How to use the forcebalance.nifty.printcool function in forcebalance

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few forcebalance examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# for i in range(numboots):
    #    boot = np.random.randint(L,size=L)
    #    Rhoboot.append(calc_rho(None,**{'r_':Rhos[boot]}))
    # Rhoboot = np.array(Rhoboot)
    # Rho_err = np.std(Rhoboot)
    if FDCheck:
        Sep = printcool("Numerical Derivative:")
        GRho1 = property_derivatives(mvals, h, pdb, FF, Xyzs, Settings, Sim, kT, calc_rho, {'r_':Rhos}, Boxes)
        Sep = printcool("Difference (Absolute, Fractional):")
        absfrac = ["% .4e  % .4e" % (i-j, (i-j)/j) for i,j in zip(GRho, GRho1)]

    print "Box energy:", np.mean(Energies)
    print "Monomer energy:", np.mean(mEnergies)
    Sep = printcool("Enthalpy of Vaporization: % .4f +- %.4f kJ/mol, Derivatives below" % (Hvap_avg, Hvap_err))
    print Sep

    # Define some things to make the analytic derivatives easier.
    Gbar = np.mean(G,axis=1)
    def deprod(vec):
        return flat(np.mat(G)*col(vec))/N
    def covde(vec):
        return flat(np.mat(G)*col(vec))/N - Gbar*np.mean(vec)
    def avg(vec):
        return np.mean(vec)

    ## Thermal expansion coefficient and bootstrap error estimation
    def calc_alpha(b = None, **kwargs):
        if b == None: b = np.ones(L,dtype=float)
        if 'h_' in kwargs:
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# When all initial parameter values are zero, it could be a problem...
            if maxval == 0:
                maxval += 1
            rsfactors[termtype] = maxval
            # Physically motivated overrides
        # Overrides from input file
        for termtype in self.priors:
            rsfactors[termtype] = self.priors[termtype]
        # for line in os.popen("awk '/rsfactor/ {print $2,$3}' %s" % pkg.options).readlines():
        #     rsfactors[line.split()[0]] = float(line.split()[1])
        if printfacs:
            bar = printcool("Rescaling Factors (Lower Takes Precedence):",color=1)
  ''.join(["   %-35s  : %.5e\n" % (i, rsfactors[i]) for i in rsfac_list]))
        ## The array of rescaling factors = ones(len(self.pvals0))
        for pnum in range(len(self.pvals0)):
            for termtype in rsfac_list:
                if termtype in self.plist[pnum]:
          [pnum] = rsfactors[termtype]
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if X > (X_prev + self.err_tol):
                Best_Step = 0
                # Toggle switch for rejection (experimenting with no rejection)
                Rejects = True
                GOODSTEP = 0
                Reevaluate = True
                trust = max(ndx*(1./(1+a)), self.mintrust)
      "Rejecting step and reducing trust radius to % .4e\n" % trust)
                if Rejects:
                    xk = xk_prev.copy()
                    if Reevaluate:
                        restep = True
                        color = "\x1b[91m"
              "%6s%12s%12s%12s%14s%12s%12s\n" % ("Step", "  |k|  ","  |dk|  "," |grad| ","    -=X2=-  ","Delta(X2)", "StepQual"))
              "%6i%12.3e%12.3e%12.3e%s%14.5e\x1b[0m%12.3e% 11.3f\n\n" % (ITERATION_NUMBER, nxk, ndx, ngr, color, X, stdfront, Quality))
                        printcool("Objective function rises!\nRe-evaluating at the previous point..",color=1)
                        ITERATION_NUMBER += 1
                        data        = self.Objective.Full(xk,Ord,verbose=True)
                        GOODSTEP = 1
                        X, G, H = data['X'], data['G'], data['H']
                        X_prev = X
                        dx *= 0
                        ndx = norm(dx)
                        nxk = norm(xk)
                        ngr = norm(G)
                        Quality = 0.0
                        color = "\x1b[0m"
                        color = "\x1b[91m"
                        G = G_prev.copy()
                        H = H_stor.copy()
                        data = deepcopy(datastor)
github leeping / forcebalance / src / View on Github external + '\n')'These parameter values will be used:\n') + '\n')
        minvals = None
        minobj = 1e100
        for pidx in idx:
            if MathPhys:
      "Scanning parameter %i (%s) in the mathematical space\n" % (pidx,self.FF.plist[pidx]))
                vals = self.mvals0.copy()
      "Scanning parameter %i (%s) in the physical space\n" % (pidx,self.FF.plist[pidx]))
                self.FF.use_pvals = True
                vals = self.FF.pvals0.copy()
            counter = 1
            for i in scanvals:
                printcool("Parameter %i (%s) Value is now % .4e ; Step %i/%i" % (pidx, self.FF.plist[pidx],i,counter,len(scanvals)), color=1,sym="@")
                vals[pidx] = i
                data        = self.Objective.Full(vals,Order=0,verbose=True)
                if data['X'] < minobj:
                    minobj = data['X']
                    minvals = vals.copy()
      "Value = % .4e Objective = % .4e\n" % (i, data['X']))
                ITERATION += 1
                counter += 1
        return minvals
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xmin, Jmin, T, feval, iters, accept, status = optimize.anneal(xwrap(self.Objective.Full), self.mvals0, lower=self.mvals0-1*self.trust0*np.ones(,
                                                                          upper=self.mvals0+self.trust0*np.ones(,schedule='boltzmann', full_output=True)
            scodes = {0 : "Points no longer changing.",
                      1 : "Cooled to final temperature.",
                      2 : "Maximum function evaluations reached.",
                      3 : "Maximum cooling iterations reached.",
                      4 : "Maximum accepted query locations reached.",
                      5 : "Final point not the minimum amongst encountered points."}
  "Simulated annealing info:\n")
  "Status: %s \n" % scodes[status])
  "Function evaluations: %i" % feval)
  "Cooling iterations:   %i" % iters)
  "Tests accepted:       %i" % iters)
            return xmin
        elif Algorithm == "basinhopping":
            printcool("Minimizing Objective Function using Basin Hopping Method" , ansi=1, bold=1)
            T = xwrap(self.Objective.Full)(self.mvals0)
            Result = optimize.basinhopping(xwrap(self.Objective.Full), self.mvals0, niter=self.maxstep, T=T, stepsize=self.trust0, interval=20,
                                           minimizer_kwargs={'method':'nelder-mead','options':{'xtol': self.convergence_step,'ftol':self.convergence_objective}}, disp=True)
   + "\n")
            return Result.x
        elif Algorithm == "cg":
            printcool("Minimizing Objective Function using\nPolak-Ribiere Conjugate Gradient Method" , ansi=1, bold=1)
            return optimize.fmin_cg(xwrap(self.Objective.Full,callback=False),self.mvals0,fprime=gwrap(self.Objective.Full),gtol=self.convergence_gradient)
        elif Algorithm == "tnc":
            printcool("Minimizing Objective Function using\nTruncated Newton Algorithm (Unconfirmed)" , ansi=1, bold=1)
            Result = optimize.fmin_tnc(fgwrap(self.Objective.Full,callback=False),self.mvals0,
            return Result.x
        elif Algorithm == "ncg":
            printcool("Minimizing Objective Function using\nNewton-CG Algorithm" , ansi=1, bold=1)
            Result = optimize.fmin_ncg(xwrap(self.Objective.Full,callback=False),self.mvals0,fprime=gwrap(self.Objective.Full,callback=False),
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color = "\x1b[92m"
                    my_gfunc.x_best = Objective
                    color = "\x1b[91m"
                if verbose:
                    if self.print_vals:
              "k=" + ' '.join(["% .4f" % i for i in mvals]) + '\n')
          "|Grad|= %12.3e X2= %s%12.3e\x1b[0m d(X2)= %12.3e\n\n" % (norm(Answer),color,Objective,dx))
                return Answer
            my_gfunc.x_best = None
            return my_gfunc
        if Algorithm == "powell":
            printcool("Minimizing Objective Function using Powell's Method" , ansi=1, bold=1)
            return optimize.fmin_powell(xwrap(self.Objective.Full),self.mvals0,ftol=self.conv_obj,xtol=self.conv_stp,maxiter=self.maxstep)
        elif Algorithm == "simplex":
            printcool("Minimizing Objective Function using Simplex Method" , ansi=1, bold=1)
            return optimize.fmin(xwrap(self.Objective.Full),self.mvals0,ftol=self.conv_obj,xtol=self.conv_stp,maxiter=self.maxstep,maxfun=self.maxstep*10)
        elif Algorithm == "anneal":
            printcool("Minimizing Objective Function using Simulated Annealing" , ansi=1, bold=1)
            return optimize.anneal(xwrap(self.Objective.Full),self.mvals0,lower=-1*self.trust0*np.ones(,upper=self.trust0*np.ones(,schedule='boltzmann')
        elif Algorithm == "cg":
            printcool("Minimizing Objective Function using Conjugate Gradient" , ansi=1, bold=1)
            return optimize.fmin_cg(xwrap(self.Objective.Full,verbose=False),self.mvals0,fprime=gwrap(self.Objective.Full),gtol=self.conv_grd)
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#"The force field has been written to the '%s' directory.\n" % self.resdir)
            outfnm = self.save_mvals_to_input(xk)
            #"Input file with optimization parameters saved to %s.\n" % outfnm)
            printcool("The force field has been written to the %s directory.\n"
                      "Input file with optimization parameters saved to %s." % (self.resdir, outfnm), color=0)
                      # "To reload these parameters, use %s as the input\n"
                      # "file without changing the '%s' directory." % 
                      # (outfnm, outfnm, self.FF.ffdir), color=0, center=False, sym2='-')

        ## Write out stuff to checkpoint file

        ## Print out final message"Wall time since calculation start: %.1f seconds\n" % (time.time() - t0))
        if self.failmsg:
            bar = printcool("It is possible to commit no errors and still lose.\nThat is not a weakness. That is life.",ansi="40;93")
            bar = printcool("Calculation Finished.\n---==(  May the Force be with you!  )==---",ansi="1;44;93")

        return xk
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self.Objective.ObjDict_Last[key] = val
            restep = False
            dx, dX_expect, bump = self.step(xk, data, trust)
            old_pk = self.FF.create_pvals(xk)
            old_xk = xk.copy()
            # Increment the iteration counter.
            ITERATION_NUMBER += 1
            # Take a step in the parameter space.
            xk += dx
            if self.print_vals:
                pk = self.FF.create_pvals(xk)
                dp = pk - old_pk
                bar = printcool("Mathematical Parameters (Current + Step = Next)",color=5)
                self.FF.print_map(vals=["% .4e %s %.4e = % .4e" % (old_xk[i], '+' if dx[i] >= 0 else '-', abs(dx[i]), xk[i]) for i in range(len(xk))])
                bar = printcool("Physical Parameters (Current + Step = Next)",color=5)
                self.FF.print_map(vals=["% .4e %s %.4e = % .4e" % (old_pk[i], '+' if dp[i] >= 0 else '-', abs(dp[i]), pk[i]) for i in range(len(pk))])
            # Evaluate the objective function and its derivatives.
            data        = self.Objective.Full(xk,Ord,verbose=True)
            X, G, H = data['X'], data['G'], data['H']
            ndx = norm(dx)
            nxk = norm(xk)
            ngr = norm(G)
            drc = abs(flat(dx)).argmax()

            dX_actual = X - X_prev
                Quality = dX_actual / dX_expect
                logger.warning("Warning: Step size of zero detected (i.e. wrong direction).  Try reducing the finite_difference_h parameter\n")
                Quality = 1.0 # This is a step length of zero.
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# Increment the parameters.
            xk += dx
            ndx = np.linalg.norm(dx)
            #|  Increase iteration number.  |#
            ITERATION += 1
            self.iteration += 1
            # The search code benefits from knowing the step size here.
            if self.trust0 < 0:
                trust = ndx
            # Print parameter values.
            if self.print_vals:
                pk = self.FF.create_pvals(xk)
                dp = pk - pk_prev
                bar = printcool("Mathematical Parameters (Current + Step = Next)",color=5)
                self.FF.print_map(vals=["% .4e %s %.4e = % .4e" % (xk_prev[i], '+' if dx[i] >= 0 else '-', abs(dx[i]), xk[i]) for i in range(len(xk))])
                bar = printcool("Physical Parameters (Current + Step = Next)",color=5)
                self.FF.print_map(vals=["% .4e %s %.4e = % .4e" % (pk_prev[i], '+' if dp[i] >= 0 else '-', abs(dp[i]), pk[i]) for i in range(len(pk))])
            # Write checkpoint file.
            self.chk = {'xk': xk, 'X' : X, 'G' : G, 'H': H, 'X_hist': X_hist, 'trust': trust}
            if self.wchk_step:
            outfnm = self.save_mvals_to_input(xk)
  "Input file with saved parameters: %s\n" % outfnm)
            # Check for whether the maximum number of optimization cycles is reached.
            if ITERATION == self.maxstep:
      "Maximum number of optimization steps reached (%i)\n" % ITERATION)
            # Check for whether the step size is too small to continue.
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For each element in the Hessian, use a five-point stencil in both
        parameter indices to compute a finite-difference derivative, and
        compare it to the analytic result.

        This is meant to be a foolproof checker, so it is pretty slow.  We
        could write a faster checker if we assumed we had accurate first
        derivatives, but it's better to not make that assumption.

        The second derivative is computed by double-wrapping the objective
        function via the 'wrap2' function.

        Adata        = self.Objective.Full(self.mvals0,Order=2)['H']
        Fdata        = np.zeros((,,dtype=float)
        printcool("Checking second derivatives by finite difference!\n%-8s%-20s%-20s%13s%13s%13s%13s" \
                  % ("Index", "Parameter1 ID", "Parameter2 ID", "Analytic","Numerical","Difference","Fractional"),bold=1,color=5)

        # Whee, our double-wrapped finite difference second derivative!
        def wrap2(mvals0,pidxi,pidxj):
            def func1(arg):
                mvals = list(mvals0)
                mvals[pidxj] += arg
                return f1d5p(fdwrap(self.Objective.Full,mvals,pidxi,'X',Order=0),self.h)
            return func1
        for i in range(
            for j in range(i,
                Fdata[i,j] = f1d5p(wrap2(self.mvals0,i,j),self.h)
                Denom = max(abs(Adata[i,j]),abs(Fdata[i,j]))
                Denom = Denom > 1e-8 and Denom or 1e-8
                D = Adata[i,j] - Fdata[i,j]