How to use the econml.utilities.ndim function in econml

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def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None):
        self.needs_unravel = False
        if ndim(y) == 2 and shape(y)[1] > 1:
            self.model = WeightedMultiTaskLassoCV(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
            if ndim(y) == 2 and shape(y)[1] == 1:
                y = np.ravel(y)
                self.needs_unravel = True
            self.model = WeightedLassoCV(*self.args, **self.kwargs), y, sample_weight)
        # set intercept_ attribute
        self.intercept_ = self.model.intercept_
        # set coef_ attribute
        self.coef_ = self.model.coef_
        # set alpha_ attribute
        self.alpha_ = self.model.alpha_
        # set alphas_ attribute
        self.alphas_ = self.model.alphas_
        # set n_iter_ attribute
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Note that when Y is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array, the corresponding
            singleton dimension will be collapsed (so this method will return a vector)
        # TODO: what if input is sparse? - there's no equivalent to einsum,
        #       but tensordot can't be applied to this problem because we don't sum over m
        # TODO: if T0 or T1 are scalars, we'll promote them to vectors;
        #       should it be possible to promote them to 2D arrays if that's what we saw during training?
        eff = self.const_marginal_effect(X)
        m = shape(eff)[0]
        if ndim(T0) == 0:
            T0 = np.repeat(T0, m)
        if ndim(T1) == 0:
            T1 = np.repeat(T1, m)
        dT = T1 - T0
        einsum_str = 'myt,mt->my'
        if ndim(dT) == 1:
            einsum_str = einsum_str.replace('t', '')
        if ndim(eff) == ndim(dT):  # y is a vector, rather than a 2D array
            einsum_str = einsum_str.replace('y', '')
        return np.einsum(einsum_str, eff, dT)
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        τ: (m × d_y) matrix (or length m vector if Y was a vector)
            Heterogeneous treatment effects on each outcome for each sample.
            Note that when Y is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array, the corresponding
            singleton dimension will be collapsed (so this method will return a vector)
        # TODO: what if input is sparse? - there's no equivalent to einsum,
        #       but tensordot can't be applied to this problem because we don't sum over m
        # TODO: if T0 or T1 are scalars, we'll promote them to vectors;
        #       should it be possible to promote them to 2D arrays if that's what we saw during training?
        eff = self.const_marginal_effect(X)
        m = shape(eff)[0]
        if ndim(T0) == 0:
            T0 = np.repeat(T0, m)
        if ndim(T1) == 0:
            T1 = np.repeat(T1, m)
        dT = T1 - T0
        einsum_str = 'myt,mt->my'
        if ndim(dT) == 1:
            einsum_str = einsum_str.replace('t', '')
        if ndim(eff) == ndim(dT):  # y is a vector, rather than a 2D array
            einsum_str = einsum_str.replace('y', '')
        return np.einsum(einsum_str, eff, dT)
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def effect_interval(self, X, *, T0, T1, alpha=0.1):
        # We can write effect interval as a function of const_marginal_effect_interval for a single treatment
        X, T0, T1 = self._est._expand_treatments(X, T0, T1)
        lb_pre, ub_pre = self.const_marginal_effect_interval(X, alpha=alpha)
        dT = T1 - T0
        einsum_str = 'myt,mt->my'
        if ndim(dT) == 1:
            einsum_str = einsum_str.replace('t', '')
        if ndim(lb_pre) == ndim(dT):  # y is a vector, rather than a 2D array
            einsum_str = einsum_str.replace('y', '')
        intrv_pre = np.array([np.einsum(einsum_str, lb_pre, dT), np.einsum(einsum_str, ub_pre, dT)])
        lb = np.min(intrv_pre, axis=0)
        ub = np.max(intrv_pre, axis=0)
        return lb, ub
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def _column_feats(self, X, shift):
        Apply Hermite function evaluations of degrees 0..`degree` differentiated `shift` times.

        When applied to the column `X` of shape(n,), the resulting array has shape(n, (degree + 1)).
        assert ndim(X) == 1
        # this will have dimension (d,) + shape(X)
        coeffs = np.identity(self._degree + shift + 1)[:, shift:]
        feats = ((-1) ** shift) * hermeval(X, coeffs) * np.exp(-X * X / 2)
        # send the first dimension to the end
        return transpose(feats)
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T0: (m × dₜ) matrix or vector of length m
            Base treatments for each sample
        T1: (m × dₜ) matrix or vector of length m
            Target treatments for each sample
        X: optional (m × dₓ) matrix
            Features for each sample

        τ: (m × d_y) matrix
            Heterogeneous treatment effects on each outcome for each sample
            Note that when Y is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array, the corresponding
            singleton dimension will be collapsed (so this method will return a vector)

        if ndim(T0) == 0:
            T0 = np.full((1 if X is None else shape(X)[0], self._d_t), T0)
        if ndim(T1) == 0:
            T1 = np.full((1 if X is None else shape(X)[0], self._d_t), T1)
        if X is None:
            X = np.empty((shape(T0)[0], 0))
        assert shape(T0) == shape(T1)
        assert shape(T0)[0] == shape(X)[0]

        W = np.zeros((shape(T0)[0], self._d_w))  # can set arbitrarily since values will cancel
        ft_X = self._x_featurizer.fit_transform(X)
        ft_T0 = self._t_featurizer.fit_transform(T0)
        ft_T1 = self._t_featurizer.fit_transform(T1)
        Y0 = self._model_Y.predict(_add_ones(np.hstack([W, cross_product(ft_T0, ft_X)])))
        Y1 = self._model_Y.predict(_add_ones(np.hstack([W, cross_product(ft_T1, ft_X)])))
        return Y1 - Y0
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        # TODO: what if input is sparse? - there's no equivalent to einsum,
        #       but tensordot can't be applied to this problem because we don't sum over m
        # TODO: if T0 or T1 are scalars, we'll promote them to vectors;
        #       should it be possible to promote them to 2D arrays if that's what we saw during training?
        eff = self.const_marginal_effect(X)
        m = shape(eff)[0]
        if ndim(T0) == 0:
            T0 = np.repeat(T0, m)
        if ndim(T1) == 0:
            T1 = np.repeat(T1, m)
        dT = T1 - T0
        einsum_str = 'myt,mt->my'
        if ndim(dT) == 1:
            einsum_str = einsum_str.replace('t', '')
        if ndim(eff) == ndim(dT):  # y is a vector, rather than a 2D array
            einsum_str = einsum_str.replace('y', '')
        return np.einsum(einsum_str, eff, dT)
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Features for each sample

        τ: (m × d_y) matrix (or length m vector if Y was a vector)
            Heterogeneous treatment effects on each outcome for each sample.
            Note that when Y is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array, the corresponding
            singleton dimension will be collapsed (so this method will return a vector)
        # TODO: what if input is sparse? - there's no equivalent to einsum,
        #       but tensordot can't be applied to this problem because we don't sum over m
        # TODO: if T0 or T1 are scalars, we'll promote them to vectors;
        #       should it be possible to promote them to 2D arrays if that's what we saw during training?
        eff = self.const_marginal_effect(X)
        m = shape(eff)[0]
        if ndim(T0) == 0:
            T0 = np.repeat(T0, m)
        if ndim(T1) == 0:
            T1 = np.repeat(T1, m)
        dT = T1 - T0
        einsum_str = 'myt,mt->my'
        if ndim(dT) == 1:
            einsum_str = einsum_str.replace('t', '')
        if ndim(eff) == ndim(dT):  # y is a vector, rather than a 2D array
            einsum_str = einsum_str.replace('y', '')
        return np.einsum(einsum_str, eff, dT)
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Note that when Y or T is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array,
            the corresponding singleton dimensions in the output will be collapsed
            (e.g. if both are vectors, then the output of this method will also be a vector)
        if X is None:
            X = np.empty((shape(T)[0], 0))
        assert shape(T)[0] == shape(X)[0]

        ft_X = self._x_featurizer.fit_transform(X)
        n = shape(T)[0]
        dT = self._dt_featurizer.fit_transform(T)
        W = np.zeros((n, self._d_w))
        # dT should be an n×dₜ×fₜ array (but if T was a vector, or if there is only one feature,
        # dT may be only 2-dimensional)
        # promote dT to 3D if necessary (e.g. if T was a vector)
        if ndim(dT) < 3:
            dT = reshape(dT, (n, 1, shape(dT)[1]))

        # reshape ft_X and dT to allow cross product (result has shape n×dₜ×fₜ×f_x)
        features = reshape(ft_X, (n, 1, 1, -1)) * reshape(dT, shape(dT) + (1,))
        features = transpose(features, [0, 1, 3, 2])  # swap last two dims to match cross_product
        features = reshape(features, (size(T), -1))
        output = self._model_Y.predict(_add_zeros(np.hstack([W, features])))
        return reshape(output, shape(T) + (shape(output)[-1],))
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T1: (m × dₜ) matrix or vector of length m
            Target treatments for each sample
        X: optional (m × dₓ) matrix
            Features for each sample

        τ: (m × d_y) matrix
            Heterogeneous treatment effects on each outcome for each sample
            Note that when Y is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array, the corresponding
            singleton dimension will be collapsed (so this method will return a vector)

        if ndim(T0) == 0:
            T0 = np.full((1 if X is None else shape(X)[0], self._d_t), T0)
        if ndim(T1) == 0:
            T1 = np.full((1 if X is None else shape(X)[0], self._d_t), T1)
        if X is None:
            X = np.empty((shape(T0)[0], 0))
        assert shape(T0) == shape(T1)
        assert shape(T0)[0] == shape(X)[0]

        W = np.zeros((shape(T0)[0], self._d_w))  # can set arbitrarily since values will cancel
        ft_X = self._x_featurizer.fit_transform(X)
        ft_T0 = self._t_featurizer.fit_transform(T0)
        ft_T1 = self._t_featurizer.fit_transform(T1)
        Y0 = self._model_Y.predict(_add_ones(np.hstack([W, cross_product(ft_T0, ft_X)])))
        Y1 = self._model_Y.predict(_add_ones(np.hstack([W, cross_product(ft_T1, ft_X)])))
        return Y1 - Y0