How to use the econml.utilities.shape function in econml

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Features for each sample
        W: optional(n × d_w) matrix
            Controls for each sample
        Z: optional(n × d_z) matrix
            Instruments for each sample


        if X is None:
            X = np.empty((shape(Y)[0], 0))
        if W is None:
            W = np.empty((shape(Y)[0], 0))
        assert shape(Y)[0] == shape(T)[0] == shape(X)[0] == shape(W)[0] == shape(Z)[0]

        # store number of columns of W so that we can create correctly shaped zero array in effect and marginal effect
        self._d_w = shape(W)[1]
        # store number of columns of T so that we can pass scalars to effect
        self._d_t = shape(T)[1]

        # two stage approximation
        # first, get basis expansions of T, X, and Z
        ft_X = self._x_featurizer.fit_transform(X)
        ft_Z = self._z_featurizer.fit_transform(Z)
        ft_T = self._t_featurizer.fit_transform(T)
        # regress T expansion on X,Z expansions concatenated with W
        features = _add_ones(np.hstack([W, cross_product(ft_X, ft_Z)])), ft_T)
        # predict ft_T from interacted ft_X, ft_Z
        ft_T_hat = self._model_T.predict(features)
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if splitter != self._n_splits and isinstance(splitter, (KFold, StratifiedKFold)):
            splitter.shuffle = True
            splitter.random_state = self._random_state

        all_vars = [var if np.ndim(var) == 2 else var.reshape(-1, 1) for var in [Z, W, X] if var is not None]
        if all_vars:
            all_vars = np.hstack(all_vars)
            folds = splitter.split(all_vars, T)
            folds = splitter.split(np.ones((T.shape[0], 1)), T)

        if self._discrete_treatment:
            T = self._label_encoder.fit_transform(T.ravel())
            # drop first column since all columns sum to one
            T = self._one_hot_encoder.fit_transform(reshape(T, (-1, 1)))[:, 1:]
            self._d_t = shape(T)[1:]
            self.transformer = FunctionTransformer(
                func=(lambda T:
                          reshape(self._label_encoder.transform(T.ravel()), (-1, 1)))[:, 1:]),

        nuisances, fitted_models, fitted_inds = _crossfit(self._model_nuisance, folds,
                                                          Y, T, X=X, W=W, Z=Z, sample_weight=sample_weight)
        self._models_nuisance = fitted_models
        return nuisances, fitted_inds
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def fit(self, X, T_res, Y_res, sample_weight=None, sample_var=None):
        # Track training dimensions to see if Y or T is a vector instead of a 2-dimensional array
        self._d_t = shape(T_res)[1:]
        self._d_y = shape(Y_res)[1:]
        if not self._use_weight_trick:
            fts = self._combine(X, T_res)
            if sample_weight is not None:
                if sample_var is not None:
                                    Y_res, sample_weight=sample_weight, sample_var=sample_var)
                                    Y_res, sample_weight=sample_weight)
      , Y_res)

            self._intercept = None
            intercept = self._model.predict(np.zeros_like(fts[0:1]))
            if (np.count_nonzero(intercept) > 0):
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# we rely on the fact that M(X beta) = (M X) beta, but M(X beta + c) is not the same
        # as (M X) beta + c, so the learned coef and intercept will be wrong
        intercept = self.penalized_model.predict(np.zeros_like(X2[0:1]))
        if not np.allclose(intercept, 0):
            raise AttributeError("The penalized model has a non-zero intercept; to fit an intercept "
                                 "you should instead either set fit_intercept to True when initializing the "
                                 "SelectiveRegression instance (for an unpenalized intercept) or "
                                 "explicitly add a column of ones to the data being fit and include that "
                                 "column in the penalized indices.")

        # now regress X1 on y - X2 * beta2 to learn beta1
        self._model_X1 = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=self._fit_intercept), y - self.penalized_model.predict(X2), sample_weight=sample_weight)

        # set coef_ and intercept_ attributes
        self.coef_ = np.empty(shape(y)[1:] + shape(X)[1:])
        self.coef_[..., self._penalized_inds] = self.penalized_model.coef_
        self.coef_[..., self._unpenalized_inds] = self._model_X1.coef_

        # Note that the penalized model should *not* have an intercept
        self.intercept_ = self._model_X1.intercept_

        return self
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def _add_ones(arr):
    """Add a column of ones to the front of an array."""
    return np.hstack([np.ones((shape(arr)[0], 1)), arr])
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ncols = shape(X)[1]
        columns = []
        for indices in product(*[range(ncols) for i in range(self._shift)]):
            if self._joint:
                columns.append(cross_product(*[self._column_feats(X[:, i], indices.count(i))
                                               for i in range(shape(X)[1])]))
                indices = set(indices)
                if self._shift == 0:  # return features for all columns:
                    columns.append(np.hstack([self._column_feats(X[:, i], self._shift) for i in range(shape(X)[1])]))
                # columns are featurized independently; partial derivatives are only non-zero
                # when taken with respect to the same column each time
                elif len(indices) == 1:
                    index = list(indices)[0]
                    feats = self._column_feats(X[:, index], self._shift)
                    columns.append(np.hstack([feats if i == index else np.zeros(shape(feats))
                                              for i in range(shape(X)[1])]))
                    columns.append(np.zeros((n, (self._degree + 1) * ncols)))
        return reshape(np.hstack(columns), (n,) + (ncols,) * self._shift + (-1,))
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def _check_input_dims(self, Y, T, X=None, W=None, Z=None, sample_weight=None, sample_var=None):
        assert shape(Y)[0] == shape(T)[0], "Dimension mis-match!"
        for arr in [X, W, Z, sample_weight, sample_var]:
            assert (arr is None) or (arr.shape[0] == Y.shape[0]), "Dimension mismatch"
        self._d_x = X.shape[1:] if X is not None else None
        self._d_w = W.shape[1:] if W is not None else None
        self._d_z = Z.shape[1:] if Z is not None else None