How to use the geoviews.element.Polygons function in geoviews

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if isinstance(element, HexTiles):
            element = project_points._process(self, element)
        return hex_binning._process(self, element)

compositor = Compositor(
    "HexTiles", geo_hex_binning, None, 'data', output_type=HexTiles,
    transfer_options=True, transfer_parameters=True, backends=['bokeh']

Store.register({WMTS: TilePlot,
                Points: GeoPointPlot,
                Labels: GeoLabelsPlot,
                VectorField: GeoVectorFieldPlot,
                Polygons: GeoPolygonPlot,
                Contours: GeoContourPlot,
                Path: GeoPathPlot,
                Shape: GeoShapePlot,
                Image: GeoRasterPlot,
                RGB: GeoRGBPlot,
                LineContours: LineContourPlot,
                FilledContours: FilledContourPlot,
                Feature: FeaturePlot,
                HexTiles: HexTilesPlot,
                Text: GeoTextPlot,
                Overlay: GeoOverlayPlot,
                NdOverlay: GeoOverlayPlot,
                Graph: GeoGraphPlot,
                TriMesh: GeoTriMeshPlot,
                Nodes: GeoPointPlot,
                EdgePaths: GeoPathPlot,
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def _process_element(self, element):
        if not len(element):
            return element.clone(crs=self.p.projection)

        crs =
        cylindrical = isinstance(crs, ccrs._CylindricalProjection)
        proj = self.p.projection
        if isinstance(proj, ccrs.CRS) and not isinstance(proj, ccrs.Projection):
            raise ValueError('invalid transform:'
                             ' Spherical contouring is not supported - '
                             ' consider using PlateCarree/RotatedPole.')

        boundary = Polygon(crs.boundary)
        bounds = [round(b, 10) for b in boundary.bounds]
        xoffset = round((boundary.bounds[2]-boundary.bounds[0])/2.)
        if isinstance(element, Polygons):
            geoms = polygons_to_geom_dicts(element, skip_invalid=False)
            geoms = path_to_geom_dicts(element, skip_invalid=False)

        data_bounds = max_extents([g['geometry'].bounds for g in geoms])
        total_bounds = tuple(round(b, 10) for b in data_bounds)

        projected = []
        for path in geoms:
            geom = path['geometry']
            if (cylindrical and total_bounds[0] >= (bounds[0]+xoffset) and
                total_bounds[2] > (bounds[2]+xoffset//2)):
                # Offset if lon and not centered on 0 longitude
                # i.e. lon_min > 0 and lon_max > 270
                geom = shapely.affinity.translate(geom, xoff=-xoffset)
            geom_bounds = [round(b, 10) for b in geom.bounds]
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def _process_element(self, element):
        if not bool(element):
            return element.clone(crs=self.p.projection)

        crs =
        proj = self.p.projection
        if (isinstance(crs, ccrs.PlateCarree) and not isinstance(proj, ccrs.PlateCarree)
            and crs.proj4_params['lon_0'] != 0):
            element = self.instance(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())(element)

        if isinstance(proj, ccrs.CRS) and not isinstance(proj, ccrs.Projection):
            raise ValueError('invalid transform:'
                             ' Spherical contouring is not supported - '
                             ' consider using PlateCarree/RotatedPole.')

        if isinstance(element, Polygons):
            geoms = polygons_to_geom_dicts(element, skip_invalid=False)
            geoms = path_to_geom_dicts(element, skip_invalid=False)

        projected = []
        for path in geoms:
            geom = path['geometry']

            # Ensure minimum area for polygons (precision issues cause errors)
            if isinstance(geom, Polygon) and geom.area < 1e-15:
            elif isinstance(geom, MultiPolygon):
                polys = [g for g in geom if g.area > 1e-15]
                if not polys:
                geom = MultiPolygon(polys)
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# Register plots with HoloViews
Store.register({LineContours: LineContourPlot,
                FilledContours: FilledContourPlot,
                Image: GeoImagePlot,
                Feature: FeaturePlot,
                WMTS: WMTSPlot,
                Tiles: WMTSPlot,
                Points: GeoPointPlot,
                Labels: GeoLabelsPlot,
                VectorField: GeoVectorFieldPlot,
                Text: GeoTextPlot,
                Layout: LayoutPlot,
                NdLayout: LayoutPlot,
                Overlay: GeoOverlayPlot,
                Polygons: GeoPolygonPlot,
                Path: GeoPathPlot,
                Contours: GeoContourPlot,
                RGB: GeoRGBPlot,
                Shape: GeoShapePlot,
                Graph: GeoGraphPlot,
                TriMesh: GeoTriMeshPlot,
                Nodes: GeoPointPlot,
                EdgePaths: GeoPathPlot,
                HexTiles: GeoHexTilesPlot,
                QuadMesh: GeoQuadMeshPlot}, 'matplotlib')

# Define plot and style options
options = Store.options(backend='matplotlib')

options.Shape = Options('style', edgecolor='black', facecolor='#30A2DA')
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def _process_element(self, element):
        if not len(element):
            return element.clone(crs=self.p.projection)
        geom = element.geom()
        vertices = geom_to_array(geom)
        if isinstance(geom, (MultiPolygon, Polygon)):
            obj = Polygons([vertices])
            obj = Path([vertices])
        geom = project_path(obj, projection=self.p.projection).geom()
        return element.clone(geom, crs=self.p.projection)
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def _process_element(self, element):
        if not len(element):
            return element.clone(crs=self.p.projection)
        geom = element.geom()
        vertices = geom_to_array(geom)
        if isinstance(geom, (MultiPolygon, Polygon)):
            obj = Polygons([vertices])
            obj = Path([vertices])
        geom = project_path(obj, projection=self.p.projection).geom()
        return element.clone(geom, crs=self.p.projection)
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        from . import bokeh # noqa
    except ImportError:

Compositor.register(Compositor("LineContours", contours, None,
                               'data', transfer_options=True,
                               backends=['bokeh', 'matplotlib']))
Compositor.register(Compositor("FilledContours", contours.instance(filled=True),
                               None, 'data', transfer_options=True,
                               backends=['bokeh', 'matplotlib']))