How to use the divvy.ComputingConfiguration function in divvy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few divvy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github afrendeiro / toolkit / ngs_toolkit / View on Github external
log_file = ".".join(job_file.split(".")[:-1]) + ".log"

    # Get computing configuration from config
    if computing_configuration is None:
            computing_configuration = _CONFIG["preferences"]["computing_configuration"]
        except KeyError:
            msg = "'computing_configuration' was not given"
            msg += " and default could not be get from config."
            hint = " Pass a value or add one to the section"
            hint += " preferences:computing_configuration'"
            hint += " in the ngs_toolkit config file."
            _LOGGER.error(msg + hint)

    dcc = divvy.ComputingConfiguration()
    if computing_configuration is not None:

    # Generate job script
    d = {"code": code, "logfile": log_file}
    dcc.write_script(job_file, d)

    # Submit job
    if not dry_run:
        scmd = dcc["compute"]["submission_command"]
        cmd = scmd.split(" ") + [job_file]

        # simply submit if not limiting submission to the number of already running jobs
        if not limited_number:
github databio / refgenie / refgenie / View on Github external
return path

def _req_input_to_args(req_input):
    Given a list of the required inputs for the build command, create an args

    :param list[str] req_input: input names
    :return str: args string
    return ["--" + x + " " for x in req_input]

subdir_path = _make_sub_dir(args.path, args.genome)
dcc = divvy.ComputingConfiguration()
cmd_template = "refgenie build -g {g} -a {a} {req_input_str}"
genome = args.genome
to_remove = ["genome", "path"]

data = vars(args)
for i in to_remove:

for asset in asset_build_packages:
    sub_script = os.path.join(subdir_path, asset + ".sub")
    req_input = asset_build_packages[asset]["required_inputs"]
    if req_input:
        print("{} asset requires additional input in the command ({}), so '{}'"
            " requires manual edit".format(asset, req_input, sub_script))
        req_str = " ".join(_req_input_to_args(req_input))


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