How to use the contextualbandits.utils._ZeroPredictor function in contextualbandits

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r_more_onehalf = r_node >= .5
        y = (  np.in1d(a_node, self.tree.node_comparisons[classif][2])  ).astype('uint8')
        y_node = y.copy()
        y_node[r_more_onehalf] = 1 - y[r_more_onehalf]
        w_node = (.5 - r_node) / p_node
        w_node[r_more_onehalf] = (  (r_node - .5) / p_node  )[r_more_onehalf]
        w_node = w_node * w_node.shape[0] / np.sum(w_node)
        if y_node.shape[0] == 0:
            self._oracles[classif] = _RandomPredictor()
        elif y_node.sum() == y_node.shape[0]:
            self._oracles[classif] = _OnePredictor()
        elif y_node.sum() == 0:
            self._oracles[classif] = _ZeroPredictor()
            self._oracles[classif].fit(X_node, y_node, sample_weight = w_node)
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def _fit_single(self, sample, ix_take_all, X, y):
        ix_take = ix_take_all[:, sample]
        xsample = X[ix_take, :]
        ysample = y[ix_take]
        nclass = ysample.sum()
        if not self.partialfit:
            if nclass == ysample.shape[0]:
                self.bs_algos[sample] = _OnePredictor()
                return None
            elif nclass == 0:
                self.bs_algos[sample] = _ZeroPredictor()
                return None
        self.bs_algos[sample].fit(xsample, ysample)
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def _full_fit_single(self, choice, X, a, r):
        yclass, this_choice = self._filter_arm_data(X, a, r, choice)
        n_pos = yclass.sum()
        if self.smooth is not None:
            self.counters[0, choice] += yclass.shape[0]
        if (n_pos < self.thr) or ((yclass.shape[0] - n_pos) < self.thr):
            if not self.force_fit:
                self.algos[choice] = _BetaPredictor(self.alpha + n_pos, self.beta + yclass.shape[0] - n_pos)
                return None
        if n_pos == 0:
            if not self.force_fit:
                self.algos[choice] = _ZeroPredictor()
                return None
        if n_pos == yclass.shape[0]:
            if not self.force_fit:
                self.algos[choice] = _OnePredictor()
                return None
        xclass = X[this_choice, :]
        self.algos[choice].fit(xclass, yclass)

        if self.force_counters or (self.thr > 0 and not self.force_fit):
            self._update_beta_counters(yclass, choice)
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def __init__(self, nchoices, percentile=80, method='advi', n_samples=20, n_iter='auto',
                 beta_prior='auto', smoothing=None, assume_unique_reward=False, njobs=1):

        ## NOTE: this is a really slow and poorly thought implementation
        ## TODO: rewrite using some faster framework such as Edward,
        ##       or with a hard-coded coordinate ascent procedure instead. 
        self._add_common_params(_ZeroPredictor(), beta_prior, smoothing, njobs, nchoices,
                                False, assume_unique_reward, assign_algo = False, prior_def_ucb = True)
        assert (percentile >= 0) and (percentile <= 100)
        self.percentile = percentile
        self.n_iter, self.n_samples = _check_bay_inp(method, n_iter, n_samples)
        self.method = method
        self.base_algorithm = _BayesianLogisticRegression(
                    method = self.method, niter = self.n_iter,
                    nsamples = self.n_samples, mode = 'ucb', perc = self.percentile)
        self.batch_train = False
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if fitted_classifier is not None:
            if 'predict_proba' not in dir(fitted_classifier):
                fitted_classifier = _convert_decision_function_w_sigmoid(fitted_classifier)
            if partialfit:
                fitted_classifier = _add_method_predict_robust(fitted_classifier)
            if self.force_fit or self.partialfit:
                if self.base is None:
                    raise ValueError("Must provide a classifier when initializing with different classifiers per arm.")
                self.algos.append( deepcopy(self.base) )
                if self.force_counters or (self.thr > 0 and not self.force_fit):
                    self.algos.append(_BetaPredictor(self.beta_counters[:, -1][1], self.beta_counters[:, -1][2]))