How to use the goatools.grouper.grprobj.Grouper function in goatools

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def _get_grprobj():
    """Get object for grouping GO IDs."""
    fin_obo = os.path.join(REPO, "go-basic.obo")
    godag = get_godag(fin_obo, prt=None, loading_bar=False, optional_attrs=['relationship'])
    gosubdag = GoSubDag(USER_GOS, godag, relationships=True, tcntobj=None)
    grprdflt = GrouperDflts(gosubdag)
    hdrobj = HdrgosSections(gosubdag, grprdflt.hdrgos_dflt, SECTIONS)
    return Grouper("wrusrgos", USER_GOS, hdrobj, gosubdag)
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def _wr_sections_txt(fout_txt, usrgos, sections, grprdflt):
    """Given a list of usrgos and sections, write text file."""
        hdrobj = HdrgosSections(grprdflt.gosubdag, grprdflt.hdrgos_dflt, sections=sections)
        grprobj = Grouper(fout_txt, usrgos, hdrobj, grprdflt.gosubdag, go2nt=None)
        full_txt = os.path.join(REPO, fout_txt)
        WrSectionsTxt(grprobj).wr_txt_section_hdrgos(full_txt, sortby=None, prt_section=True)
        assert os.path.exists(full_txt)
    except RuntimeError as inst:
        sys.stdout.write("\n  **FATAL: {MSG}\n\n".format(MSG=str(inst)))
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"GO:0050794",  # BP  8,031 L02 D02 AB    regulation of cellular process
        "GO:0019222",  # BP  3,227 L02 D02 AB    regulation of metabolic process
        "GO:0048583",  # BP  2,377 L02 D02 AB    regulation of response to stimulus
        "GO:0050793",  # BP  1,789 L02 D02 AB    regulation of developmental process
        "GO:0023051",  # BP  1,364 L02 D02 AB    regulation of signaling
        "GO:0002682",  # BP  1,183 L02 D02 AB    regulation of immune system process
        "GO:0007155",  # BP    165 L02 D02 P     cell adhesion
        "GO:0080134",  # BP    940 L03 D03 AB    regulation of response to stress
        "GO:0007165",  # BP    717 L03 D03 AB    signal transduction
        "GO:0050877",  # BP     96 L03 D03 K     neurological system process
        "GO:0007267"]) # BP     99 L03 D04 CDR   cell-cell signaling

    # Since no "GO group headers" (None) were provided, depth-01 GOs are used for grouping.
    hdrobj0 = HdrgosSections(grprdflt.gosubdag, grprdflt.hdrgos_dflt, sections=None, hdrgos=None)
    grprobj0 = Grouper("dflt", data, hdrobj0, grprdflt.gosubdag, go2nt=None)
    _, _, nts0_go, act_hdrs0 = run(grprobj0, hdrobj0, exp_hdrs0)

    # Grouping GOs are provided, these are added to the depth-01 defaults GOs are used for grouping.
    hdrgos = set([
        "GO:0099536", # BP     40 L04 D05 CDR   regulation of response to stimulus
        "GO:0051239", # BP  2,532 L02 D02 AB    regulation of multicellular organismal process
        "GO:0048519", # BP  3,293 L02 D02 AB    negative regulation of biological process
        "GO:0048518"])# BP  3,353 L02 D02 AB    positive regulation of biological process

    exp_hdrs1 = exp_hdrs0.union(hdrgos)
    name = "usrhdrs4"
    hdrobj1 = HdrgosSections(grprdflt.gosubdag, grprdflt.hdrgos_dflt, sections=None, hdrgos=hdrgos)
    grprobj1 = Grouper(name, data, hdrobj1, grprdflt.gosubdag, go2nt=None)
    sortobj1, _, nts1_go, act_hdrs1 = run(grprobj1, hdrobj1, exp_hdrs1)

    if do_plt:
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f_sec_rd = os.path.join(REPO, "data/gjoneska_pfenning/sections_in.txt")
    f_sec_wr  = os.path.join(REPO, "tmp_test_sections_out.txt")
    # Travis-CI path is cwd
    f_sec_py  = os.path.join(REPO, "")
    # f_sec_mod = "tmp_test_sections"
    # Read user GO IDs. Setup to write sections text file and Python file
    usrgos = [getattr(nt, 'GO') for nt in goea_results]
    sec_rd = _read_sections(f_sec_rd)
    # Do preliminaries
    godag = _get_godag()
    gosubdag = GoSubDag(usrgos, godag, relationships=True, tcntobj=None)
    grprdflt = _get_grprdflt(gosubdag)
    # Exclude ungrouped "Misc." section of sections var(sec_rd)
    hdrobj = HdrgosSections(gosubdag, grprdflt.hdrgos_dflt, sec_rd[:-1])
    assert sec_rd[-1][0] == hdrobj.secdflt, sec_rd[-1][0]
    grprobj = Grouper("test", usrgos, hdrobj, gosubdag)
    # Create text and Python sections files
    objsecwr = WrSectionsTxt(grprobj)
    objsecwr.wr_txt_section_hdrgos(os.path.join(REPO, f_sec_wr))
    objsecpy = WrSectionsPy(grprobj)
    objsecpy.wr_py_sections(os.path.join(REPO, f_sec_py), sec_rd, doc=godag.version)
    # Read text and Python sections files
    sec_wr = _read_sections(f_sec_wr)
    sec_py = _read_sections(f_sec_py)
    # sec_mod = _read_sections(f_sec_mod)
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def test_grouper_d2(do_plot=False):
    """Group depth-02 GO terms under their most specific depth-01 GO parent(s)."""
    print('CWD', os.getcwd())
    # Get GOs to be grouped
    # Since no "Grouping GOs" were provided, depth-01 GOs are used for grouping.
    grprdflt = _get_grprdflt()
    hdrobj = HdrgosSections(grprdflt.gosubdag, grprdflt.hdrgos_dflt, sections=None, hdrgos=None)
    grprobj = Grouper("Transient Increase", get_data0(), hdrobj, _get_gosubdag(), go2nt=None)
    objwr = WrSectionsTxt(grprobj)
    if do_plot:
        # Don't run in Travis-CI because it does not contain 'dot'
        from goatools.grouper.grprplt import GrouperPlot
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def _get_sortobj():
    """Get object for grouping GO IDs."""
    fin_godag = os.path.join(REPO, "go-basic.obo")
    godag = get_godag(fin_godag, prt=None, loading_bar=False, optional_attrs=['relationship'])
    gosubdag = GoSubDag(USER_GOS, godag, relationships=True, tcntobj=None)
    grprdflt = GrouperDflts(gosubdag)
    hdrobj = HdrgosSections(gosubdag, grprdflt.hdrgos_dflt, SECTIONS)
    grprobj = Grouper("wrusrgos", USER_GOS, hdrobj, gosubdag)
    return Sorter(grprobj)
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def get_sortobj(self, goea_results, **kws):
        """Return a Grouper object, given a list of GOEnrichmentRecord."""
        nts_goea = MgrNtGOEAs(goea_results).get_goea_nts_prt(**kws)
        goids = set(nt.GO for nt in nts_goea)
        go2nt = {nt.GO:nt for nt in nts_goea}
        grprobj = Grouper("GOEA", goids, self.hdrobj, self.grprdflt.gosubdag, go2nt=go2nt)
        # hdrgo_prt", "section_prt", "top_n", "use_sections"
        sortobj = Sorter(grprobj, section_sortby=lambda nt: getattr(nt, self.pval_fld))
        return sortobj
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def _get_grprobj(self, goids, sections):
        """Get Grouper, given GO IDs and sections."""
        grprdflt = GrouperDflts(self.gosubdag, "goslim_generic.obo")
        hdrobj = HdrgosSections(self.gosubdag, grprdflt.hdrgos_dflt, sections)
        return Grouper("sections", goids, hdrobj, self.gosubdag)