How to use the fastecdsa.curve.secp256k1.q function in fastecdsa

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github blockstack / blockstack-core / blockstack_cli_0.14.1 / blockstack_client / View on Github external
    Sign a string of data.
    Returns signature as a base64 string

    # force uncompressed
    priv = str(privatekey_hex)
    if len(priv) > 64:
        assert priv[-2:] == '01'
        priv = priv[:64]

    pk_i = int(priv, 16)
    sig_r, sig_s = fastecdsa.ecdsa.sign(raw_data, pk_i, curve=fastecdsa.curve.secp256k1)

    # enforce low-s 
    if sig_s * 2 >= fastecdsa.curve.secp256k1.q:
        log.debug("High-S to low-S")
        sig_s = fastecdsa.curve.secp256k1.q - sig_s

    sig_bin = '{:064x}{:064x}'.format(sig_r, sig_s).decode('hex')
    assert len(sig_bin) == 64

    sig_b64 = base64.b64encode(sig_bin)
    return sig_b64
github ripple / xrpl-dev-portal / content / _code-samples / key-derivation / View on Github external
def secp256k1_secret_key_from(seed):
    Calculate a valid secp256k1 secret key by hashing a seed value;
    if the result isn't a valid key, increment a seq value and try

    Returns a secret key as a 32-byte integer.
    seq = 0
    while True:
        buf = seed + seq.to_bytes(4, byteorder="big", signed=False)
        h = sha512half(buf)
        h_i = int.from_bytes(h, byteorder="big", signed=False)
        if h_i < curve.secp256k1.q and h_i != 0:
            return h_i
        # Else, not a valid secp256k1 key; try again with a new sequence value.
        seq += 1