Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def _launch_fceux(self):
# Making sure ROM file is valid
if '' == self.rom_path or not os.path.isfile(self.rom_path):
raise gym.error.Error('Unable to find ROM. Please download the game from the web and configure the rom path by ' +
'calling env.configure(rom_path=path_to_file)')
# Creating pipes
# Creating temporary lua file
self.temp_lua_path = os.path.join('/tmp', str(seeding.hash_seed(None) % 2 ** 32) + '.lua')
temp_lua_file = open(self.temp_lua_path, 'w', 1)
for k, v in list(self.launch_vars.items()):
temp_lua_file.write('%s = "%s";\n' % (k, v))
i = 0
for script in self.lua_path:
temp_lua_file.write('f_%d = assert (loadfile ("%s"));\n' % (i, script))
temp_lua_file.write('f_%d ();\n' % i)
i += 1
import logging
import itertools
import numpy as np
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import gym
from gym import error, spaces
from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment
from mlagents_envs.base_env import BatchedStepResult
import os
class MarathonEnvsException(error.Error):
Any error related to the gym wrapper of ml-agents.
logger = logging.getLogger("marathon_envs")
GymSingleStepResult = Tuple[np.ndarray, float, bool, Dict]
GymMultiStepResult = Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[float], List[bool], Dict]
GymStepResult = Union[GymSingleStepResult, GymMultiStepResult]
def _step(self, action):
done = False
total_reward = 0
current_step = 0
while current_step < self.act_steps and not done:
self.stepcount += 1
obs, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action)
total_reward += reward
current_step += 1
if 'ppss.stepcount' in info:
raise gym.error.Error('Key "ppss.stepcount" already in info. '
'Make sure you are not stacking '
'the PPSSWrapper wrappers.')
info['ppss.stepcount'] = self.stepcount
self.stack_state = np.stack(self.state, axis=2)
return self.stack_state.astype(np.float32), total_reward, done, info
self.leg_indent = 0
'''leg move distance'''
self.leg_move_dis = self.screen_width/40
self.body_move_dis = (int(self.screen_width/2)-int(self.min_x)-self.body_size/2-self.leg_size+self.leg_indent)/self.body_steps
assert self.args.obs_type in ('ram', 'image')
if self.args.obs_type == 'ram':
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1.0, dtype=np.float64, shape=(26,))
elif self.args.obs_type == 'image':
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.screen_height, self.screen_width, 1),dtype=np.uint8)
raise error.Error('Unrecognized observation type: {}'.format(self.args.obs_type))
if self.args.reward_level in [0]:
self.episode_length_limit = 5
elif self.args.reward_level in [1]:
self.episode_length_limit = 4*6*2
elif self.args.reward_level in [2]:
if self.goal_num in [4]:
# get 4 food in sequence
self.episode_length_limit = 6+12+6+12
elif self.goal_num in [3]:
# get 3 food in sequence
self.episode_length_limit = 6+12+6
elif self.goal_num in [2]:
# get 2 food in sequence
self.episode_length_limit = 6+12
elif self.goal_num in [1]:
def get_display(spec):
"""Convert a display specification (such as :0) into an actual Display
Pyglet only supports multiple Displays on Linux.
if spec is None:
return None
elif isinstance(spec, six.string_types):
return pyglet.canvas.Display(spec)
raise error.Error('Invalid display specification: {}. (Must be a string like :0 or None.)'.format(spec))
def upload_training_data(training_dir, api_key=None):
# Could have multiple manifests
results = monitoring.load_results(training_dir)
if not results:
raise error.Error('''Could not find any manifest files in {}.
(HINT: this usually means you did not yet close() your env.monitor and have not yet exited the process. You should call 'env.monitor.start(training_dir)' at the start of training and 'env.monitor.close()' at the end, or exit the process.)'''.format(training_dir))
manifests = results['manifests']
env_info = results['env_info']
timestamps = results['timestamps']
episode_lengths = results['episode_lengths']
episode_rewards = results['episode_rewards']
main_seeds = results['main_seeds']
seeds = results['seeds']
videos = results['videos']
# >>>>>>>>> START changes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
if '/' in env_info['env_id']:
logger.warn('Scoreboard support for user environments is limited. Your submission will only appear for a limited number of environments.')
# <<<<<<<<< END changes <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
a (Optional[int, str]): None seeds from an operating system specific randomness source.
max_bytes: Maximum number of bytes to use in the seed.
# Adapted from
if a is None:
a = _bigint_from_bytes(os.urandom(max_bytes))
elif isinstance(a, str):
a = a.encode('utf8')
a += hashlib.sha512(a).digest()
a = _bigint_from_bytes(a[:max_bytes])
elif isinstance(a, integer_types):
a = a % 2**(8 * max_bytes)
raise error.Error('Invalid type for seed: {} ({})'.format(type(a), a))
return a
FOLD = 3
RAISE_AMT = [0, minraise]
if len(actions) != len(self._seats):
raise error.Error('actions must be same shape as number of seats.')
if self._current_player is None:
raise error.Error('Round cannot be played without 2 or more players.')
if self._round == 4:
raise error.Error('Rounds already finished, needs to be reset.')
players = [p for p in self._seats if p.playing_hand]
if len(players) == 1:
raise error.Error('Round cannot be played with one player.')
self._last_player = self._current_player
self._last_actions = actions
if not self._current_player.playedthisround and len([p for p in players if not p.isallin]) >= 1:
if self._current_player.isallin:
self._current_player = self._next(players, self._current_player)
return self._get_current_step_returns(False)
move = self._current_player.player_move(
self._output_state(self._current_player), actions[self._current_player.player_id])
if move[0] == 'call':
self._player_bet(self._current_player, self._tocall)
if self._debug:
print('Player', self._current_player.player_id, move)
def __init__(self, env):
super(SetPlayingModeWrapper, self).__init__(env)
if target_mode not in ['algo', 'human']:
raise gym.error.Error('Error - The mode "{}" is not supported. Supported options are "algo" or "human"'.format(target_mode))
self.unwrapped.mode = target_mode
def __init__(self, env_id, trials, max_timesteps, max_seconds, reward_floor, reward_ceiling):
self.env_id = env_id
self.trials = trials
self.max_timesteps = max_timesteps
self.max_seconds = max_seconds
self.reward_floor = reward_floor
self.reward_ceiling = reward_ceiling
if max_timesteps is None and max_seconds is None:
raise error.Error('Must provide at least one of max_timesteps and max_seconds for {}'.format(self))