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npix = (int(wcs.wcs.crpix[0] * 2), int(wcs.wcs.crpix[1] * 2))
pix_crds = np.dstack(np.meshgrid(np.arange(npix[0]),
np.arange(npix[1]))).swapaxes(0, 1).reshape((npix[0] * npix[1], 2))
if wcs.wcs.naxis == 2:
sky_crds = wcs.wcs_pix2world(pix_crds, 0)
use_wcs = wcs.dropaxis(2)
sky_crds = use_wcs.wcs_pix2world(pix_crds, 0)
sky_crds *= np.radians(1.)
sky_crds[0:, 1] = (np.pi / 2) - sky_crds[0:, 1]
fullmask = np.isnan(sky_crds)
mask = (fullmask[0:, 0] + fullmask[0:, 1]) == 0
ipixs = -1 * np.ones(npix, int).T.flatten()
ipixs[mask] = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(hpx.nside, sky_crds[0:, 1][mask],
sky_crds[0:, 0][mask], hpx.nest)
# Here we are counting the number of HEALPix pixels each WCS pixel points to;
# this could probably be vectorized by filling a histogram.
d_count = {}
for ipix in ipixs:
if ipix in d_count:
d_count[ipix] += 1
d_count[ipix] = 1
# Here we are getting a multiplicative factor that tells use how to split up
# the counts in each HEALPix pixel (by dividing the corresponding WCS pixels
# by the number of associated HEALPix pixels).
# This could also likely be vectorized.
mult_val = np.ones(ipixs.shape)
nest (Optional[:obj:`bool`]): If :obj:`True` (the default), nested pixel ordering
will be used. If :obj:`False`, ring ordering will be used.
The HEALPix pixel index or indices. Has the same shape as the input :obj:`l`
and :obj:`b`.
theta = np.radians(90. - b)
phi = np.radians(l)
if not hasattr(l, '__len__'):
if (b < -90.) or (b > 90.):
return -1
pix_idx = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=nest)
return pix_idx
idx = (b >= -90.) & (b <= 90.)
pix_idx = np.empty(l.shape, dtype='i8')
pix_idx[idx] = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(nside, theta[idx], phi[idx], nest=nest)
pix_idx[~idx] = -1
return pix_idx
theta = np.radians(90. - b)
phi = np.radians(l)
if not hasattr(l, '__len__'):
if (b < -90.) or (b > 90.):
return -1
pix_idx = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=nest)
return pix_idx
idx = (b >= -90.) & (b <= 90.)
pix_idx = np.empty(l.shape, dtype='i8')
pix_idx[idx] = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(nside, theta[idx], phi[idx], nest=nest)
pix_idx[~idx] = -1
return pix_idx
def _lbIndx(self,l,b):
"""Return the index in the _combineddata array corresponding to this (l,b)"""
for nside in self._nsides:
# Search for the pixel in this Nside level
tpix= healpy.pixelfunc.ang2pix(nside,(90.-b)*_DEGTORAD,
indx= (self._pix_info['healpix_index'] == tpix)\
*(self._pix_info['nside'] == nside)
if numpy.sum(indx) == 1:
return self._indexArray[indx]
elif numpy.sum(indx) > 1:
raise IndexError("Given (l,b) pair has multiple matches!")
raise IndexError("Given (l,b) pair not within the region covered by the extinction map")
# convert RA and Dec to phi and theta coordinates
phi = ra * np.pi/180.
theta = (90.0 - dec) * np.pi/180.
# to just plot all points, do
hp.visufunc.projplot(theta, phi, 'bo')
# more examples are here
## to plot a 2D histogram in the Mollweide projection
# define the HEALPIX level
NSIDE = 32
# find the pixel ID for each point
pix = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta, phi)
# select all points above Dec > -30
pix_unique = np.unique(pix[dec > -30])
# prepare the map array
m = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE), dtype='u2')
# tag the map array with pixels above Dec > -30
m[pix_unique] = 1
# plot map ('C' means the input coordinates were in the equatorial system)
hp.visufunc.mollview(m, coord=['C'], rot=(0, 0, 0), notext=True, title='', cbar=False)
# to just plot all points, do
#hp.visufunc.projplot(theta, phi, 'bo')
#hp.visufunc.projplot(theta_lamost, phi_lamost, 'bo')
#hp.visufunc.graticule() # just the bare background w/ lines
# more examples are here
## to plot a 2D histogram in the Mollweide projection
# define resolution of map
# NSIDE = 32
NSIDE = 128
# find the pixel ID for each point
# pix = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta, phi)
pix_lamost = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta_lamost, phi_lamost)
pix_apogee = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta_apogee, phi_apogee)
pix_all = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta_all, phi_all)
# pix is in the order of ra and dec
# prepare the map array
m_lamost =, dtype='float'))
mask_lamost = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE), dtype='bool')
for pix_val in np.unique(pix_lamost):
choose = np.where(pix_lamost==pix_val)[0]
if len(choose) == 1:
m_lamost[pix_val] = am_lamost[choose[0]]
m_lamost[pix_val] = np.median(am_lamost[choose])
mask_lamost[np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(m_lamost)), pix_lamost)] = 1
m_lamost.mask = mask_lamost
#hp.visufunc.projplot(theta_lamost, phi_lamost, 'bo')
#hp.visufunc.graticule() # just the bare background w/ lines
# more examples are here
## to plot a 2D histogram in the Mollweide projection
# define the HEALPIX level
# NSIDE = 32 # defines the resolution of the map
# NSIDE = 128 # from paper 1
NSIDE = 64
# find the pixel ID for each point
# pix = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta, phi)
pix_lamost = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta_lamost, phi_lamost)
pix_apogee = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta_apogee, phi_apogee)
pix_all = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta_all, phi_all)
# pix is in the order of ra and dec
# prepare the map array
m_lamost =, dtype='float'))
mask_lamost = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE), dtype='bool')
for pix_val in np.unique(pix_lamost):
choose = np.where(pix_lamost==pix_val)[0]
if len(choose) == 1:
# #m_lamost[pix_val] = rmag_lamost[choose[0]]
m_lamost[pix_val] = val_lamost[choose[0]]
#m_lamost[pix_val] = np.median(rmag_lamost[choose])
m_lamost[pix_val] = np.median(val_lamost[choose])
mask_lamost[np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(m_lamost)), pix_lamost)] = 1
# to just plot all points, do
#hp.visufunc.projplot(theta, phi, 'bo')
#hp.visufunc.projplot(theta_lamost, phi_lamost, 'bo')
#hp.visufunc.graticule() # just the bare background w/ lines
# more examples are here
## to plot a 2D histogram in the Mollweide projection
# define the HEALPIX level
# NSIDE = 32 # defines the resolution of the map
# NSIDE = 128 # from paper 1
NSIDE = 64
# find the pixel ID for each point
# pix = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta, phi)
pix_lamost = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta_lamost, phi_lamost)
pix_apogee = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta_apogee, phi_apogee)
pix_all = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(NSIDE, theta_all, phi_all)
# pix is in the order of ra and dec
# prepare the map array
m_lamost =, dtype='float'))
mask_lamost = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE), dtype='bool')
for pix_val in np.unique(pix_lamost):
choose = np.where(pix_lamost==pix_val)[0]
if len(choose) == 1:
# #m_lamost[pix_val] = rmag_lamost[choose[0]]
m_lamost[pix_val] = val_lamost[choose[0]]
#m_lamost[pix_val] = np.median(rmag_lamost[choose])
m_lamost[pix_val] = np.median(val_lamost[choose])