How to use the cma.newcma.CMAdb function in cma

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def new_ring(self, name, parentring=None, **kw):
        'Create a new ring (or return a pre-existing one), and put it in the ring index'
        ring = self.node_new(CMAdb.NODE_ring, name, unique=True,  **kw)
        if parentring is not None:
            self.db.relate((ring, CMAdb.REL_parentring, parentring.node),)
        return ring
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    def initglobal(io, cleanoutdb=False): = io
        CMAdb.cdb = CMAdb()
        if cleanoutdb:
            #print >>sys.stderr, 'Re-initializing the database'
            CMAdb.cdb = CMAdb()
        CMAdb.TheOneRing =  HbRing('The_One_Ring', HbRing.THEONERING)
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'''Create a new (ip, port) object related to some IPaddr object'''
        port = jsonobj['port']
        table = {}
        for key in jsonobj.keys():
            type = jsonobj.gettype(key)
            if not (type == CFG_BOOL or type == CFG_INT64 or type == CFG_STRING
            or      type == CFG_FLOAT or type == CFG_ARRAY):
            table[key] = jsonobj[key]
        tcpipport = self.node_new(CMAdb.NODE_tcpipport, name, unique=True, **table)
        ## FIXME? Should I make this relationship a REL_baseip + ':' + port type?
        if isserver:
            args =    (
                (tcpipport,    CMAdb.REL_baseip,        ipaddrnode, {'port':port}),
                (tcpipport,    CMAdb.REL_tcpservice,    ipproc),
                (tcpipport,    CMAdb.REL_ipphost,       dronenode))
            args =    (
                (tcpipport, CMAdb.REL_baseip,           ipaddrnode, {'port':port}),
                (ipproc,    CMAdb.REL_tcpclient,        tcpipport))
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def new_ipproc(self,            ##< Self... The usual self object
                   name,            ##< What should we be called? (no index)
                   jsonobj,         ##< The JSON ConfigContext object for us alone...
                   drone):          ##< Drone we are running on
        '''Create a new ipproc object from its JSON discovery data'''
        table = {}
        for key in jsonobj.keys():
            type = jsonobj.gettype(key)
            if not (type == CFG_BOOL or type == CFG_INT64 or type == CFG_STRING
            or      type == CFG_FLOAT or type == CFG_ARRAY):
            if jsonobj[key] is None: continue
            # We assume any arrays are of same-typed simple objects (presumably Strings)
            # This is a reasonable assumption for our process discovery data
            table[key] = jsonobj[key]
        ipproc = self.node_new(CMAdb.NODE_ipproc, name, unique=False, **table)
        self.db.relate((ipproc, CMAdb.REL_runningon, drone),)

        return ipproc
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attrs = {}
            thisport = ports[portname]
            for key in thisport.keys():
                value = thisport[key]
                if isinstance(value, pyNetAddr):
                    value = str(value)
                attrs[key] = value
            if 'sourceMAC' in thisport:
                nicmac = thisport['sourceMAC']
                nicmac = ChassisId # Hope that works ;-)
            nicnode = CMAdb.cdb.new_nic(portname, nicmac, switch, **attrs)
                assert thisport['ConnectsToHost'] == self.node['name']
                matchnic = thisport['ConnectsToInterface']
                niclist = self.node.get_related_nodes(neo4j.Direction.INCOMING, CMAdb.REL_nicowner)
                for dronenic in niclist:
                    if dronenic['nicname'] == matchnic:
                        nicnode.create_relationship_from(dronenic, CMAdb.REL_wiredto)
            except KeyError:
                print 'OOPS! got an exception...'
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def add_tcpipports(self, isserver, jsonobj, ipproc, allourips):
        '''We create tcpipports objects that correspond to the given json object in
        the context of the set of IP addresses that we support - including support
        for the ANY ipv4 and ipv6 addresses'''
        addr = str(jsonobj['addr'])
        port = jsonobj['port']
        name = addr + ':' + str(port)
        # Were we given the ANY address?
        if isserver and (addr == '' or addr == '::'):
            for ipaddr in allourips:
                name = ipaddr['name'] + ':' + str(port)
                tcpipport = CMAdb.cdb.new_tcpipport(name, isserver, jsonobj, self.node, ipproc, ipaddr)
        elif isserver:
            for ipaddr in allourips:
                if ipaddr['name'] == addr:
                    CMAdb.cdb.new_tcpipport(name, isserver, jsonobj, self.node, ipproc, ipaddr)
            raise ValueError('IP Address mismatch for Drone %s - could not find address %s'
                            % (self.node['name'], addr))
            name = addr + ':' + str(port)
            ipaddr = CMAdb.cdb.new_IPaddr(None, addr)
            CMAdb.cdb.new_tcpipport(name, isserver, jsonobj, None, ipproc, ipaddr)
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def dispatch(self, origaddr, frameset):
        fstype = frameset.get_framesettype()
        if CMAdb.debug:
            print >>sys.stderr,"DispatchJSDISCOVERY: received [%s] FrameSet from [%s]" \
        %       (FrameSetTypes.get(fstype)[0], repr(origaddr))
        sysname = None
        for frame in frameset.iter():
            if frametype == FrameTypes.HOSTNAME:
                sysname = frame.getstr()
            if frametype == FrameTypes.JSDISCOVER:
                json = frame.getstr()
                #print 'JSON received: ', json
                if sysname is None:
                    jsonconfig = pyConfigContext(init=json)
                    if not jsonconfig:
                        print 'BAD JSON [%s]' % json
                    sysname = jsonconfig.getstring('host')
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def new_IPaddr(self, nic, ipaddr, **kw):
        '''Create a new IP address (or return a pre-existing one), and point it at its parent
        NIC and its grandparent drone'''
        #print 'Adding IP address %s' % (ipaddr)
        ipaddrs = self.ipindex.get(CMAdb.NODE_ipaddr, ipaddr)
        if nic is not None:
            for ip in ipaddrs:
                if ip.is_related_to(nic, neo4j.Direction.OUTGOING, CMAdb.REL_ipowner):
                    #print 'Found this IP address (%s) ipowner-related to NIC %s' % (ipaddr, nic)
                    return ip
        if len(ipaddrs) == 0:
            ip = self.node_new(CMAdb.NODE_ipaddr, ipaddr, unique=False, **kw)
            ip = ipaddrs[0] # May have been created by a client - pick the first one...
        if nic is not None:
            ip.create_relationship_to(nic, CMAdb.REL_ipowner)
            drone = nic.get_single_related_node(neo4j.Direction.OUTGOING, CMAdb.REL_nicowner)
            ip.create_relationship_to(drone, CMAdb.REL_iphost)
        return ip
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if CMAdb.debug:
            print 'Neo4j version: %s' % str(self.dbversion)
    #   Make sure all our indexes are present and that we
    #   have a top level node for each node type for creating
    #   IS_A relationships to.  Not sure if the IS_A relationships
    #   are really needed, but they're kinda cool...
        nodetypes = {
            CMAdb.NODE_ring:    True
        ,   CMAdb.NODE_drone:   True
        ,   CMAdb.NODE_switch:  True
        ,   CMAdb.NODE_NIC:     True    # NICs are indexed by MAC address
                                        # MAC addresses are not always unique...
        ,   CMAdb.NODE_ipaddr:  True    # Note that IPaddrs also might not be unique
        ,   CMAdb.NODE_tcpipport:  True    # We index IP and port - handy to have...
        ,   CMAdb.NODE_ipproc:  False
        indices = [key for key in nodetypes.keys() if nodetypes[key]]
        self.indextbl = {}
        self.nodetypetbl = {}
        for index in indices:
            #print >>sys.stderr, ('Ensuring index %s exists' % index)
            self.indextbl[index] = self.db.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, index)
        #print >>sys.stderr, ('Ensuring index %s exists' % 'nodetype')
        self.indextbl['nodetype'] = self.db.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, 'nodetype')
        nodetypeindex = self.indextbl['nodetype']
        nodezero = self.db.get_node(0)
        for index in nodetypes.keys():
            top =  nodetypeindex.get_or_create('nodetype', index
        ,                      {'name':index, 'nodetype':'nodetype'})
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def new_ring(self, name, parentring=None, **kw):
        'Create a new ring (or return a pre-existing one), and put it in the ring index'
        ring = self.node_new(CMAdb.NODE_ring, name, unique=True,  **kw)
        if parentring is not None:
            self.db.relate((ring, CMAdb.REL_parentring, parentring.node),)
        return ring