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coeffs[tuple(self.A[1:,i])] += self.b[i]
#create lookup table: vector -> index
lookup = {half_support[i] : i for i in range(len(half_support))}
constraints = []
for v,c in coeffs.items():
if not any(v):
#constant term gets special treatment
constraints.append(C[0,0] == coeffs[v] + gamma)
#list all (indices of) pairs in half_support, that add up to v
l = []
for u in half_support:
diff = tuple(v[i] - u[i] for i in range(len(v)))
if diff in half_support:
constraints.append(cvx.Zero(cvx.sum([C[i,j] for i,j in l]) - cvx.expressions.constants.Constant(c)))
#define the problem
self.prob_sos_sparse = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(gamma),constraints)
self.prob_sos = self.prob_sos_sparse
n = A.shape[0]
d = self._degree // 2
size = binomial(n + 2*d, n)
#create complete list of monomials, all coefficients initialised with 0
coeffs = [(list(aux._index_to_vector(i,n,2*d)),0) for i in range(size)]
#setting the coefficients occurring in A
for i in range(A.shape[1]):
index = aux._vector_to_index(A[:,i], 2*d)
coeffs[index] = (coeffs[index][0],coeffs[index][1] + self.b[i])
#declare semidefinite matrix C, aim: Z^T * C * Z = p where Z is vector of all monomials
C = cvx.Variable((binomial(n + d, n), binomial(n + d, n)), PSD = True)
t : pd.timestamp
Timestamp for the optimization.
if t is None:
t =
value = sum(portfolio)
w = portfolio / value
z = cvx.Variable(w.size) # TODO pass index
wplus = w.values + z
if isinstance(self.return_forecast, BaseReturnsModel):
alpha_term = self.return_forecast.weight_expr(t, wplus)
alpha_term = cvx.sum(cvx.multiply(
values_in_time(self.return_forecast, t).values,
costs, constraints = [], []
for cost in self.costs:
cost_expr, const_expr = cost.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
constraints += const_expr
constraints += [item for item in (con.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
for con in self.constraints)]
for el in costs:
t0 =
#define short notation
A = self.A[1:,:]
n,t = A.shape
b_relax = self.b.copy()
b_relax[self.monomial_squares] = abs(self.b[self.monomial_squares])
b_relax[self.non_squares] = -abs(self.b[self.non_squares])
X = cvx.Variable(shape = (t,t), name = 'X', nonneg = True)
#lamb[k,i]: barycentric coordinate, using A[:,i] to represent A[:,k]
lamb = cvx.Variable(shape = (t,t), name = 'lambda', nonneg = True)
#we use both variables only for k >= monomial_squares
constraints = []
constraints += [b_relax[i] == -2*X[i,i] + cvx.sum(X[:,i]) for i in self.non_squares]
constraints += [b_relax[i] == cvx.sum(X[:,i]) for i in self.monomial_squares[1:]]
constraints += [2*lamb[k,k] == cvx.sum(lamb[k,:]) for k in self.non_squares]
constraints += [cvx.sum([A[:,i] * lamb[k,i] for i in range(t) if i != k]) == A[:,k]*lamb[k,k] for k in self.non_squares]
constraints += [cvx.sum(cvx.kl_div(lamb[k,:], X[k,:])[[i for i in range(t) if i != k]]) <= -2*X[k,k] + cvx.sum(X[k,:]) for k in self.non_squares]
objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum(X[:,0]))
self.prob_sage = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
self.sage_problem_creation_time = aux.dt2sec( - t0)
print('alpha and beta vectors must have same length!')
return 'failed',np.nan,np.nan,np.nan
beta =cvx.Parameter(n)
beta.value =np.array(b_val)
# This function will be used as the objective so must be DCP; i.e. element-wise multiplication must occur inside kl_div, not outside otherwise the solver does not know if it is DCP...
R=cvx.kl_div(cvx.multiply(alpha, W),
cvx.multiply(alpha, W + cvx.multiply(beta, P))) - \
cvx.multiply(alpha, cvx.multiply(beta, P))
prob=cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
return prob.status,-prob.value,P.value,W.value
import sys
from IPython.core import ultratb
sys.excepthook = ultratb.FormattedTB(mode='Verbose',
color_scheme='Linux', call_pdb=1)
m = 10
n = 2
x = npr.random(m)
import cvxpy as cp
import numdifftools as nd
y = cp.Variable(m)
obj = cp.Minimize(-x*y - cp.sum(cp.entr(y)) - cp.sum(cp.entr(1.-y)))
cons = [0 <= y, y <= 1, cp.sum(y) == n]
prob = cp.Problem(obj, cons)
prob.solve(cp.SCS, verbose=True)
assert 'optimal' in prob.status
y_cp = y.value
x = Variable(torch.from_numpy(x), requires_grad=True)
x = torch.stack([x,x])
y = LML(N=n)(x)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(y[0].data.numpy(), y_cp, decimal=3)
dy0, = grad(y[0,0], x)
dy0 = dy0.squeeze()
def f(x):
cost_expr, const_expr = cost.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
constraints += const_expr
constraints += [item for item in (con.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
for con in self.constraints)]
for el in costs:
assert (el.is_convex())
for el in constraints:
assert (el.is_dcp())
self.prob = cvx.Problem(
cvx.Maximize(alpha_term - sum(costs)),
[cvx.sum(z) == 0] + constraints)
self.prob.solve(solver=self.solver, **self.solver_opts)
if self.prob.status == 'unbounded':
'The problem is unbounded. Defaulting to no trades')
return self._nulltrade(portfolio)
if self.prob.status == 'infeasible':
'The problem is infeasible. Defaulting to no trades')
return self._nulltrade(portfolio)
return pd.Series(index=portfolio.index, data=(z.value * value))
except cvx.SolverError:
Boyd and Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, example 5.2 page 145
This problem arises in information theory, in allocating power to a set of
n communication channels in order to maximise the total channel capacity.
The variable x_i represents the transmitter power allocated to the ith channel,
and log(α_i+x_i) gives the capacity or maximum communication rate of the channel.
The objective is to minimize -∑log(α_i+x_i) subject to the constraint ∑x_i = 1
# Declare variables and parameters
x = cvx.Variable(n)
alpha = cvx.Parameter(n,nonneg=True)
alpha.value = a
#alpha.value = np.ones(n)
# Choose objective function. Interpret as maximising the total communication rate of all the channels
obj = cvx.Maximize(cvx.sum(cvx.log(alpha + x)))
# Declare constraints
constraints = [x >= 0, cvx.sum(x) - sum_x == 0]
# Solve
prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)
return prob.status,prob.value,x.value
return prob.status,np.nan,np.nan
t0 =
#default: evenly distribute the non-squares
b = np.array(self.b, dtype = np.float)
X = cvx.Variable((len(self.cover), self.A.shape[1]))
constraints = []
for i in self.monomial_squares[1:]:
indices = [k for k in range(len(self.cover)) if i in self.cover[k]]
if indices != []:
constraints.append(cvx.log_sum_exp(X[indices, i]) <= np.log(abs(b[i])))
for k in range(len(self.cover)):
lamb = self.lamb[k,self.cover[k][:-1]]
constraints.append(np.log(abs(self.coefficient_distribution[k, self.cover[k][-1]])) == cvx.sum(cvx.multiply(lamb, X[k, self.cover[k][:-1]]) - (lamb * np.log(lamb))))
if any([0 in c for c in self.cover]):
objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.log_sum_exp(X[[k for k in range(len(self.cover)) if 0 in self.cover[k]],0]))
objective = cvx.Minimize(0)
self.prob_sonc = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
self.sonc_problem_creation_time = aux.dt2sec( - t0) + self.cover_time