How to use the cntk.parameter function in cntk

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cntk examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Image / Generative / PixelCNN / pixelcnn / View on Github external
def masked_conv2d(x, num_filters, filter_shape=(3,3), strides=(1,1), pad=True, nonlinearity=None, mask_type=None, h=None, bias=True, init=ct.glorot_uniform()):
    ''' Convolution layer with mask and conditional input support. '''
    output_channels_shape = _as_tuple(num_filters)
    x_channels_shape      = _as_tuple(x.shape[0])
    paddings              = (False,) + (pad,)*len(filter_shape)

    W = ct.parameter((num_filters, x.shape[0]) + filter_shape, init=init, name='W')

    if mask_type is not None:
        filter_center = (filter_shape[0] // 2, filter_shape[1] // 2)

        mask = np.ones(W.shape, dtype=np.float32)
        mask[:,:,filter_center[0]:,filter_center[1]+1:] = 0
        mask[:,:,filter_center[0]+1:,:] = 0.

        if mask_type == 'a':
            mask[:,:,filter_center[0],filter_center[1]] = 0

        W = ct.element_times(W, ct.constant(mask))

    if bias:
        b = ct.parameter((num_filters, 1, 1), name='b')        
        x = ct.convolution(W, x, strides=x_channels_shape + strides, auto_padding=paddings) + b
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Text / BidirectionalAttentionFlow / View on Github external
def embed(self):
        # load glove
        npglove = np.zeros((self.wg_dim, self.hidden_dim), dtype=np.float32)
        with open(os.path.join(self.abs_path, 'glove.6B.100d.txt'), encoding='utf-8') as f:
            for line in f:
                parts = line.split()
                word = parts[0].lower()
                if word in self.vocab:
                    npglove[self.vocab[word],:] = np.asarray([float(p) for p in parts[1:]])
        glove = C.constant(npglove)
        nonglove = C.parameter(shape=(len(self.vocab) - self.wg_dim, self.hidden_dim), init=C.glorot_uniform(), name='TrainableE')
        def func(wg, wn):
            return C.times(wg, glove) + C.times(wn, nonglove)
        return func
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Text / BidirectionalAttentionFlow / msmarco / team_xyz / script / View on Github external
def OptimizedRnnStack(hidden_dim, num_layers=1, recurrent_op='lstm', bidirectional=False, use_cudnn=True, name=''):
    if use_cudnn:
        W = C.parameter(_INFERRED + (hidden_dim,), init=C.glorot_uniform())
        def func(x):
            return C.optimized_rnnstack(x, W, hidden_dim, num_layers, bidirectional, recurrent_op=recurrent_op, name=name)
        return func
        def func(x):
            return C.splice(
                        C.layers.Recurrence(C.layers.LSTM(hidden_dim), go_backwards=True)(x),
        return func
github keras-team / keras / keras / backend / View on Github external
value = value.value

    # we don't support init parameter with symbolic op, so eval it first as
    # workaround
    if isinstance(value, C.cntk_py.Function):
        value = eval(value)

    shape = value.shape if hasattr(value, 'shape') else ()
    if hasattr(value, 'dtype') and value.dtype != dtype and len(shape) > 0:
        value = value.astype(dtype)

    # TODO: remove the conversion when cntk supports int32, int64
    dtype = 'float32' if 'int' in str(dtype) else dtype

    v = C.parameter(shape=shape,
                    name=_prepare_name(name, 'variable'))
    v._keras_shape = v.shape
    v._uses_learning_phase = False
    v.constraint = constraint
    return v
github microsoft / CNTK / contrib / Python / cntk / examples / LogReg / View on Github external
def train_eval_logistic_regression_from_file(criterion_name=None,
        eval_name=None, device_id=-1):
    cur_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    # Using data from
    train_file = os.path.join(cur_dir, "Train-3Classes.txt")
    test_file = os.path.join(cur_dir, "Test-3Classes.txt")

    X = C.input(2)
    y = C.input(3)
    W = C.parameter(value=np.zeros(shape=(2, 3)))
    b = C.parameter(value=np.zeros(shape=(1, 3)))

    out = C.times(X, W) + b
    out.tag = 'output'
    ce = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(y, out) = criterion_name
    ce.tag = 'criterion'
    eval = C.ops.square_error(y, out)
    eval.tag = 'eval' = eval_name

    # training data readers
    train_reader = C.CNTKTextFormatReader(train_file, randomize=None)

    # testing data readers
    test_reader = C.CNTKTextFormatReader(test_file, randomize=None)
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Image / Detection / FasterRCNN / View on Github external
def create_fast_rcnn_predictor(conv_out, rois, fc_layers):
    # RCNN
    roi_out = roipooling(conv_out, rois, cntk.MAX_POOLING, (roi_dim, roi_dim), spatial_scale=1/16.0)
    fc_out = fc_layers(roi_out)

    # prediction head
    W_pred = parameter(shape=(4096, globalvars['num_classes']), init=normal(scale=0.01), name="cls_score.W")
    b_pred = parameter(shape=globalvars['num_classes'], init=0, name="cls_score.b")
    cls_score = plus(times(fc_out, W_pred), b_pred, name='cls_score')

    # regression head
    W_regr = parameter(shape=(4096, globalvars['num_classes']*4), init=normal(scale=0.001), name="bbox_regr.W")
    b_regr = parameter(shape=globalvars['num_classes']*4, init=0, name="bbox_regr.b")
    bbox_pred = plus(times(fc_out, W_regr), b_regr, name='bbox_regr')

    return cls_score, bbox_pred
github microsoft / CNTK / contrib / Python / cntk / examples / MNIST / View on Github external
def add_dnn_layer(in_dim, out_dim, x, param_scale):
    W = C.parameter((out_dim, in_dim)) * param_scale
    b = C.parameter((out_dim, 1)) * param_scale
    t = C.times(W, x)
    return, b)
github zlsh80826 / MSMARCO / script / View on Github external
def rnet_output_layer(self, attention_context, query):

        att_context = C.placeholder(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim,))
        q_processed = C.placeholder(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim,))

        wuq = C.parameter(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim, 2*self.hidden_dim), init=C.glorot_uniform())
        whp = C.parameter(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim, 2*self.hidden_dim), init=C.glorot_uniform())
        wha = C.parameter(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim, 2*self.hidden_dim), init=C.glorot_uniform())
        v = C.parameter(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim, 1), init=C.glorot_uniform())
        bias = C.parameter(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim), init=C.glorot_uniform())

        whp_end = C.parameter(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim, 2*self.hidden_dim), init=C.glorot_uniform())
        wha_end = C.parameter(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim, 2*self.hidden_dim), init=C.glorot_uniform())
        v_end = C.parameter(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim, 1), init=C.glorot_uniform())

        # sequence[tensor[1]] q_len x 1
        s0 = C.times(C.tanh(C.times(q_processed, wuq) + bias), v)
        a0 = C.sequence.softmax(s0)
        rQ = C.sequence.reduce_sum(a0 * q_processed)
        # sequence[tensor[1]] plen x 1 
        ts = C.reshape(C.times(C.tanh(
            C.times(att_context, whp) + C.times(C.sequence.broadcast_as(rQ, att_context), wha)), v), (-1))

        # sequence[tensor[1]]
        ta = C.sequence.softmax(ts)

        # sequence[2d] 1 x 2d
        c0 = C.reshape(C.sequence.reduce_sum(ta * att_context), (2*self.hidden_dim))
github zlsh80826 / MSMARCO / script / View on Github external
def attention_layer(self, context, query, layer):

        q_processed = C.placeholder(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim,))
        p_processed = C.placeholder(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim,))

        qvw, qvw_mask = C.sequence.unpack(q_processed, padding_value=0).outputs

        wq = C.parameter(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim, 2*self.hidden_dim), init=C.glorot_uniform())
        wp = C.parameter(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim, 2*self.hidden_dim), init=C.glorot_uniform())
        wg = C.parameter(shape=(8*self.hidden_dim, 8*self.hidden_dim), init=C.glorot_uniform())
        v = C.parameter(shape=(2*self.hidden_dim, 1), init=C.glorot_uniform())

        # seq[tensor[2d]] p_len x 2d
        wpt = C.reshape(C.times(p_processed, wp), (-1, 2*self.hidden_dim))

        # q_len x 2d
        wqt = C.reshape(C.times(qvw, wq), (-1, 2*self.hidden_dim))
        # seq[tensor[q_len]]
        S = C.reshape(C.times(C.tanh(C.sequence.broadcast_as(wqt, p_processed) + wpt), v), (-1))

        qvw_mask_expanded = C.sequence.broadcast_as(qvw_mask, p_processed)

        # seq[tensor[q_len]]
        S = C.element_select(qvw_mask_expanded, S, C.constant(-1e+30))
github microsoft / CNTK / Examples / Image / Generative / PixelCNN / pixelcnn / View on Github external
def deconv2d(x, num_filters, filter_shape=(3,3), strides=(1,1), pad=True, nonlinearity=None, init=global_init, init_scale=1., counters={}, first_run=False):
    ''' Deconvolution layer. '''

    scope = get_name('deconv2d', counters)    
    output_channels_shape = _as_tuple(num_filters)
    x_shape               = x.shape # CHW
    x_channels_shape      = _as_tuple(x.shape[0])
    paddings              = (False,) + (pad,)*len(filter_shape)

    if pad:
        output_shape = (num_filters, x_shape[1] * strides[0], x_shape[2] * strides[1])
        output_shape = (num_filters, x_shape[1] * strides[0] + filter_shape[0] - 1, x_shape[2] * strides[1] + filter_shape[1] - 1)

    if first_run:
        V = ct.parameter(x_channels_shape + output_channels_shape + filter_shape, init=init, name='V'); set_parameter(scope, 'V', V)
        g = ct.parameter(output_channels_shape, init=global_g_init, name='g'); set_parameter(scope, 'g', g)
        b = ct.parameter(output_channels_shape, name='b'); set_parameter(scope, 'b', b)

        # use weight normalization (Salimans & Kingma, 2016)
        V_norm = l2_normalize(V, axes=(0, 2, 3))
        x_init = ct.convolution_transpose(V_norm, x, strides=x_channels_shape + strides, output_shape=output_shape, auto_padding=paddings)

        m_init, v_init = moments(x_init, axes=(ct.Axis.default_batch_axis(),1,2))
        scale_init = init_scale / ct.sqrt(v_init + 1e-8)
        g_new = ct.assign(g, scale_init)
        b_new = ct.assign(b, -m_init*scale_init)

        x_init = ct.reshape(scale_init, (num_filters, 1, 1))*(x_init-ct.reshape(m_init, (num_filters, 1, 1))) + ct.reshape(g_new + b_new, (num_filters, 1, 1))*0
        if nonlinearity is not None:
            x_init = nonlinearity(x_init)
        return x_init