How to use the cogent3.evolve.models.get_model function in cogent3

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def test_get_model(self):
        """get_models successfully creates model instances"""
        # just returns query if it's already a substitution model
        for mod in (CNFGTR(), WG01(), GN()):
            got = get_model(mod)
            self.assertEqual(id(got), id(mod))

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            # unknown model raises exception
            _ = get_model("blah")
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def _make_model_cache(self):
        # constructs all the substitution  models
        if hasattr(self, "_cached_models"):

        cache = {}
        for name in models:
            cache[name] = get_model(name)
        self._cached_models = cache
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def test_bin_probs(self):
        """posterior bin probs same length as aln for rate-het model"""
        aln = load_aligned_seqs("data/primates_brca1.fasta", moltype="dna")
        tree = load_tree("data/primates_brca1.tree")
        sm = get_model("HKY85", ordered_param="rate", distribution="gamma")
        lf = sm.make_likelihood_function(tree, bins=4, sites_independent=False)
        bprobs = lf.get_bin_probs()
        self.assertEqual(bprobs.shape[1], len(aln))
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def test_get_param_rules_discrete(self):
        """discrete time models produce valid rules"""
        sm = get_model("BH")
        aln =[:3])
        tree = self.tree.get_sub_tree(aln.names)
        lf = sm.make_likelihood_function(tree)
        lf.optimise(max_evaluations=100, limit_action="ignore")
        rules = lf.get_param_rules()

        new_lf = sm.make_likelihood_function(tree)
        assert_allclose(new_lf.get_motif_probs().array, lf.get_motif_probs().array)
        for edge in tree.preorder():
            if edge.is_root():
            orig_p = lf.get_psub_for_edge(
            new_p = new_lf.get_psub_for_edge(
github cogent3 / cogent3 / tests / test_align / View on Github external
def _test_aln(self, seqs, model=dna_model, param_vals=None, **kw):

        orig = {n: s.replace("-", "") for (n, s) in list(seqs.items())}
        aln = self._make_aln(orig, model=model, param_vals=param_vals, **kw)
        result = {n: s.lower() for (n, s) in list(aln.to_dict().items())}
        # assert the alignment result is correct
        self.assertEqual(seqs, result)
        # and the moltype matches the model
        model = get_model(model)
        self.assertIs(aln.moltype, model.moltype)

        # assert the returned alignment has the correct parameter values in the
        # object.
        if param_vals:
            for param, val in param_vals:
                self.assertEqual([param], val)
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def test_roundtrip_from_file(self):
        """correctly roundtrips a likelihood function fro json file"""
        _data = {
        aln = make_aligned_seqs(data=_data, moltype="dna")
        tree = make_tree(tip_names=aln.names)
        sm = get_model("HKY85")
        lf = sm.make_likelihood_function(tree)
        edge_vals = zip(aln.names, (2, 3, 4))
        for edge, val in edge_vals:
            lf.set_param_rule("kappa", edge=edge, init=val)
        lnL = lf.get_log_likelihood()
        data = lf.to_json()
        with TemporaryDirectory(dir=".") as dirname:
            outpath = dirname + "/delme.json"
            with open(outpath, "w") as outfile:

            got = deserialise_object(outpath)
            self.assertFloatEqual(got.get_log_likelihood(), lnL)
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def test_codon_rate_het(self):
        """recap rate het likelihoods"""
        aln = load_aligned_seqs("data/primate_brca1.fasta", moltype=DNA)
        tree = load_tree("data/primate_brca1.tree")
        cnf = get_model("CNFGTR")
        rate_lf = cnf.make_likelihood_function(
            tree, bins=["neutral", "adaptive"], digits=2, space=3

        rules = [
                "par_name": "mprobs",
                "edges": None,
                "value": {
                    "TTT": 0.018732866280840695,
                    "TTC": 0.007767286018885166,
                    "TTA": 0.02116966189460859,
                    "TTG": 0.010813280536095034,
                    "TCT": 0.02512945476698142,
                    "TCC": 0.008224185196466647,
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def test_roundtrip_submod(self):
        """substitution model to_json enables roundtrip"""
        sm = get_model("HKY85")
        data = sm.to_json()
        got = deserialise_object(data)
        self.assertEqual(got.to_rich_dict(), sm.to_rich_dict())
        sm = get_model("GN")
        data = sm.to_json()
        got = deserialise_object(data)
        self.assertEqual(got.to_rich_dict(), sm.to_rich_dict())
        sm = get_model("CNFGTR")
        data = sm.to_json()
        got = deserialise_object(data)
        self.assertEqual(got.to_rich_dict(), sm.to_rich_dict())
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def test_roundtrip_model_result(self):
        """mode_result.to_json enables roundtrip and lazy evaluation"""
        _data = {
        aln = make_aligned_seqs(data=_data, moltype="dna")
        tree = make_tree(tip_names=aln.names)
        sm = get_model("HKY85")
        lf = sm.make_likelihood_function(tree)
        edge_vals = zip(aln.names, (2, 3, 4))
        for edge, val in edge_vals:
            lf.set_param_rule("kappa", edge=edge, init=val)
        result = model_result(name="test")
        result[1] = lf
        self.assertIs(result[1], lf)
        self.assertEqual(result.nfp, lf.nfp)
        self.assertEqual(result.lnL, lf.lnL)

        data = result.to_json()
        got_obj = deserialise_object(data)
        # lazy evaluation means initially, the value is a dict
        self.assertIsInstance(got_obj[1], dict)
        # and properties match original