How to use the cvxpy.Variable function in cvxpy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cvxpy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cvxgrp / cvxpylayers / cvxpylayers / tensorflow / View on Github external
def test_basic_gp(self):

        x = cp.Variable(pos=True)
        y = cp.Variable(pos=True)
        z = cp.Variable(pos=True)

        a = cp.Parameter(pos=True, value=2.0)
        b = cp.Parameter(pos=True, value=1.0)
        c = cp.Parameter(value=0.5)

        objective_fn = 1/(x*y*z)
        constraints = [a*(x*y + x*z + y*z) <= b, x >= y**c]
        problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective_fn), constraints)
        problem.solve(cp.SCS, gp=True, eps=1e-12)

        layer = CvxpyLayer(
            problem, parameters=[a, b, c], variables=[x, y, z], gp=True)
        a_tf = tf.Variable(2.0, dtype=tf.float64)
        b_tf = tf.Variable(1.0, dtype=tf.float64)
github jayanthkoushik / torch-gel / tests / View on Github external
"""Solve a group elastic net problem with cvx.

        As: list of tensors.
        y: tensor.
        l_1, l_2: floats.
        ns: iterable.
    # Convert everything to numpy
    dtype = As[0].dtype
    As = [A_j.cpu().numpy() for A_j in As]
    y = y.cpu().numpy()
    ns = np.array([int(n) for n in ns])

    # Create the b variables.
    b_0 = cvx.Variable()
    bs = []
    for _, n_j in zip(As, ns):

    # Form g(b).
    Ab = sum(A_j * b_j for A_j, b_j in zip(As, bs))
    m = As[0].shape[0]
    g_b = cvx.square(cvx.norm(y - b_0 - Ab)) / (2 * m)

    # Form h(b).
    h_b = sum(
        np.sqrt(n_j) * (l_1 * cvx.norm(b_j) + l_2 * cvx.square(cvx.norm(b_j)))
        for n_j, b_j in zip(ns, bs)

    # Build the optimization problem.
github oxfordcontrol / osqp-python / tests / qp_problems / View on Github external
#    np.log(trAtA)

    # Add row to matrix A
    A = spa.vstack((A, spa.csc_matrix(A_temp)), 'csc')

    # Add bounds on v
    l = np.log(problem['rho_min'].iloc[0])
    u = np.log(problem['rho_max'].iloc[0])
    v_l = np.append(v_l, l)
    v_u = np.append(v_u, u)

# Define CVXPY problem
alpha = cvxpy.Variable(n_params)
v = cvxpy.Variable(n_problems)

constraints = [v_l <= v, v <= v_u]
cost = cvxpy.norm(A * alpha - v)

objective = cvxpy.Minimize(cost)

problem = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)

# Solve problem
print("Solving problem with CVXPY and GUROBI")
problem.solve(solver=cvxpy.MOSEK, verbose=True)
print("Solution status: %s" % problem.status)

# Get learned alpha
alpha_fit = np.asarray(alpha.value).flatten()
github AaronJi / RL / python / RLutils / algorithm / View on Github external
dual_right_fut = np.array(cons_right[1].dual_value)
    for tau in range(tau_max):
        for i in range(n):
            end_resource[i][tau] = np.sum(Zval[:, tau*n+i])
            lambda_right[i][1+tau] = dual_right_fut[tau*n+i][0]

    ## Generating left derivative
    small = 1.0e-6
    R_left = np.maximum(R - 0.0001 * np.ones((n, 1)), small*np.ones((n, 1)))  # R_left should be positive
    Ru_left = np.maximum(np.reshape(Ru, (tau_max*n, 1), order='F') - 0.0001 * np.ones((tau_max*n, 1)), small*np.ones((tau_max*n, 1)))

    # Construct the problem.
    if not M_is_empty:
        X_left = cvx.Variable((num_nonzero_M, 1))
    Y_left = cvx.Variable((num_nonzero_rep, 1))
    Z_left = cvx.Variable((P.shape[0], tau_max*n))

    obj_left = - C_coeff*Y_left + cvx.sum(cvx.multiply(P, Z_left))
    if not M_is_empty:
        obj_left += W_coeff*X_left

    if M_is_empty:
        cons_left = [R_left == row_sum_matrix_Y*Y_left,
                      cvx.sum(Z_left, axis=0, keepdims=True).T == col_sum_matrix_Y * Y_left + Ru_left,
                      0 <= Y_left, 0 <= Z_left, Z_left <= PLen]
        cons_left = [R_left == row_sum_matrix_X*X_left + row_sum_matrix_Y*Y_left,
                      cvx.sum(Z_left, axis=0, keepdims=True).T == col_sum_matrix_X * X_left + col_sum_matrix_Y * Y_left + Ru_left,
                      0 <= X_left, X_left <= M_coeff, 0 <= Y_left, 0 <= Z_left, Z_left <= PLen]

    prob_left = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(obj_left), cons_left)
github reinforcement-learning-kr / lets-do-irl / mountaincar / app / View on Github external
def QP_optimizer(expertList, agentList):
    policyMat = agentList
    ExpertMat = expertList
    #constraints = [ExpertMat*w + b >= 1, policyMat*w + b <= -1]
    constraints = [(ExpertMat-policyMat)*w >= 2]
    obj = cp.Minimize(cp.norm(w))
    prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)

    print("status:", prob.status)
    print("optimal value", prob.value)
    #print("optimal var", w.value)
github sebp / scikit-survival / sksurv / svm / View on Github external
def _fit_cvxpy(self, K, D, time):
        import cvxpy

        n_pairs = D.shape[0]

        a = cvxpy.Variable(shape=(n_pairs, 1))
        P =
        q =

        obj = cvxpy.Minimize(0.5 * cvxpy.quad_form(a, P) - a.T * q)
        assert obj.is_dcp()

        alpha = cvxpy.Parameter(nonneg=True, value=self.alpha)
        Dta = D.T.astype(P.dtype) * a  # cast constraints to correct type
        constraints = [a >= 0., -alpha <= Dta, Dta <= alpha]

        prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constraints)
        solver_opts = self._get_options_cvxpy()
        prob.solve(solver=cvxpy.settings.ECOS, **solver_opts)
        if prob.status != 'optimal':
            s = prob.solver_stats
            warnings.warn(('cvxpy solver {} did not converge after {} iterations: {}'.format(
github bmatthiesen / deep-EE-opt / src / SCA / View on Github external
g2 = gradr(pt)
        g2[np.diag_indices_from(g2)] = 0

        # r tilde constants
        txp = 1.0/(mu * pt + Pc)

        c1 = np.sum(grad * txp, axis=0)
        c2 = -mu * np.log(np.diag(s)/tmp2+1)*txp**2
        c = c1+c2

        d = -c * pt

        # solve inner problem
        pvar = cp.Variable(4)
        obj_nl = cp.log(cp.multiply(np.diag(h)/tmp2, pvar)+1) * txp
        obj_l  = cp.multiply(c, pvar)

        objective = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(obj_nl + obj_l + d))
        constraints = [0 <= pvar, pvar <= Pmax]
        prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
        except cp.SolverError:
            print('ecos failed')
                prob.solve(solver = cp.CVXOPT)
            except cp.SolverError:
                print('cvxopt also failed')
github cvxgrp / cvxportfolio / cvxportfolio / View on Github external
Get optimal trade vector for given portfolio at time t.

        portfolio : pd.Series
            Current portfolio vector.
        t : pd.timestamp
            Timestamp for the optimization.

        if t is None:
            t =

        value = sum(portfolio)
        w = portfolio / value
        z = cvx.Variable(w.size)  # TODO pass index
        wplus = w.values + z

        if isinstance(self.return_forecast, BaseReturnsModel):
            alpha_term = self.return_forecast.weight_expr(t, wplus)
            alpha_term = cvx.sum(cvx.multiply(
                values_in_time(self.return_forecast, t).values,


        costs, constraints = [], []

        for cost in self.costs:
            cost_expr, const_expr = cost.weight_expr(t, wplus, z, value)
github oxfordcontrol / osqp_benchmarks / problem_classes / View on Github external
def _generate_cvxpy_problem(self):
        Generate QP problem

        # Dimensions
        nx, nu = self.nx,
        T = self.T

        # Initial state
        x0 = cvxpy.Parameter(nx)
        x0.value = self.x0

        # variables
        x = cvxpy.Variable((nx, T + 1))
        u = cvxpy.Variable((nu, T))

        # Objective
        cost = cvxpy.quad_form(x[:, T], self.QN)  # Terminal cost
        for i in range(T):
            cost += cvxpy.quad_form(x[:, i], self.Q)     # State cost
            cost += cvxpy.quad_form(u[:, i], self.R)     # Inpout cost
        objective = cvxpy.Minimize(cost)

        # Dynamics
        dynamics = [x[:, 0] == x0]
        for i in range(T):
            dynamics += [x[:, i+1] == self.A * x[:, i] + self.B * u[:, i]]

        # State constraints
        state_constraints = []
github dmalyuta / successive_rendezvous / View on Github external
p_xi = 0.
    P_xi = mean_active_thruster_count*mean_pulse_width*N
    # General quantites
    data['t_grid'] = np.linspace(0.,data['t_f'],N+1) # discretization time grid
    n_x = data['state_traj_init'].shape[1]
    n_u = csm.M
    e = -tools.rotate(np.array([1.,0.,0.]),csm.q_dock) # dock axis in LM frame
    I_e = tools.rotate(e,data['lm']['q']) # dock axis in inertial frame
    data['dock_axis'] = I_e

    # Optimization variables
    # non-dimensionalized
    x_hat = [cvx.Variable(n_x) for k in range(N+1)]
    v_hat = [cvx.Variable(n_x) for k in range(N+1)]
    xi_hat = cvx.Variable(N+1)
    u_hat = [cvx.Variable(n_u) for k in range(N)]
    eta_hat = cvx.Variable(N) # quadratic trust region size
    # dimensionalized (physical units)
    x = [P_x*x_hat[k]+p_x for k in range(N+1)] # unscaled state
    xi = P_xi*xi_hat+p_xi
    u = [P_u*u_hat[k]+p_u for k in range(N)] # unscaled control
    v = [P_v*v_hat[k] for k in range(N)] # virtual control
    data['lrtop_var'] = dict(x=x,u=u,xi=xi,v=v)

    # Optimization parameters
    A = [cvx.Parameter((n_x,n_x)) for k in range(N)]
    B = [cvx.Parameter((n_x,n_u)) for k in range(N)]
    r = [cvx.Parameter(n_x) for k in range(N)]
    u_lb = [cvx.Parameter(n_u,value=np.zeros(n_u)) for k in range(N)]
    stc_lb = [cvx.Parameter(n_u) for k in range(N)]
    stc_q = cvx.Parameter(N+1)