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def match_hp_resolution(in_map, nside_out, UNSEEN2nan=True):
"""Utility to convert healpix map resolution if needed and change hp.UNSEEN values to
in_map : np.array
A valie healpix map
nside_out : int
The desired resolution to convert in_map to
UNSEEN2nan : bool (True)
If True, convert any hp.UNSEEN values to np.nan
current_nside = hp.npix2nside(np.size(in_map))
if current_nside != nside_out:
out_map = hp.ud_grade(in_map, nside_out=nside_out)
out_map = in_map
if UNSEEN2nan:
out_map[np.where(out_map == hp.UNSEEN)] = np.nan
return out_map
global percentage_poly
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
# read probability skymap
hpx = hp.read_map(infile,verbose=False)
# number of pixels
npix = len(hpx)
# nside: resolution for the HEALPix map
nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
# Spherical polar coordinates of vertices in radians
theta = 0.5 * np.pi - np.deg2rad(dec_vertices)
phi = np.deg2rad(ra_vertices)
xyz = hp.ang2vec(theta, phi)
# Array of indices of pixels inside polygon
ipix_poly = hp.query_polygon(nside, xyz)
# probability contains in a specific FOV
def __expand_valid(self, min_p=1e-7):
# Determine what the 'quanta' of probabilty is
if self._massp == 1.0:
# This is to ensure we don't blow away everything because the map
# is very spread out
min_p = min(min_p, max(self.skymap))
# NOTE: Only valid if CDF descending order is kept
min_p = self.pseudo_pdf(*self.valid_points_decra[-1])
self.valid_points_hist = []
ns = healpy.npix2nside(len(self.skymap))
# Renormalize first so that the vector histogram is properly normalized
self._renorm = 0
# Account for probability lost due to cut off
for i, v in enumerate(self.skymap >= min_p):
self._renorm += self.skymap[i] if v else 0
for pt in self.valid_points_decra:
th, ph = HealPixSampler.decra2thph(pt[0], pt[1])
pix = healpy.ang2pix(ns, th, ph)
if self.skymap[pix] < min_p:
self.valid_points_hist = numpy.array(self.valid_points_hist).T
def orfFromMap_fast(psr_locs, usermap, response=None):
Calculate an ORF from a user-defined sky map.
@param psr_locs: Location of the pulsars [phi, theta]
@param usermap: Provide a healpix map for GW power
Note: GW directions are in direction of GW propagation
if response is None:
pphi = psr_locs[:, 0]
ptheta = psr_locs[:, 1]
# Create the pixels
nside = hp.npix2nside(len(usermap))
npixels = hp.nside2npix(nside)
pixels = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(npixels), nest=False)
gwtheta = pixels[0]
gwphi = pixels[1]
# Create the signal response matrix
F_e = signalResponse_fast(ptheta, pphi, gwtheta, gwphi)
elif response is not None:
F_e = response
# Double the power (one for each polarization)
sh = np.array([usermap, usermap]).T.flatten()
# Create the cross-pulsar covariance
hdcov_F = * sh, F_e.T)
import json
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
import healpy as hp
import lal
from import fits
from lalinference import plot
from lalinference.bayestar import postprocess
fig = plt.figure(frameon=False)
ax = plt.axes(projection='mollweide' if opts.geo else 'astro hours mollweide')
skymap, metadata = fits.read_sky_map(, nest=None)
nside = hp.npix2nside(len(skymap))
if opts.geo:
dlon = -lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(lal.LIGOTimeGPS(metadata['gps_time'])) % (2*np.pi)
dlon = 0
# Convert sky map from probability to probability per square degree.
probperdeg2 = skymap / hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True)
# Plot sky map.
vmax = probperdeg2.max()
probperdeg2, dlon=dlon, nest=metadata['nest'], vmin=0., vmax=vmax)
# Add colorbar.
if opts.colorbar:
goal_dict : dict of healpy maps
The target goal map(s) being used
radius : float (1.75)
Radius of the FoV (degrees)
Value to use as Target_map_basis_function norm_factor kwarg
all_maps_sum = 0
for key in goal_dict:
good = np.where(goal_dict[key] > 0)
all_maps_sum += goal_dict[key][good].sum()
nside = hp.npix2nside(goal_dict[key].size)
hp_area = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True)
norm_val = radius**2*np.pi/hp_area/all_maps_sum
return norm_val
def randomPositions(input, nside_pix, n=1):
Generate n random positions within a full HEALPix mask of booleans, or a set of (lon, lat) coordinates.
nside_pix is meant to be at coarser resolution than the input mask or catalog object positions
so that gaps from star holes, bleed trails, cosmic rays, etc. are filled in.
Return the longitude and latitude of the random positions and the total area (deg^2).
Probably there is a faster algorithm, but limited much more by the simulation and fitting time
than by the time it takes to generate random positions within the mask.
input = numpy.array(input)
if len(input.shape) == 1:
subpix = numpy.nonzero(input)[0] # All the valid pixels in the mask at the NSIDE for the input mask
lon, lat = pix2ang(healpy.npix2nside(len(input)), subpix)
elif len(input.shape) == 2:
lon, lat = input[0], input[1] # All catalog object positions
logger.warning('Unexpected input dimensions for skymap.randomPositions')
pix = surveyPixel(lon, lat, nside_pix)
# Area with which the random points are thrown
area = len(pix) * healpy.nside2pixarea(nside_pix, degrees=True)
lon = []
lat = []
for ii in range(0, n):
# Choose an unmasked pixel at random, which is OK because HEALPix is an equal area scheme
pix_ii = pix[numpy.random.randint(0, len(pix))]
lon_ii, lat_ii = ugali.utils.projector.pixToAng(nside_pix, pix_ii)
projector = ugali.utils.projector.Projector(lon_ii, lat_ii)
coordsys = self.config['coords']['coordsys']
if coordsys.lower() == 'gal':
print("GAL coordintes")
objs['GLON'],objs['GLAT'] = lon,lat
objs['RA'],objs['DEC'] = gal2cel(lon,lat)
print("CEL coordintes")
objs['RA'],objs['DEC'] = lon,lat
objs['GLON'],objs['GLAT'] = cel2gal(lon,lat)
modulus = objects['Z_MAX']
objs['MODULUS'] = modulus
objs['DISTANCE'] = mod2dist(modulus)
nside = healpy.npix2nside(len(self.nannulus))
pix = ang2pix(nside,lon,lat)
richness = self.richness[objects['IDX_MAX'],objects['ZIDX_MAX']]
objs['RICHNESS'] = richness
objs['MASS'] = richness * self.stellar[pix]
objs['NANNULUS'] = self.nannulus[pix].astype(int)
objs['NINTERIOR'] = self.ninterior[pix].astype(int)
# Default name formatting
fmt = "J%(hour)02i%(hmin)04.1f%(deg)+03i%(dmin)02i"
for obj,_ra,_dec in zip(objs,objs['RA'],objs['DEC']):
hms = dec2hms(_ra); dms = dec2dms(_dec)
params = dict(hour=hms[0],hmin=hms[1]+hms[2]/60.,
def contour(m, levels, nest=False, degrees=False, simplify=True):
import networkx as nx
raise RuntimeError('This function requires the networkx package.')
# Determine HEALPix resolution
npix = len(m)
nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
min_area = 0.4 * hp.nside2pixarea(nside)
# Compute faces, vertices, and neighbors.
# vertices is an N X 3 array of the distinct vertices of the HEALPix faces.
# faces is an npix X 4 array mapping HEALPix faces to their vertices.
# neighbors is an npix X 4 array mapping faces to their nearest neighbors.
faces = np.ascontiguousarray(
np.rollaxis(hp.boundaries(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=nest), 2, 1))
dtype = faces.dtype
faces = faces.view(np.dtype((np.void, dtype.itemsize * 3)))
vertices, faces = np.unique(faces.ravel(), return_inverse=True)
faces = faces.reshape(-1, 4)
vertices = vertices.view(dtype).reshape(-1, 3)
neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=nest)[::2].T
# Loop over the requested contours.
def count_modes(m, nest=False):
"""Count the number of modes in a binary HEALPix image by repeatedly
applying the flood-fill algorithm.
WARNING: The input array is clobbered in the process."""
npix = len(m)
nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
for nmodes in range(npix):
nonzeroipix = np.flatnonzero(m)
if len(nonzeroipix):
flood_fill(nside, nonzeroipix[0], m, nest=nest)
return nmodes