How to use the humanfriendly.concatenate function in humanfriendly

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few humanfriendly examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github paylogic / pip-accel / pip_accel / View on Github external
def find_one_file(directory, pattern):
    Use :func:`find_files()` to find a file and make sure a single file is matched.

    :param directory: The pathname of the directory to be searched (a string).
    :param pattern: The filename pattern to match (a string).
    :returns: The matched pathname (a string).
    :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.AssertionError` when no file or more than one
             file is matched.
    matches = list(find_files(directory, pattern))
    if len(matches) == 1:
        return matches[0]
    elif matches:
        msg = "More than one file matched %r pattern in directory %r! (matches: %s)"
        raise Exception(msg % (pattern, directory, concatenate(matches)))
        msg = "Failed to find file matching %r pattern in directory %r! (available files: %s)"
        raise Exception(msg % (pattern, directory, concatenate(find_files(directory, '*'))))
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:param directory: The pathname of the directory to be searched (a string).
    :param pattern: The filename pattern to match (a string).
    :returns: The matched pathname (a string).
    :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.AssertionError` when no file or more than one
             file is matched.
    matches = list(find_files(directory, pattern))
    if len(matches) == 1:
        return matches[0]
    elif matches:
        msg = "More than one file matched %r pattern in directory %r! (matches: %s)"
        raise Exception(msg % (pattern, directory, concatenate(matches)))
        msg = "Failed to find file matching %r pattern in directory %r! (available files: %s)"
        raise Exception(msg % (pattern, directory, concatenate(find_files(directory, '*'))))
github paylogic / pip-accel / pip_accel / deps / View on Github external
supported_command = parser.get('commands', 'supported')
                logger.debug("Checking if configuration is supported: %s", supported_command)
                with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as null_device:
                    if, shell=True,
                                       stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) == 0:
                        logger.debug("System package manager configuration is supported!")
                        # Get the commands to list and install system packages.
                        self.list_command = parser.get('commands', 'list')
                        self.install_command = parser.get('commands', 'install')
                        # Get the known dependencies.
                        self.dependencies = dict((n.lower(), v.split()) for n, v
                                                 in parser.items('dependencies'))
                        logger.debug("Loaded dependencies of %s: %s",
                                     pluralize(len(self.dependencies), "Python package"),
                        logger.debug("Command failed, assuming configuration doesn't apply ..")
github paylogic / py2deb / py2deb / View on Github external
        Find pip metadata files in unpacked source distributions.

        When pip unpacks a source distribution archive it creates a directory
        ``pip-egg-info`` which contains the package metadata in a declarative
        and easy to parse format. This method finds such metadata files.

        :param pattern: The :mod:`glob` pattern to search for (a string).
        :returns: A list of matched filenames (strings).
        full_pattern = os.path.join(self.requirement.source_directory, 'pip-egg-info', '*.egg-info', pattern)
        logger.debug("Looking for %r file(s) using pattern %r ..", pattern, full_pattern)
        matches = glob.glob(full_pattern)
        if len(matches) > 1:
            msg = "Source distribution directory of %s (%s) contains multiple *.egg-info directories: %s"
            raise Exception(msg % (self.requirement.project_name, self.requirement.version, concatenate(matches)))
        elif matches:
            logger.debug("Matched %s: %s.", pluralize(len(matches), "file", "files"), concatenate(matches))
            return matches[0]
            logger.debug("No matching %r files found.", pattern)
github paylogic / py2deb / py2deb / View on Github external
def install():
    # Make sure stdeb is not installed."Making sure python-stdeb is not installed (py2deb contains a fork of stdeb).")
    execute('apt-get', 'purge', '--yes', 'python-stdeb', sudo=True, logger=logger)
    # Install Debian package dependencies of py2deb and deb-pkg-tools.
    dependencies = set(py2deb_dependencies) | set(deb_pkg_tools_dependencies)"Installing prerequisites (%s) ..",
    execute('apt-get', 'install', '--yes', *sorted(dependencies), sudo=True, logger=logger)
    # Initialize the apt-file cache."Initializing apt-file cache ..")
    execute('apt-file', 'update', sudo=True, logger=logger)
    # Prepare a temporary directory tree to hold the generated packages.
    directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # Use py2deb to convert itself and its dependencies to Debian packages."Converting py2deb and dependencies to Debian packages ..")
        convert(['py2deb'], repository=directory)
        # Convert the directory of packages to a repository.
        # Make it possible to install packages from the repository.
            # Try to install the generated packages from the repository.
github paylogic / py2deb / py2deb / View on Github external
When pip unpacks a source distribution archive it creates a directory
        ``pip-egg-info`` which contains the package metadata in a declarative
        and easy to parse format. This method finds such metadata files.

        :param pattern: The :mod:`glob` pattern to search for (a string).
        :returns: A list of matched filenames (strings).
        full_pattern = os.path.join(self.requirement.source_directory, 'pip-egg-info', '*.egg-info', pattern)
        logger.debug("Looking for %r file(s) using pattern %r ..", pattern, full_pattern)
        matches = glob.glob(full_pattern)
        if len(matches) > 1:
            msg = "Source distribution directory of %s (%s) contains multiple *.egg-info directories: %s"
            raise Exception(msg % (self.requirement.project_name, self.requirement.version, concatenate(matches)))
        elif matches:
            logger.debug("Matched %s: %s.", pluralize(len(matches), "file", "files"), concatenate(matches))
            return matches[0]
            logger.debug("No matching %r files found.", pattern)
github paylogic / pip-accel / pip_accel / View on Github external
def install_requirements(self, requirements, **kw):
        Manually install a requirement set from binary and/or wheel distributions.

        :param requirements: A list of :class:`pip_accel.req.Requirement` objects.
        :param kw: Any keyword arguments are passed on to
        :returns: The number of packages that were just installed (an integer).
        install_timer = Timer()
        install_types = []
        if any(not req.is_wheel for req in requirements):
        if any(req.is_wheel for req in requirements):
            install_types.append('wheel')"Installing from %s distributions ..", concatenate(install_types))
        # Track installed files by default (unless the caller specifically opted out).
        kw.setdefault('track_installed_files', True)
        num_installed = 0
        for requirement in requirements:
            # When installing setuptools we need to uninstall distribute,
            # otherwise distribute will shadow setuptools and all sorts of
            # strange issues can occur (e.g. upgrading to the latest
            # setuptools to gain wheel support and then having everything
            # blow up because distribute doesn't know about wheels).
            if == 'setuptools' and is_installed('distribute'):
            if requirement.is_editable:
                logger.debug("Installing %s in editable form using pip.", requirement)
                with TransactionalUpdate(requirement):
                    command = InstallCommand()
                    opts, args = command.parse_args(['--no-deps', '--editable', requirement.source_directory])
github paylogic / pip-accel / pip_accel / deps / View on Github external
def find_known_dependencies(self, requirement):
        Find the known dependencies of a Python package.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: A list of strings with system package names.
        """"Checking for known dependencies of %s ..",
        known_dependencies = sorted(self.dependencies.get(, []))
        if known_dependencies:
  "Found %s: %s", pluralize(len(known_dependencies), "known dependency", "known dependencies"),
  "No known dependencies... Maybe you have a suggestion?")
        return known_dependencies
github paylogic / pip-accel / pip_accel / deps / View on Github external
def find_missing_dependencies(self, requirement):
        Find missing dependencies of a Python package.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: A list of strings with system package names.
        known_dependencies = self.find_known_dependencies(requirement)
        if known_dependencies:
            installed_packages = self.find_installed_packages()
            logger.debug("Checking for missing dependencies of %s ..",
            missing_dependencies = sorted(set(known_dependencies).difference(installed_packages))
            if missing_dependencies:
                logger.debug("Found %s: %s",
                             pluralize(len(missing_dependencies), "missing dependency", "missing dependencies"),
      "All known dependencies are already installed.")
            return missing_dependencies
github paylogic / pip-accel / pip_accel / View on Github external
# If the build reported an error we'll try to provide the user with
                # some hints about what went wrong.
                if build.returncode != 0:
                    raise BuildFailed("Failed to build {name} ({version}) binary distribution!",
                            , version=requirement.version)
                # Check if the build created the `dist' directory (the os.listdir()
                # call below will raise an exception if we don't check for this).
                if not os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                    raise NoBuildOutput("Build of {name} ({version}) did not produce a binary distribution archive!",
                              , version=requirement.version)
                # Check if we can find the binary distribution archive.
                filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
                if len(filenames) != 1:
                    variables = dict(,
                    raise NoBuildOutput("""
                        Build of {name} ({version}) produced more than one
                        distribution archive! (matches: {filenames})
                    """, **variables)
            except Exception as e:
                # Decorate the exception with the output of the failed build.
                with open(temporary_file) as handle:
                    build_output =
                enhanced_message = compact("""

                    Please check the build output because it will probably
                    provide a hint about what went wrong.

                    Build output: