columns >= len(ansi_strip(single_line)):
        # Generate a more complex rendering of the colors that will nicely wrap
        # over multiple lines without using too many lines.
        width = len(str(j)) + 1
        colors_per_line = int(columns / width)
        colors = [ansi_wrap(str(n).rjust(width), color=n) for n in range(i, j + 1)]
        blocks = [colors[n:n + colors_per_line] for n in range(0, len(colors), colors_per_line)]
        output('\n'.join(''.join(b) for b in blocks))
github xolox / python-qpass / qpass / View on Github external
def show_matching_entry(program, arguments, use_clipboard=True, quiet=False, filters=()):
    """Show the matching entry on the terminal (and copy the password to the clipboard)."""
    entry = program.select_entry(*arguments)
    if not quiet:
        formatted_entry = entry.format_text(include_password=not use_clipboard, filters=filters)
        if formatted_entry and not formatted_entry.isspace():
    if use_clipboard:
github xolox / python-humanfriendly / humanfriendly / View on Github external
def print_formatted_length(value):
    """Print a human readable length."""
    if '.' in value: