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def _get_godag():
"""Get GO DAG."""
fin = os.path.join(REPO, 'go-basic.obo')
return get_godag(fin, prt=None, loading_bar=False, optional_attrs=['relationship'])
def init_goea(**kws):
"""Initialize GODag and GOEnrichmentStudy."""
godag = get_godag(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "go-basic.obo"), loading_bar=None)
fin_assc = ROOT + "association"
assoc = read_associations(fin_assc, 'id2gos', no_top=True)
popul_ids = [line.rstrip() for line in open(ROOT + "population")]
methods = kws['methods'] if 'methods' in kws else ['not_bonferroni']
study_ids = [line.rstrip() for line in open(ROOT + "study")]
return GOEnrichmentStudy(popul_ids, assoc, godag, methods=methods), study_ids
def _get_sortobj():
"""Get object for grouping GO IDs."""
fin_godag = os.path.join(REPO, "go-basic.obo")
godag = get_godag(fin_godag, prt=None, loading_bar=False, optional_attrs=['relationship'])
gosubdag = GoSubDag(USER_GOS, godag, relationships=True, tcntobj=None)
grprdflt = GrouperDflts(gosubdag)
hdrobj = HdrgosSections(gosubdag, grprdflt.hdrgos_dflt, SECTIONS)
grprobj = Grouper("wrusrgos", USER_GOS, hdrobj, gosubdag)
return Sorter(grprobj)
def test_go_parents():
"""Run GO parent tests"""
gosubdag_all = GoSubDag(None, get_godag("go-basic.obo", prt=None), rcntobj=True)
def test_find_enrichment():
"""RUn an enrichments using all annotation file formats"""
godag = get_godag("go-basic.obo", optional_attrs=['relationship'])
e_goids = _get_enriched_e_goids('GO:0006959', godag) # GO IDs related to humoral response
# pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
print('- DOWNLOAD AND LOAD -----------------------------------------------')
annoobjs = [
_get_objanno('gene2go', taxid=10090),
_get_objanno('gene2go', taxid=9606),
_get_objanno('goa_human.gpad', godag=godag),
_get_objanno('data/association', anno_type='id2gos', godag=godag),
pat = ('python3 scripts/ {STU} {POP} {ASSC} '
'--pval=0.05 --method=fdr_bh --pval_field=fdr_bh '
'--taxid={TAXID} {INC} {EXC} --outfile=results_{NAME}.xlsx')
cmds = []
def test_get_lowerselect(prt=sys.stdout):
"""Test getting parents and user-specfied ancestor relationships"""
# Load GO-DAG
repo = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..")
godag = get_godag(os.path.join(repo, 'go-basic.obo'), optional_attrs='relationship')
run = RelationshipCombos(godag)
rels_combo = run.get_relationship_combos()
print('{N} COMBINATIONS OF RELATIONSHIPS'.format(N=len(rels_combo)))
for relidx, rels_set in enumerate(rels_combo, 1):
print('{I}) RELATIONSHIPS[{N}]: {Rs}'.format(
I=relidx, N=len(rels_set), Rs=' '.join(sorted(rels_set))))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get all parents for all GO IDs using get_all_parents in GOTerm class
tic = timeit.default_timer()
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
go2lowerselect_orig = {o.item_id:get_all_lowerselect(o, rels_set) for o in run.go2obj.values()}
tic = prt_hms(tic, "Get all goobj's parents using get_all_lowerselect(GOTerm)", prt)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get all parents for all GO IDs using GOTerm get_all_parents
def test_get_parent(prt=sys.stdout):
"""Semantic Similarity test for Issue #86."""
# Load GO-DAG
fin_obo = "go-basic.obo"
repo = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..")
godag = get_godag(os.path.join(repo, fin_obo))
go2obj = {go:o for go, o in godag.items() if go ==}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get all parents for all GO IDs using get_all_parents in GOTerm class
tic = timeit.default_timer()
go2parents_orig = {}
## go_noparents = set()
for goterm in go2obj.values():
parents = goterm.get_all_parents()
#if parents:
go2parents_orig[] = parents
# go_noparents.add(
tic = prt_hms(tic, "Get all goobj's parents using GOTerm.get_all_parents()", prt)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get all parents for all GO IDs using GOTerm get_all_parents
go2parents_fast = get_id2parents(go2obj.values())
def test_semantic_similarity():
"""Computing basic semantic similarities between GO terms."""
godag = get_godag(os.path.join(REPO, "go-basic.obo"), loading_bar=None)
# Get all the annotations from arabidopsis.
associations = dnld_assc(os.path.join(REPO, 'tair.gaf'), godag)
# Now we can calculate the semantic distance and semantic similarity, as so:
# "The semantic similarity between terms GO:0048364 and GO:0044707 is 0.25.
go_id3 = 'GO:0048364' # BP level-03 depth-04 root development
go_id4 = 'GO:0044707' # BP level-02 depth-02 single-multicellular organism process
sim = semantic_similarity(go_id3, go_id4, godag)
print('\nThe semantic similarity between terms {GO1} and {GO2} is {VAL}.'.format(
GO1=go_id3, GO2=go_id4, VAL=sim))
# Then we can calculate the information content of the single term, <code>GO:0048364</code>.
# "Information content (GO:0048364) = 7.75481392334
def get_gosubdag(gosubdag=None):
"""Gets a GoSubDag initialized for use by a Grouper object."""
if gosubdag is not None:
if gosubdag.rcntobj is not None:
return gosubdag
return gosubdag
go2obj = get_godag()
return GoSubDag(None, go2obj, rcntobj=True)