How to use the divvy.logging function in divvy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few divvy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github afrendeiro / toolkit / ngs_toolkit / View on Github external
Defaults to 5.
    **kwargs : :obj:`dict`
        Additional keyword arguments will be passed to the chosen submission template according to `computing_configuration`.
        Pass for example: jobname="job", cores=2, mem=8000, partition="longq".
    import time
    import subprocess

    import divvy
    from ngs_toolkit import _CONFIG, _LOGGER

    # reduce level of logging from divvy
    # only for divvy <=0.
    if "logging" in divvy.__dict__.keys():

    def count_jobs_running(check_cmd="squeue", sep="\n"):
        Count running jobs on a cluster by invoquing a command that lists the jobs.
        return subprocess.check_output(check_cmd).split(sep).__len__()

    def submit_job_if_possible(
        cmd, check_cmd="squeue", total_job_lim=800, refresh_time=10, in_between_time=5
        submit = count_jobs_running(check_cmd) < total_job_lim
        while not submit:
            submit = count_jobs_running(check_cmd) < total_job_lim


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