How to use the fastecdsa.curve.secp256k1 function in fastecdsa

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github DurianStallSingapore / Zilliqa-Mining-Proxy / zilpool / pyzil / View on Github external
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see .
  Zilliqa schnorr signature support

import secrets
from hashlib import sha256
from typing import Optional

from fastecdsa import keys
from fastecdsa import point
from fastecdsa import curve

CURVE = curve.secp256k1

SECP256K1_TAG_PUBKEY_ODD = b"\x03"

def gen_private_key() -> int:
    return keys.gen_private_key(CURVE)

def get_public_key(private_key: int) -> point.Point:
    return keys.get_public_key(private_key, CURVE)
github ripple / xrpl-dev-portal / content / _code-samples / key-derivation / View on Github external
def derive_secp256k1_master_keys(self):
        Uses the XRPL's convoluted key derivation process to get the
        secp256k1 master keypair for this seed value.
        Saves the values to the object for later reference.

        root_sec_i = secp256k1_secret_key_from(self.bytes)
        root_pub_point = keys.get_public_key(root_sec_i, curve.secp256k1)
        root_pub_b = compress_secp256k1_public(root_pub_point)
        fam_b = bytes(4) # Account families are unused; just 4 bytes of zeroes
        inter_pk_i = secp256k1_secret_key_from( b''.join([root_pub_b, fam_b]) )
        inter_pub_point = keys.get_public_key(inter_pk_i, curve.secp256k1)

        # Secret keys are ints, so just add them mod the secp256k1 group order
        master_sec_i = (root_sec_i + inter_pk_i) % curve.secp256k1.q
        # Public keys are points, so the fastecdsa lib handles adding them
        master_pub_point = root_pub_point + inter_pub_point

        self._secp256k1_sec = master_sec_i.to_bytes(32, byteorder="big", signed=False)
        self._secp256k1_pub = compress_secp256k1_public(master_pub_point)
        self._secp256k1_root_pub = root_pub_b

        # Saving the full key to make it easier to sign things later
        self._secp256k1_full = master_pub_point
github 1200wd / bitcoinlib / bitcoinlib / View on Github external
def ec_point(m):
    Method for elliptic curve multiplication on the secp256k1 curve. Multiply Generator point G with m

    :param m: A point on the elliptic curve
    :type m: int

    :return Point: Point multiplied by generator G
    m = int(m)
        return fastecdsa_keys.get_public_key(m, fastecdsa_secp256k1)
        point = secp256k1_generator
        point *= m
        return point
github blockstack / blockstack-core / blockstack_client / View on Github external
def get_pubkey_hex( privatekey_hex ):
    Get the uncompressed hex form of a private key

    if len(privatekey_hex) > 64:
        assert privatekey_hex[-2:] == '01'
        privatekey_hex = privatekey_hex[:64]

    # get hex public key
    privatekey_int = int(privatekey_hex, 16)
    pubkey_parts = fastecdsa.keys.get_public_key( privatekey_int, curve=fastecdsa.curve.secp256k1 )
    pubkey_hex = "04{:064x}{:064x}".format(pubkey_parts[0], pubkey_parts[1])
    return pubkey_hex
github ripple / xrpl-dev-portal / content / _code-samples / key-derivation / View on Github external
def derive_secp256k1_master_keys(self):
        Uses the XRPL's convoluted key derivation process to get the
        secp256k1 master keypair for this seed value.
        Saves the values to the object for later reference.

        root_sec_i = secp256k1_secret_key_from(self.bytes)
        root_pub_point = keys.get_public_key(root_sec_i, curve.secp256k1)
        root_pub_b = compress_secp256k1_public(root_pub_point)
        fam_b = bytes(4) # Account families are unused; just 4 bytes of zeroes
        inter_pk_i = secp256k1_secret_key_from( b''.join([root_pub_b, fam_b]) )
        inter_pub_point = keys.get_public_key(inter_pk_i, curve.secp256k1)

        # Secret keys are ints, so just add them mod the secp256k1 group order
        master_sec_i = (root_sec_i + inter_pk_i) % curve.secp256k1.q
        # Public keys are points, so the fastecdsa lib handles adding them
        master_pub_point = root_pub_point + inter_pub_point

        self._secp256k1_sec = master_sec_i.to_bytes(32, byteorder="big", signed=False)
        self._secp256k1_pub = compress_secp256k1_public(master_pub_point)
        self._secp256k1_root_pub = root_pub_b

        # Saving the full key to make it easier to sign things later
        self._secp256k1_full = master_pub_point