How to use the cloudmonkey.__maintainer__ function in cloudmonkey

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cloudmonkey examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github apache / cloudstack-cloudmonkey / View on Github external

# Upgrade notes for 5.3.0
print "If you're upgrading, run the following to enable parameter completion:"
print "  cloudmonkey sync"
print "  cloudmonkey set paramcompletion true"
print "Parameter completion may fail, if the above is not run!"

    name = 'cloudmonkey',
    version = __version__,
    author = __project__,
    author_email = __projectemail__,
    maintainer = __maintainer__,
    maintainer_email = __maintaineremail__,
    url = __projecturl__,
    description = __description__,
    long_description = "cloudmonkey is a CLI for Apache CloudStack",
    platforms = ("Any",),
    license = 'ASL 2.0',
    packages = find_packages(),
    install_requires = requires,
    include_package_data = True,
    zip_safe = False,
    classifiers = [
        "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
        "Environment :: Console",
        "Intended Audience :: Developers",
        "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop",
        "Operating System :: OS Independent",
github apache / cloudstack / tools / cli / View on Github external
from cloudmonkey import __version__, __description__
from cloudmonkey import __maintainer__, __maintaineremail__
from cloudmonkey import __project__, __projecturl__, __projectemail__

    import readline
except ImportError:

    name = 'cloudmonkey',
    version = __version__,
    author = __project__,
    author_email = __projectemail__,
    maintainer = __maintainer__,
    maintainer_email = __maintaineremail__,
    url = __projecturl__,
    description = __description__,
    long_description = "cloudmonkey is a CLI for Apache CloudStack",
    platforms = ("Any",),
    license = 'ASL 2.0',
    packages = find_packages(),
    install_requires = [
    include_package_data = True,
    zip_safe = False,
    classifiers = [
        "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
        "Environment :: Console",