How to use the cma.bestpractices.BestPractices function in cma

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cma examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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            elif result:
                if rule.startswith("IGNORE"):
                    if not rulecategory.lower().startswith("comment"):
                        print("IGNORE: %s ID %s %s" % (rulecategory, ruleid, rule), file=sys.stderr)
                    print("PASS:   %s ID %s %s" % (rulecategory, ruleid, rule), file=sys.stderr)
                print("FAIL:   %s ID %s %s" % (rulecategory, ruleid, rule), file=sys.stderr)
        return statuses

class BestPracticesCMA(BestPractices):
    "Security Best Practices which are evaluated against various discovery modules"
    application = "os"
    discovery_name = "JSON_proc_sys"

    def __init__(self, config, packetio, store, log, debug):
        BestPractices.__init__(self, config, packetio, store, log, debug)

    def fetch_rules(self, drone, _unusedsrcaddr, discovertype):
        """Evaluate our rules given the current/changed data.
        Note that fetch_rules is separate from rule evaluation to
        simplify testing.
        In our case, we ask our Drone to provide us with the merged rule
        sets for the current kind of incoming packet.
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def decorator(cls):
            """Register our class with the packet types given to 'register' above.
            Return value: Class that we registered.
            for pkttype in pkttypes:
                BestPractices.register_sensitivity(cls, pkttype)
            return cls
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"net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects": 1,
    "net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route": 0
    rulefile = None
    dummydrone = DummyDrone()
    for dirname in (".", "..", "../..", "../../.."):
        rulefile = "%s/best_practices/proc_sys.json" % dirname
        if os.access(rulefile, os.R_OK):
    with open(rulefile, "r") as procsys_file:
        testrules = pyConfigContext(
    testjsonobj = pyConfigContext(JSON_data)
    logger = logging.getLogger("BestPracticesTest")
    testconfig = {"allbpdiscoverytypes": ["login_defs", "pam", "proc_sys", "sshd"]}
    bpobj = BestPractices(testconfig, None, None, logger, False)
    for procsys in BestPractices.eval_classes["proc_sys"]:
        ourstats = procsys.evaluate("testdrone", None, testjsonobj, testrules, "proc_sys")
        size = sum([len(ourstats[st]) for st in ourstats.keys() if st != "score"])
        # print size, len(testrules)
        assert size == len(testrules) - 1  # One rule is an IGNOREd comment
        assert ourstats["fail"] == ["itbp-00001", "nist_V-38526", "nist_V-38601"]
        assert len(ourstats["NA"]) >= 13
        assert len(ourstats["pass"]) >= 3
        assert len(ourstats["ignore"]) == 0
        score, tstdiffs = bpobj.compute_score_updates(
            testjsonobj, dummydrone, testrules, ourstats, {}
        assert str(pyConfigContext(score)) == '{"networking":1.0,"security":4.0}'
        # pylint: disable=E1101
        assert dummydrone.bp_category_networking_score == 1.0  # should be OK for integer values
        assert dummydrone.bp_category_security_score == 4.0  # should be OK for integer values
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oldstats = pyConfigContext(
                {"pass": [], "fail": [], "ignore": [], "NA": [], "score": 0.0}
        for stat in ("pass", "fail", "ignore", "NA"):
            logmethod = if stat == "pass" else self.log.warning
            for ruleid in results[stat]:
                oldstat = None
                for statold in ("pass", "fail", "ignore", "NA"):
                    if ruleid in oldstats[statold]:
                        oldstat = statold
                if oldstat == stat or stat == "NA":
                    # No change
                url = self.url(drone, ruleid, rulesobj[ruleid])
                BestPractices.send_rule_event(oldstat, stat, drone, ruleid, rulesobj, url)
                thisrule = rulesobj[ruleid]
                rulecategory = thisrule["category"]
                    "%s %sED %s rule %s: %s [%s]"
                    % (drone, stat.upper(), rulecategory, ruleid, url, thisrule["rule"])
        self.compute_score_updates(discoveryobj, drone, rulesobj, results, oldstats)
        setattr(drone, status_name, str(results))
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if rule.startswith("IGNORE"):
                    if not rulecategory.lower().startswith("comment"):
                        print("IGNORE: %s ID %s %s" % (rulecategory, ruleid, rule), file=sys.stderr)
                    print("PASS:   %s ID %s %s" % (rulecategory, ruleid, rule), file=sys.stderr)
                print("FAIL:   %s ID %s %s" % (rulecategory, ruleid, rule), file=sys.stderr)
        return statuses

class BestPracticesCMA(BestPractices):
    "Security Best Practices which are evaluated against various discovery modules"
    application = "os"
    discovery_name = "JSON_proc_sys"

    def __init__(self, config, packetio, store, log, debug):
        BestPractices.__init__(self, config, packetio, store, log, debug)

    def fetch_rules(self, drone, _unusedsrcaddr, discovertype):
        """Evaluate our rules given the current/changed data.
        Note that fetch_rules is separate from rule evaluation to
        simplify testing.
        In our case, we ask our Drone to provide us with the merged rule
        sets for the current kind of incoming packet.
        return drone.get_merged_bp_rules(discovertype)
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but the reverse cannot be true.

        It's perfectly normal for a rule set to not contain all the rules that
        a basis rule set specifies, which means they aren't overridden.

        It's also perfectly OK for a dependent rule set to have rules not
        present in the basis rule set.
        store.load_or_create(BPRuleSet, rulesetname=rulesetname, basisrules=basedon)
        files = sorted(os.listdir(directoryname))
        for filename in files:
            if filename.startswith("."):
            path = os.path.join(directoryname, filename)
            classname = filename.replace(".json", "")
            yield BestPractices.load_from_file(store, path, classname, rulesetname, basedon)
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def _processpkt_by_type(self, drone, srcaddr, evaltype, jsonobj):
        """process a discovery object against its set of rules"""
        # print >> sys.stderr, 'IN PROCESSPKT_BY_TYPE for %s: %s %s' % \
        #   (drone, evaltype, BestPractices.eval_objects[evaltype])
        for rule_obj in BestPractices.eval_objects[evaltype]:
            # print  >> sys.stderr, 'Fetching %s rules for %s' % (evaltype, drone)
            rulesobj = rule_obj.fetch_rules(drone, srcaddr, evaltype)
            # print >> sys.stderr, 'RULES ARE:', rulesobj
            statuses = pyConfigContext(
                rule_obj.evaluate(drone, srcaddr, jsonobj, rulesobj, evaltype)
            # print >> sys.stderr, 'RESULTS ARE:', statuses
            self.log_rule_results(statuses, drone, srcaddr, jsonobj, evaltype, rulesobj)
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def __init__(self, config, packetio, store, log, debug):
        BestPractices.__init__(self, config, packetio, store, log, debug)
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def __init__(self, config, packetio, store=None, log=None, debug=False):
        """Initialize our BestPractices object"""
        DiscoveryListener.__init__(self, config, packetio, store, log, debug)
        if self.__class__ != BestPractices:
        for pkttype in config["allbpdiscoverytypes"]:
            BestPractices.register_sensitivity(BestPracticesCMA, pkttype)
        for pkttype in BestPractices.eval_classes:
            if pkttype not in BestPractices.eval_objects:
                BestPractices.eval_objects[pkttype] = []
            if pkttype not in BestPractices.evaled_classes:
                BestPractices.evaled_classes[pkttype] = {}

            for bpcls in BestPractices.eval_classes[pkttype]:
                if bpcls not in BestPractices.evaled_classes[pkttype]:
                        bpcls(config, packetio, store, log, debug)
                BestPractices.evaled_classes[pkttype][bpcls] = True