How to use the geojson.load function in geojson

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few geojson examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pysal / pysal / pysal / contrib / viz / View on Github external
attribute - the attribute to be mapped

    The rest of the arguments are keyword:
    classification - type of classification scheme to be used
    classes - number of classes used
    bins - breakpoints, if manual classes are desired

    #Polymorphism by hand...

    if isinstance(jsonpath, str): 
        if os.path.isfile(jsonpath):
            sjson = gj.load(open(jsonpath))
            raise IOError('File not found')
    elif isinstance(jsonpath, tuple):
        if 'ShpWrapper' in str(type(jsonpath[0])) and 'DBF' in str(type(jsonpath[1])):
            flip('tmp.json', jsonpath[0], jsonpath[1])
            sjson = gj.load(open('tmp.json'))
            jsonpath = 'tmp.json'

        elif 'ShpWrapper' in str(type(jsonpath[1])) and 'DBF' in str(type(jsonpath[0])):
            flip('tmp.json', jsonpath[1], jsonpath[0])
            sjson = gj.load(open('tmp.json'))
            jsonpath = 'tmp.json'

            raise IOError('Inputs must be GeoJSON filepath, GeoJSON dictionary in memory, or shp-dbf tuple')
github PlatformStories / train-cnn-classifier / bin / View on Github external
return_history (bool): Return a list containing metrics from past epochs.
                    Defaults to False.
                save_all_weights (bool): Save model weights after each epoch. A directory
                    called models will be created in the working directory. Defaults to
                retrain (bool): Freeze all layers except final softmax to retrain only
                    the final weights of the model. Defaults to False
                learning_rate_2 (float): Learning rate for the second round of training.
                    Only relevant if retrain is True. Defaults to 0.01.
        OUTPUT  trained model, history
        resize_dim, validation_data, full_hist = None, None, []

        # load geojson training polygons
        with open(train_geojson) as f:
            polygons = geojson.load(f)['features'][:train_size]

        if len(polygons) < train_size:
            raise Exception('Not enough polygons to train on. Please add more training ' \
            'data or decrease value of batches_per_epoch.')

        # Determine size of chips to extract and resize dimension
        if not max_side_dim:
            max_side_dim = self.input_shape[-1]

        elif max_side_dim != self.input_shape[-1]:
            resize_dim = self.input_shape # resize chips to match input shape

        # Recompile model with retrain params
        if retrain:
            for i in xrange(len(self.model.layers[:-1])):
                self.model.layers[i].trainable = False
github atlregional / bus-router / View on Github external
def geojsonToShapes():
	datadir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data')
	gtfsdir = os.path.join(datadir, 'gtfs')
	geojsondir = os.path.join(datadir, 'geojson')

	with open(gtfsdir + "/shapes_new.txt", 'wb') as shapesfile:
		shapeswriter = csv.writer(shapesfile)

		geojsonfile = os.path.join(geojsondir, 'shapes.geojson')

		with open(geojsonfile, 'rb') as fc:
			geo_fc = geojson.load(fc)
			# print geo_fc
			for feature in geo_fc['features']:
				for i, coord in enumerate(feature['geometry']['coordinates']):
github erdc / quest / dsl / io / View on Github external
def get_locations(self, locations=None, bounding_box=None, **kwargs):
        if locations is not None:
            return self.get_feature_locations(locations, **kwargs)

        src_path = kwargs.get('src_path')
        if src_path is None:
            raise IOError('src path not defined')

        path = os.path.join(src_path, kwargs['location_file'])
        fmt = kwargs['location_fmt']

        if fmt.lower()=='geojson':
            return load(open(path))

        if fmt.lower()=='shapefile':
            features = []
            with fiona.drivers():
                with, 'r') as source:
                    for feature in source:

            return FeatureCollection(features)

        if fmt.lower()=='txt-bbox':
            polys = []
            with open(path) as f:
                #skip first line which is a bunding polygon
                for line in f:
github DigitalGlobe / mltools / View on Github external
(not including file extension)
            (3) bool 'balanced': put equal amounts of each class in the output shapefile.
            Otherwise simply outputs shuffled version of original dataself.
            (4) list[string] 'class_names': name of classes of interest as listed in
            properties['class_name']. defaults to pool classes.
            (5) int or None 'samples_per_class': number of samples to select per class.
            if None, uses length of smallest class. Defaults to None
            (6) float or None 'train_test': proportion of polygons to save in test file.
            if None, only saves one file (balanced data). otherwise saves a train and
            test file. Defaults to None.

    OUTPUT  (1) geojson file with balanced classes in current directory

    with open(shapefile) as f:
        data = geojson.load(f)

    if balanced_classes:
        # sort classes into separate lists
        sorted_classes = []

        for i in class_names:
            this_data = []

            for feat in data['features']:
                if feat['properties']['class_name'] == i:


        # randomly select given number of samples per class
        if samples_per_class:
github SuperMap / iclient-python / jupyter / iclientpy / jupyter / View on Github external
def load_geojson_data():
    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "chinageojson.json"), 'r',
              encoding='utf-8') as geoJsonFile:
        return geojson.load(geoJsonFile)
github DigitalGlobe / mltools / examples / polygon_classify_cnn / View on Github external
resize_dim, yprob, ytrue = None, [], []

        # Determine size of chips to extract and resize dimension
        if not max_side_dim:
            max_side_dim = self.input_shape[-1]

        elif max_side_dim != self.input_shape[-1]:
            resize_dim = self.input_shape # resize chips to match input shape

        # Format output filename
        if not output_name.endswith('.geojson'):
            output_name = '{}.geojson'.format(output_name)

        # Get polygon list from geojson
        with open(target_geojson) as f:
            features = geojson.load(f)['features']

        # Classify in batches of 1000
        for ix in xrange(0, len(features), chips_in_mem):
            this_batch = features[ix: (ix + chips_in_mem)]
                X = get_chips(this_batch, min_side_dim=min_side_dim,
                              max_side_dim=max_side_dim, classes=self.classes,
                              normalize=True, return_labels=False,
                              bit_depth=bit_depth, mask=True, show_percentage=False,
                              assert_all_valid=True, resize_dim=resize_dim)

            except (AssertionError):
                raise ValueError('Please filter the input geojson file using ' \
                                 'geojoson_tools.filter_geojson() and ensure all ' \
                                 'polygons are valid before using this method.')
github DigitalGlobe / mltools / mltools / View on Github external
INPUT   input_file (str): File name
            classes (list[str]): Classes in input_file to include in the balanced
                output file. Must exactly match the 'class_name' property in the features
                of input_file.
            output_file (str): Name under which to save the balanced output file.
                Defualts to balanced.geojson.
            samples_per_class (int or None): Number of features to select per class in
                input_file. If None will use the smallest class size. Defaults to None.

    if not output_file.endswith('.geojson'):
        output_file += '.geojson'

    with open(input_file) as f:
        data = geojson.load(f)

    # Sort classes in separate lists
    sorted_classes = {clss : [] for clss in classes}

    for feat in data['features']:
        except (KeyError):

    # Determine sample size per class
    if not samples_per_class:
        smallest_class = min(sorted_classes, key=lambda clss: len(sorted_classes[clss]))
        samples_per_class = len(sorted_classes[smallest_class])

    # Randomly select features from each class
github DigitalGlobe / mltools / mltools / View on Github external
def join(input_files, output_file):
    Join geojsons into one. The spatial reference system of the
       output file is the same as the one of the last file in the list.

           input_files (list): List of file name strings.
           output_file (str): Output file name.

    # get feature collections
    final_features = []
    for file in input_files:
        with open(file) as f:
            feat_collection = geojson.load(f)
            final_features += feat_collection['features']

    feat_collection['features'] = final_features

    # write to output file
    with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
        geojson.dump(feat_collection, f)