How to use the drizzlepac.astrodrizzle function in drizzlepac

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few drizzlepac examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gbrammer / grizli / grizli / View on Github external
wht = 1./im['ERR'].data**2
        wht[(im['ERR'].data == 0) | (dq > 0) | (~np.isfinite(wht))] = 0
        wht[im['SCI'].data < -3*im['ERR'].data] = 0

        wht = np.cast[np.float32](wht)

        exp_wcs = pywcs.WCS(im[1].header, relax=True)
        exp_wcs.pscale = utils.get_wcs_pscale(exp_wcs)

        #pf = 0.5
        # import drizzlepac.wcs_functions as dwcs
        # xx = out_wcs.deepcopy()
        # #xx.all_pix2world = xx.wcs_world2pix
        # map = dwcs.WCSMap(exp_wcs, xx)

        astrodrizzle.adrizzle.do_driz(im['SCI'].data, exp_wcs, wht,
                                      inter_wcs, outsci, outwht, outctx,
                                      1., 'cps', 1,
                                      pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel,
                                      fillval=0, stepsize=10,

        if ds9 is not None:
            ds9.view(outsci, header=outh)

    #outsci /= out_wcs.pscale**2
    rms = 1/np.sqrt(outwht)
    mask = (outwht == 0) | (rms > 100)
    rms[mask] = 0
    outsci[mask] = 0.
github gbrammer / grizli / grizli / View on Github external
flt_wcs, 1, coeffs=True, interp='nearest',
                                sinscl=1.0, stepsize=1, wcsmap=None)
            blotted_ones = astrodrizzle.ablot.do_blot(seg_ones+1, ref_wcs,
                                flt_wcs, 1, coeffs=True, interp='nearest',
                                sinscl=1.0, stepsize=1, wcsmap=None)
            blotted_ones[blotted_ones == 0] = 1
            ratio = np.round(blotted_seg/blotted_ones)
            grow = nd.maximum_filter(ratio, size=3, mode='constant', cval=0)
            ratio[ratio == 0] = grow[ratio == 0]
            blotted = ratio
            #print '\nREFDATA\n\n', refdata.dtype, ref_wcs, flt_wcs
            blotted = astrodrizzle.ablot.do_blot(refdata, ref_wcs, flt_wcs, 1, coeffs=True, interp='poly5', sinscl=1.0, stepsize=10, wcsmap=None)
        return blotted


HST image combination using the drizzle algorithm to combine astronomical images, to model image distortion, to remove cosmic rays, and generally to improve the fidelity of data in the final image.

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