How to use the geoviews.element.QuadMesh function in geoviews

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few geoviews examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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class project_graph(_project_operation):

    supported_types = [Graph]

    def _process_element(self, element):
        proj = self.p.projection
        nodes = project_points(element.nodes, projection=proj)
        data = (, nodes)
        if element._edgepaths:
            data = data + (project_path(element.edgepaths, projection=proj),)
        return element.clone(data, crs=proj)

class project_quadmesh(_project_operation):

    supported_types = [QuadMesh]

    def _process_element(self, element):
        proj = self.p.projection
        irregular = any(element.interface.irregular(element, kd)
                        for kd in element.kdims)

        zs = element.dimension_values(2, flat=False)
        if irregular:
            X, Y = [np.asarray(element.interface.coords(
                element, kd, expanded=True, edges=False))
                    for kd in element.kdims]
            X = element.interface.coords(element, 0, True, True, False)
            if np.all(X[0, 1:] < X[0, :-1]):
                X = X[:, ::-1]
            Y = element.interface.coords(element, 1, True, True, False)
github holoviz / geoviews / geoviews / plotting / mpl / View on Github external
VectorField: GeoVectorFieldPlot,
                Text: GeoTextPlot,
                Layout: LayoutPlot,
                NdLayout: LayoutPlot,
                Overlay: GeoOverlayPlot,
                Polygons: GeoPolygonPlot,
                Path: GeoPathPlot,
                Contours: GeoContourPlot,
                RGB: GeoRGBPlot,
                Shape: GeoShapePlot,
                Graph: GeoGraphPlot,
                TriMesh: GeoTriMeshPlot,
                Nodes: GeoPointPlot,
                EdgePaths: GeoPathPlot,
                HexTiles: GeoHexTilesPlot,
                QuadMesh: GeoQuadMeshPlot}, 'matplotlib')

# Define plot and style options
options = Store.options(backend='matplotlib')

options.Shape = Options('style', edgecolor='black', facecolor='#30A2DA')
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            if np.any(to_mask):
                mask = np.zeros(zs.shape, dtype=np.bool)
                mask[:, 1:][to_mask] = True
                mask[:, 2:][to_mask[:, :-1]] = True
                mask[:, :-1][to_mask] = True
                mask[:, :-2][to_mask[:, 1:]] = True
                mask[1:, 1:][to_mask[:-1]] = True
                mask[1:, :-1][to_mask[:-1]] = True
                mask[:-1, 1:][to_mask[1:]] = True
                mask[:-1, :-1][to_mask[1:]] = True
                zs[mask] = np.NaN

        params = get_param_values(element)
        return QuadMesh((PX, PY, zs), crs=self.projection, **params)
github holoviz / geoviews / geoviews / plotting / bokeh / View on Github external
Path: GeoPathPlot,
                Shape: GeoShapePlot,
                Image: GeoRasterPlot,
                RGB: GeoRGBPlot,
                LineContours: LineContourPlot,
                FilledContours: FilledContourPlot,
                Feature: FeaturePlot,
                HexTiles: HexTilesPlot,
                Text: GeoTextPlot,
                Overlay: GeoOverlayPlot,
                NdOverlay: GeoOverlayPlot,
                Graph: GeoGraphPlot,
                TriMesh: GeoTriMeshPlot,
                Nodes: GeoPointPlot,
                EdgePaths: GeoPathPlot,
                QuadMesh: GeoQuadMeshPlot}, 'bokeh')

options = Store.options(backend='bokeh')

options.Feature = Options('style', line_color='black')
options.Feature.Coastline = Options('style', line_width=0.5)
options.Feature.Borders = Options('style', line_width=0.5)
options.Feature.Rivers = Options('style', line_color='blue')
options.Feature.Land   = Options('style', fill_color='#efefdb', line_color='#efefdb')
options.Feature.Ocean  = Options('style', fill_color='#97b6e1', line_color='#97b6e1')
options.Feature.Lakes  = Options('style', fill_color='#97b6e1', line_color='#97b6e1')
options.Feature.Rivers = Options('style', line_color='#97b6e1')
options.Feature.Grid = Options('style', line_width=0.5, alpha=0.5, line_color='gray')
options.Shape = Options('style', line_color='black', fill_color='#30A2DA')
github holoviz / geoviews / geoviews / operation / View on Github external
class project_graph(_project_operation):

    supported_types = [Graph]

    def _process_element(self, element):
        nodes = project_points(element.nodes, projection=self.projection)
        data = (, nodes)
        if element._edgepaths:
            data = data + (project_path(element.edgepaths, projection=self.projection),)
        return element.clone(data, crs=self.projection)

class project_quadmesh(_project_operation):

    supported_types = [QuadMesh]

    def _process_element(self, element):
        proj = self.p.projection
        irregular = any(element.interface.irregular(element, kd)
                        for kd in element.kdims)
        zs = element.dimension_values(2, flat=False)
        if irregular:
            X, Y = [np.asarray(element.interface.coords(
                element, kd, expanded=True, edges=False))
                    for kd in element.kdims]
            X = element.interface.coords(element, 0, True, True, False)
            if np.all(X[0, 1:] < X[0, :-1]):
                X = X[:, ::-1]
            Y = element.interface.coords(element, 1, True, True, False)
            if np.all(Y[1:, 0] < Y[:-1, 0]):
github holoviz / geoviews / geoviews / operation / View on Github external
def _process(self, element, key=None):
        regridder, arrays = self._get_regridder(element)
        x, y = element.kdims
        ds = xr.Dataset({vd: regridder(arr) for vd, arr in arrays.items()})
        ds = ds.rename({'lon':, 'lat':})
        params = get_param_values(element)
        if is_geographic(element):
                return Image(ds,, **params)
                return QuadMesh(ds,, **params)
            return HvImage(ds, **params)
            return HvQuadMesh(ds, **params)