How to use the forcebalance.nifty.printcool_dictionary function in forcebalance

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few forcebalance examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github leeping / forcebalance / test / files / targets / dms-liquid / View on Github external
def run_simulation(pdb,settings,pbc=True,Trajectory=True):
    """ Run a NPT simulation and gather statistics. """
    simulation, system = create_simulation_object(pdb, settings, pbc, "single")
    # Set initial positions.
    print "Minimizing the energy... (starting energy % .3f kJ/mol)" % simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit(kilojoule_per_mole),
    print "Done (final energy % .3f kJ/mol)" % simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit(kilojoule_per_mole)
    # Assign velocities.
    velocities = generateMaxwellBoltzmannVelocities(system, temperature)
    if verbose:
        # Print out the platform used by the context
        print "I'm using the platform", simulation.context.getPlatform().getName()
        # Print out the properties of the platform
        printcool_dictionary({i:simulation.context.getPlatform().getPropertyValue(simulation.context,i) for i in simulation.context.getPlatform().getPropertyNames()},title="Platform %s has properties:" % simulation.context.getPlatform().getName())
    # Serialize the system if we want.
    Serialize = 0
    if Serialize:
        serial = XmlSerializer.serializeSystem(system)
        with wopen('system.xml') as f: f.write(serial)
    # Computing a bunch of initial values here #
    if pbc:
        # Show initial system volume.
        box_vectors = system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors()
        volume = compute_volume(box_vectors)
        if verbose: print "initial system volume = %.1f nm^3" % (volume / nanometers**3)
    # Determine number of degrees of freedom.
    # The center of mass motion remover is also a constraint.
github leeping / forcebalance / src / View on Github external
# Then look at the data values to stretch out the other column widths.
        for v in data.values():
            for n, f in enumerate(v):
                cwidths[n+1] = max(cwidths[n+1], len(str(f)))
        for i in range(1, len(cwidths)):
            cwidths[i] += 2
        if cwidths[0] < 25:
            cwidths[0] = 25
        cblocks = [['' for i in range(max(crows) - len(cname.split('\n')))] + cname.split('\n') for cnum, cname in enumerate(headings)]
        # The formatting line consisting of variable column widths
        fline = ' '.join("%%%s%is" % (("-" if i==0 else ""), j) for i, j in enumerate(cwidths))
        vline = ' '.join(["%%%is" % j for i, j in enumerate(cwidths) if i > 0])
        clines = [fline % (tuple(cblocks[j][i] for j in range(nc))) for i in range(max(crows))]
        tlines += clines
        PrintDict = OrderedDict([(key, vline % (tuple(val))) for key, val in data.items()])
        printcool_dictionary(PrintDict, title='\n'.join(tlines), keywidth=cwidths[0], center=False, leftpad=4, color=color)
github leeping / forcebalance / src / View on Github external
self.Targets = []
        enable_smirnoff_prints = False # extra prints for SMIRNOFF forcefield
        for opts in tgt_opts:
            if opts['type'] not in Implemented_Targets:
                logger.error('The target type \x1b[1;91m%s\x1b[0m is not implemented!\n' % opts['type'])
                raise RuntimeError
            elif opts['type'].endswith("SMIRNOFF"):
                enable_smirnoff_prints = True
            # Create a target object.  This is done by looking up the
            # Target class from the Implemented_Targets dictionary
            # using opts['type'] as the key.  The object is created by
            # passing (options, opts, forcefield) to the constructor.
            if opts["remote"] and self.wq_port != 0: Tgt =, opts, forcefield)
            else: Tgt = Implemented_Targets[opts['type']](options,opts,forcefield)
            printcool_dictionary(Tgt.PrintOptionDict,"Setup for target %s :" %
        if len(set([ for Tgt in self.Targets])) != len([ for Tgt in self.Targets]):
            logger.error("The list of target names is not unique!\n")
            raise RuntimeError
        if enable_smirnoff_prints:
            smirnoff_analyze_parameter_coverage(forcefield, tgt_opts)
        ## The force field (it seems to be everywhere)
        self.FF = forcefield
        ## Initialize the penalty function.
        self.Penalty = Penalty(self.penalty_type,forcefield,self.penalty_additive,
        ## Obtain the denominator.
        if self.normalize_weights:
            self.WTot = np.sum([i.weight for i in self.Targets])
            self.WTot = 1.0
github leeping / forcebalance / studies / 005_openmm_amoeba / simulations / Density / View on Github external
# Add barostat.
   # Create integrator.
   integrator = openmm.LangevinIntegrator(temperature, collision_frequency, timestep)        
   # Create simulation class.
   simulation = Simulation(pdb.topology, system, integrator, platform)
   # Set initial positions.
   # Assign velocities.
   velocities = generateMaxwellBoltzmannVelocities(system, temperature)
   if verbose:
      # Print out the platform used by the context
      print "I'm using the platform", simulation.context.getPlatform().getName()
      # Print out the properties of the platform
      printcool_dictionary({i:simulation.context.getPlatform().getPropertyValue(simulation.context,i) for i in simulation.context.getPlatform().getPropertyNames()},title="Platform %s has properties:" % simulation.context.getPlatform().getName())
   # Serialize the system if we want.
   Serialize = 0
   if Serialize:
      serial = openmm.XmlSerializer.serializeSystem(system)
      with open('system.xml','w') as f: f.write(serial)
   # Computing a bunch of initial values here #
   if pbc:
       # Show initial system volume.
       box_vectors = system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors()
       volume = compute_volume(box_vectors)
       if verbose: print "initial system volume = %.1f nm^3" % (volume / units.nanometers**3)
   # Determine number of degrees of freedom.
   ndof = 3*system.getNumParticles() - system.getNumConstraints()
github leeping / forcebalance / src / View on Github external
if AGrad:

                PrintDict[key] = (("% 10.5f % 8.3f % 14.5e" %
                                   (self.Xp[key], self.Wp[key],

        for i, q in enumerate(self.quantities):
            print_item(q, self.points[0].ref["units"][i])

        PrintDict['Total'] = "% 10s % 8s % 14.5e" % ("","", self.Objective)

        Title = ("%s Thermodynamic Properties:\n %-20s %40s" %
                 (, "Property", "Residual x Weight = Contribution"))
        printcool_dictionary(PrintDict, color=4, title=Title, keywidth=31)
github leeping / forcebalance / src / View on Github external
def indicate(self):
        printcool_dictionary(self.PrintDict,title="Interaction Energies (kcal/mol), Objective = % .5e\n %-20s %9s %9s %9s %11s" % 
                             (self.energy_part, "Interaction", "Calc.", "Ref.", "Delta", "Term"))
        if len(self.RMSDDict) > 0:
            printcool_dictionary(self.RMSDDict,title="Geometry Optimized Systems (Angstrom), Objective = %.5e\n %-38s %11s %11s" % (self.rmsd_part, "System", "RMSD", "Term"), keywidth=45)
github leeping / forcebalance / src / data / View on Github external
# MD options; time step (fs), production steps, equilibration steps, interval for saving data (ps)
    lipid_timestep = TgtOptions['lipid_timestep']
    lipid_nsteps = TgtOptions['lipid_md_steps']
    lipid_nequil = TgtOptions['lipid_eq_steps']
    lipid_intvl = TgtOptions['lipid_interval']
    lipid_fnm = TgtOptions['lipid_coords']

    # Number of threads, multiple timestep integrator, anisotropic box etc.
    threads = TgtOptions.get('md_threads', 1)
    mts = TgtOptions.get('mts_integrator', 0)
    force_cuda = TgtOptions.get('force_cuda', 0)
    anisotropic = TgtOptions.get('anisotropic_box', 0)
    minimize = TgtOptions.get('minimize_energy', 1)

    # Print all options.
    printcool_dictionary(TgtOptions, title="Options from ForceBalance")
    lipid_snapshots = int((lipid_nsteps * lipid_timestep / 1000) / lipid_intvl)
    lipid_iframes = int(1000 * lipid_intvl / lipid_timestep)"For the condensed phase system, I will collect %i snapshots spaced apart by %i x %.3f fs time steps\n" \
        % (lipid_snapshots, lipid_iframes, lipid_timestep))
    if lipid_snapshots < 2:
        raise Exception('Please set the number of lipid time steps so that you collect at least two snapshots (minimum %i)' \
                            % (2000 * int(lipid_intvl/lipid_timestep)))

    # Loading coordinates
    ML = Molecule(lipid_fnm, toppbc=True)
    # Determine the number of molecules in the condensed phase coordinate file.
    NMol = len(ML.molecules)

github leeping / forcebalance / src / View on Github external
def indicate(self):
        print information into the output file about the last objective function evaluated
        This function should be called after get()
        for property_name, details in self._last_obj_details.items():
            dict_for_print = {
                "  %sK %satm %s" % detail[:3]: "%9.3f %14.3f +- %-7.3f % 7.3f % 9.5f % 9.5f % 9.5f " % detail[3:] for
                detail in details}
            title = '%s %s\nTemperature  Pressure Substance  Reference  Calculated +- Stdev     Delta    Weight    ' \
                    'Denom     Term  ' % (, property_name)
            printcool_dictionary(dict_for_print, title=title, bold=True, color=4, keywidth=15)
github leeping / forcebalance / src / data / View on Github external
for i in ['temperature', 'pressure', 'nequil', 'nsteps', 'timestep', 'sample', 'threads', 'minimize']:
        if i in args:
            MDOpts[i] = args[i]
    MDOpts['nsave'] = int(1000.0*MDOpts['sample']/MDOpts['timestep'])
    if 'save_traj' in TgtOpts:
        MDOpts['save_traj'] = TgtOpts['save_traj']

    # Print some options.
    # At this point, engine and MD options should be SET!
    printcool("ForceBalance simulation using engine: %s" % engname.upper(),
              color=4, bold=True)
    printcool_dictionary(args, title="Options from command line")
    printcool_dictionary(EngOpts, title="Engine options")
    printcool_dictionary(MDOpts, title="Molecular dynamics options")

    # For convenience, assign some local variables.
    # Finite difference step size
    h = TgtOpts['h']
    # Active parameters to differentiate
    pgrad = TgtOpts['pgrad']
    # Create instances of the MD Engine objects.
    Engine = EngineClass(**EngOpts)
    click() # Start timer.
    # This line runs the condensed phase simulation.
    # The molecular dynamics simulation returns a dictionary of properties
    # In the future, the properties will be stored as data inside the object
    Results = Engine.molecular_dynamics(**MDOpts)
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# Read the command line options (they may override the options from file.)
    AGrad = args['gradient'] or Sim.gradient
    for i in ['temperature', 'pressure', 'nequil', 'nsteps', 'timestep', 'sample', 'threads', 'minimize']:
        if i in args:
            Sim.MDOpts[i] = args[i]

    # Print some options.
    # At this point, engine and MD options should be SET!
    printcool("ForceBalance simulation using engine: %s" % engname.upper(),
              color=4, bold=True)
    printcool_dictionary(args, title="Options from command line")
    printcool_dictionary(Sim.EngOpts, title="Engine options")
    printcool_dictionary(Sim.MDOpts, title="Molecular dynamics options")

    # For convenience, assign some local variables.
    # Finite difference step size
    h = Sim.h
    # Active parameters to differentiate
    pgrad = Sim.pgrad
    # Create instances of the MD Engine objects.
    Engine = EngineClass(name=Sim.type, **Sim.EngOpts)
    click() # Start timer.
    # This line runs the condensed phase simulation.
    Engine.molecular_dynamics(**Sim.MDOpts)"MD simulation took %.3f seconds\n" % click())
    # Extract properties.
    Results = Engine.md_extract(OrderedDict([(i, {}) for i in Sim.timeseries.keys()]))